

I doubt Durkan has ever ridden a bus.


Given all the major fuckups by SDOT under the previous administration, I would be cautious in assuming they somehow managed to get a great deal on the kiosks. Maybe they did, and the new mayor is blowing a rare opportunity. Or maybe this was a flawed agreement, just like all the other SDOT public transportation failures (the streetcar, the buses for Madison BRT, the Move Seattle levy, etc.).


I'm with @2 on this one. SDOT and Metro have zero credibility of successfully executing a new project of any ambitious size or scope.

Whatever funding would have been allocated to this project (however worthy it might have been; for me, Charles is a negative barometer...) should instead be invested in a massive auditing and restructure of SDOT and Metro, with Priority #1 of getting those two agencies to communicate and cooperate (like maybe signal prioritization for buses, a total prohibition on parking on arterials served by buses, etc.).


@ Charles Mudede, you meant SEAlinkā„¢ not SeattleLink.


How can you possibly write about Seattle bus stops and completely ignore the fact each one has original art from local artists? Sounds like you've never seen one. Here are just a few.



Street furniture that you can't sit down on, continuously blasting commercials into your eyeballs on your commute.

But hey, there's free wi-fi so you can have two screens blasting advertising at you, not just one, so that balances out, right?


Iā€™d imagine that if they had built these things in SLU, The Stranger wouldā€™ve been writing negative think pieces about how they represent some part of Jeff Bezosā€™s anatomy or psyche.


Seattle is JUST SO DIFFERENT we cannot possibly do anything like that! The VERY IDEA!


@12) Instead of the bumper crop of shoppers that would be brought in by a fun riding experience.


This wifi much of my personal data would they intercept?


Should we be encouraging people to get out their expensive electronics devices at bus shelters?

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