Theater Sep 10, 2009 at 4:00 am

An Hour and 47 Minutes of Not-So-Magical Theater

Sittin’ on the dock of the bay. chris bennion


As much as I love Slouching Towards Bethlehem and The White Album, I have to admit that I put The Year of Magical Thinking down after I got about half-way through the (very short) book. Indeed, I left the book feeling like Didion is a mediocre writer who'd like my pity.
hmmm. too bad it's a waste.
I saw the performance 12 September. I had been looking forward to this and was very disappointed. From the opening threat that "this will happen to you", it went downhill. I really couldn't take anything away from this other than I would suggest (not even recommend) it as a resource to any wealthy, professional writers who happened to experience the loss of a loved one. Not sure what the heck they would take from it, though.
@ 1 -- You read The White Album and you still think Didion is a mediocre writer? I don't follow. Not possible! Have you read After Henry?

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