Bruce Hall
EVENT: He's the host of Spin the Bottle, Annex's late-night variety show, which is moving to Velocity MainSpace on Capitol Hill. [Note: The theater editor is also the artistic director of Annex Theatre. Out of 52 bio boxes a year, two or three are Annex-related. Complain if you want to.]
How long has this show been going on? "The first Spin the Bottle was right after the new QFC on Pike opened--what is that, four years?"
Are you bored with it? "I try to think of new things all the time for my contribution to it. Unfortunately, I usually think of them about half an hour before the show. Often I try out new musical numbers that I might do later on a tour."
Your own personal tour? "Yeah."
Where would you tour? "Around the continent."
Sort of a Bruce Hall and Dawn kind of thing? "Christina Mastin and I have talked about putting a road show together. And I always like to meet the audience. I liked the show where we played the Un-Game."
The what? "Back when we started. It was a raffle prize. It's a getting-to-know-you game from the '70s--I think it's of Christian origin."
Do you remember any of the questions? "One was, 'What do you do when you can't fall asleep?'"
What's your answer? "I get up if I don't fall asleep in 10 minutes."
I know you better already. I understand you used to work at Disneyland. "Ah yes, the happiest place on Earth. I worked there in 1989 and 1990, on the world-famous Jungle Cruise and the Enchanted Tiki Room."
Where does a Jungle Cruise guide stand in the Disneyland hierarchy? "The Jungle Cruise was everyone's last choice, because you have to interact with people. It's much easier to put people on a ride, push a button, and they go. I actually requested the Jungle Cruise--I always wanted to work in the movies and work on the Jungle Cruise, and I got to do both."
What movie did you work on? "I worked at the movies. The City Centre Theatre. It was at a mall called 'The City.' But I never got tired of the popcorn."
What made it city-like? "Uhm... I don't know. It was surrounded by parking?"