Stickers Oct 27, 2022 at 1:05 pm

Seattle Sticker Patrol: Your Boyfriend Loves Pornhub

Also: A Little Bit of George Carlin Spotted in the Wild

Jess Stein

Quick note: Hello, my sweet sticker lovers. I just wanted to let you know that I will be on a much-needed vacation for the next three weeks. I'm sure I'll have tons of new stickers to see and share with you once I'm back. Thanks for reading, and see you in November! Onto the stickies: 

Dump Him!

Guilty as charged. JK

No comment, except for that this—of course—reminded me of that iconic Britney tee.

The Freedom of Taking a Bath in the Kitchen Sink

Spotted on Capitol Hill. JK

Psychedelic baby or AI-generated baby? The world may never know...

This One Is for the Swifties 

Didn't know this was a Taylor Swift lyric until I looked it up. JK

I personally haven't really gotten into Taylor's music, but I can appreciate her cultural impact. This is a lyric from "Closure," btw.

George Carlin Lives On...

Have you seen that HBO documentary on him? It's interesting. JK

Some Carlin to end the column. I love this comedy special, it's so deliciously cynical and prescient. I was more than happy to run into him on my walk:

As always, if any of these stickers belong to you, please e-mail me at

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