Washington state is filled with stupid fucking Jenny-McCarthy-worshiping, anti-vaccine hippies, according to a new study published in the Centers for Disease Control's widely respected (but awfully named) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. According to the study, Washington ranks among the worst in meeting childhood vaccination targets, ranging between 88 and 93 percent for "required" vaccinations like polio, whooping cough, measles, hepatitis B, and chickenpox. The national target is 95 percent. But even more embarrassing, we now lead the nation in parent-signed exemptions at 6.2 percent, a rate that has more than doubled over the past decade.

Stupid fucking Jenny-McCarthy-worshiping hippies.

“Most of today’s parents weren’t around to see how bad diseases like measles and whooping cough were before vaccines helped bring them under control,” Secretary of Health Mary Selecky said in a prepared statement. “We’ve done a good job fending off those diseases with vaccines, but we can’t be complacent; we’re seeing them start to make a comeback and too many of our kids are vulnerable."

And not just the kids of all those stupid fucking Jenny-McCarthy-worshiping hippies. Also vulnerable are children who are too young or too immune-compromised to be vaccinated, who would normally be protected by "herd immunity," but who are now being put at risk of catching deadly diseases thanks to these stupid fucking hippie child-killers and their bullshit science.

Note to hippies: Vaccines do not cause autism! They just don't. And there is zero non-fraudulent science to suggest otherwise. But what vaccines are proven to do is save lives and avert unneeded suffering. So get your damn kids vaccinated!