When it comes to expressing the greatness of Yasujiro Ozu’s films, one has to quote the German director Wim Wenders: “For me, never before and never again since has the cinema been so close to its essence and its purpose: to present an image of man in our century, a usable, true and valid image…” Tokyo Story, which is considered to be Ozu’s greatest film and which Sight and Sound currently rates as the second greatest film ever made (above 2001 and Citizen Kane, below Vertigo), is simple, clear, and deep. It really is a film about being human—living with others, experiencing social change, growing old, dying. Ozu’s cinema is one of the best windows into the soul of humankind. (Grand Illusion, 1403 NE 50th St, www.grandillusioncinema.org, 7:30 pm, $8)