One of the most Marxist passages in Thomas Piketty's blockbuster book, Capital in the 21st Century, and Piketty is not a Marxist but an actual economist (meaning, he factors in politics into his economic thinking—the neoclassical school, of course, did no such thing and also wanted nothing to do with history) is this, which concerns the tax havens that hide assets amounting to nearly 10% of global GDP:

[If] one adds up the financial statistics for the various countries of the world, one finds that the poor countries also have a negative position and that the world as a whole is in a substantially negative situation. It seems, in other words, that Earth must be owned by Mars.

  • NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

What makes it Marxist is not its unkind or mocking tone to the rich but the fact that it refers to how capital not only alienates labor, a theme Marx properly inaugurated with the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, but the whole planet itself. In the age of scientifically validated climate change, and as capitalist growth (Marx's vampire— "capital... lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks") continues to destroy the only world we kind of understand, and forces us into one we have no idea about...
On the same day the world's scientists issued their latest report on climate change and the risks it poses to society, America's biggest oil and gas company said the world's climate policies are "highly unlikely" to stop it from selling fossil fuels far into the future.

...this image of red Mars, other Mars, lifeless Mars, capital Mars, alien Mars is certainly Piketty at his most Marxist.