Come Skerritt with me!
  • Come Skerritt with me!

Ernie Piper IV strongly suggests you watch 12 Angry Lebanese, if only so you can sympathize with his big, fat crush on director Zeina Daccache. This documentary is a “compelling study of inmate psychology.” Daccache, a drama therapist, works with prisoners to put on a production of 12 Angry Men. (Stop drooling, Piper. You’re embarrassing yourself.)

Paul Constant, who has never nor ever will snatch a corpse, would like to prove to you that not only stoned adolescents are able to enjoy the humor of Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz). Burke & Hare is a "macabre romp about science, the birth of photography, and the world’s first all-woman production of Macbeth,” all of which adds up to a “very funny, very dark little film.” Isla Fisher (Wedding Crashers, Confessions of a Shopaholic) and Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings, preciousss) costar.

The disembodied voice of Jen Graves will seek you out and pester you to see As If I Am Not There, a film “cobbled together from the true stories of the women brutalized as sex slaves during the Bosnian war in the ’90s.” Yikes. Ms. Graves hurries to reassure you that the rape scenes in the film “are survivable and horrifying all at once.” So that’s OK, then. Right?

Here is all of SIFF!

And don't forget Tom Skerritt Happy Hour at Vermillion next Wednesday!