Transportation Sep 4, 2024 at 1:09 pm

And How Are We Supposed to Explain This Appalling Story to the Curious Tourist?

A ferry with a view of noir. Charles Mudede



Iā€™m not convinced this is a real Charles Mudede article. It mentions neither Hegel nor communism even once.


There ghosts are there...


To be fair, 695 was struck down by the courts; Governor Locke and the Legislature passed it into law in 2000.




I think a casual tourist sitting in the Athenian would conclude, as most of us here have, that "those folks up in the San Juans are all nutters." Remember Ruth Neslund.


Trump and is cult have emboldened every asshole to do whatever the fuck they want because they believe they have some god given right to do so. It's really unfortunate that so many people in this country need a serious reeducation on how to behave.


You want a view of noir?
Wait until late November!


Delays and cancellations have been SOP for the ferry system for years now. They should simply market it as part of that PNW quirkiness & charm.
Let the guy who likes child porn rot in jail until his trial.


The captain should be stripped of his command and fired for cause (imperiling his pension) for trying to blackmail a judge - this is insanity.

Thanks Charles for bringing it to our attention!

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