HERE. Seattle Public Schools interim supe Susan Enfield will be answering your burning, itching questions all day Wednesday, April 13 on Questionland. We have already received 55 questions, now it's time for you to vote for your favorite one.

Enfield has only committed to answering 10—so the votes are really important. Questionland hopes that she answers more, but we'll see. You could also request her to answer more.

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Some of the questions with the highest votes so far:
Will you cut Central Administration costs from 9% down to 6%, like every other district in the state?

Will you put Teach for America teachers (who have 5 weeks of training) in front of students, or will you rehire riffed teachers with experience?

Will you spend even more money on standardized testing, or will you rehire career counselors, and paraprofessionals to work with students?

Will you lay off elementary counselors?

A group of people showed up at the school board meeting Wednesday asking the district to protect the jobs of Seattle Public School counselors. The district is currently facing a $35 million budget deficit and is considering cuts in a lot of areas, including counselors, central office staff and even teachers.

The district doesn't know the extent of how many teachers will be laid off, but SPS spokesperson Teresa Wippel said "it is expected to be minimal given that we are projecting significant enrollment growth." While determining layoffs, the district also takes into account projected attrition through resignations and retirements.