Lisa Anne Glomb
EVENT: Glomb is directing The Return to Morality for Seattle Theatre Project.
What's the most immoral thing you've ever done? "I'm trying to think in terms of dangerous or illegal--does that count? I once smuggled a friend into Mexico in the wheel well of a car."
What for? "He didn't have his tourist pass, and we really wanted to go. He told me not to leave him in there for more than 20 minutes, but while trying to explain things to the authorities, I probably left him in there for an hour."
What were you explaining? "Why I was traveling alone, driving a car to which I didn't have the registration. I was 19. So I feel I was able to justify nearly killing my friend."
He must have been very flexible. "A lot of the plays that I do are about flexible ethics--what we choose to believe, what we give up to authority or a group mentality--letting other people do our thinking for us."
So what you did with your friend was immoral because... "I was sacrificing his safety for my own. I chose to believe I was making the right decision, even though I put him at risk. Besides, it was all his fault."
Weren't you in as much danger as he was? "Oh, much more. I was in shorts and a halter top in a border police station 50 miles into Mexico."
Did you go to the beach? "We spent a lovely week down at the beach and had a great time. We ran the car into a ditch--again, his fault."
Was this a boyfriend or just a friend? "A friend. He was sort of the Neal Cassady of my youth."
And you were the Jack Kerouac. "Exactly."