In slightly more exciting theater news: a Texas university has canceled a student production of Corpus Christi, a play about a gay Jesus and his gay disciples by Terrence McNally:

... early on Friday, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst condemned the performance, saying in a press release that “no one should have the right to use government funds or institutions to portray acts that are morally reprehensible to the vast majority of Americans.” Although Tarleton’s president, F. Dominic Dottavio, first defended the students’ right to perform a play he considered “offensive, crude and irreverent,” university officials changed course late Friday night, canceling the performance after receiving threatening calls and e-mail messages.

I'd like to see Mr. Dewhurst show his work. Can he demonstrate that gayness is "morally reprehensible to the vast majority of Americans"? But as long as we're pulling statistics out of our asses, I'm betting that a much vaster majority of Americans think murder is more morally reprehensible than gayness. As is incest. And rape. And cannibalism.

So we'd better make sure no government funds or institutions are used to teach Hamlet. Or Macbeth. Or Titus Andronicus or King John—really, best be safe and cut Shakespeare (that relentless portrayer of morally reprehensible acts) out of the curriculum altogether.

Right, Lt. Gov.?

Also: They're your people (your morally reprehending pals) who are making the threats that canceled the show, Lt. Gov. I hope you take as much time out of your busy schedule to condemn threats of violence as you do to condemn threats of theater classes.

Also-also: Slog commenter Proteus makes this excellent point:

Anybody who points to the threats against Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard as proof of the craziness of Muslims should pay close attention to the death threats employed by Christians in our very own country (well, Texas, but close enough) any time somebody portrays Jesus in way they don't like.

Clearly, they hate our freedom.