What about the word udder? Is udder okay?
  • Moon Light PhotoStudio/Shutterstock
  • What about the word "udder"? Is "udder" okay?

Our local NPR station bleeped "uterus"—and "rectum," and "vagina," and "cervix"—in an interview with a farmer about artificially inseminating a cow:

Hibbs: “So then I put my hand in her [bleep]—you’re probably not going to put this on the radio—and then the tricky part is threading the AI gun through her [bleep] because you have to get it past the [bleep]. And then deposit it in her [bleep]. Piece of cake. Done deal.”

Am I the only one who would absolutely assume that the farmer was saying MUCH worse things that "uterus," etc.?! KUOW says they did it "for effect" and to "keep the kids in the car from going ewww." In my humble former-child-familiar-with-cows opinion, kid should be okay—or get okay—with the word "uterus," etc., and cows are an excellent context for learning about it (arguably better than talking about Mommy's pertinent parts, for example). Anyhow, KUOW says, "For the less squeamish among you"—that's all of Slog, unless I'm very much mistaken—"here’s what Hibbs said, uncensored":

"So then I put my hand in her rectum—you’re probably not going to put this on the radio—and then the tricky part is threading the AI gun through her vagina, because you have to get it past the cervix. And then deposit it in her uterus. Piece of cake. Done deal.”