The Electable, Delectable Mr. Cogswell

Recently I had occasion to watch the 1999 film The Talented Mr. Ripley, and was completely distracted by how much Matt Damon, in the personage of Tom Ripley, reminded me of city council candidate Grant Cogswell. It wasn't just the glasses, or the low, slightly monotone voice given to jump an octave when excited, but also the way his lip would curl in a not-quite sneer when he was pleased or disgusted. I wondered if Cogswell knew that his doppelgänger was a movie star playing an evil-minded identity-stealer, so I asked him. The movie's title was barely out my mouth when he exclaimed, "I know! It is! It's me 10 years ago!"

How can you not like such a man?

Therefore, I'd like to take a minute to plug an upcoming arts fundraiser for Cogswell's campaign. Anyone who's following the campaign knows that he's running on a transportation platform, but he's also a potent force for the arts, supporting affordable live/work spaces, arts education in schools, and increased funding for arts in general. And, he has pointed out, transportation is not just about reducing traffic, but about access and social justice and freedom from expensive cars. In addition, Cogswell is a poet--perhaps the most marginalized of artists--so knows from artistic struggle.

The event will be on Saturday, October 20 at Vital 5 Productions, with readings by authors Jonathan Raban and Stacey Levine, and music from a band to be announced, along with food, booze, and schmooze. Tickets are a measly $25. What? What's that? Full disclosure? Oh, all right: My boyfriend is running Grant's campaign, Vital 5 is a gallery owned by a friend of mine, and the starfucker in me really wants to meet Jonathan Raban. But none of this makes Cogswell one whit less the deserving candidate. For information, contact Katie Kurtz at or 320-8593.

Paul Says: Thanks Paul

City prince Paul G. Allen, whose fortune today is reported at $27 billion, has awarded $4,000 to It Plays in Peoria Productions to sustain the Auburn spoken-word performance and resource center Northwest Spoken Word Lab (SPLAB!). SPLAB! co-founder Paul Nelson said, "We have always felt that the [Allen] foundation and SPLAB! would be a good fit, as we share a vision of using art for its highest purpose: to help people respond creatively to the chaos of post-modern living." SPLAB! hosts readings, poetry and performance workshops, writers' critique circles, and youth mentoring programs, among other literary events in this post-modern world. MEG VAN HUYGEN

The Awesome Mr. Roach

Thanks to top-notch reporting in The Stranger, artist Phil Roach is headed down under for the Awesome Arts Festival. An unnamed Aussie scout was gadding about the States this summer looking for an international guest artist for the festival. Languishing in Seattle, utterly bored, on the verge of giving up, he picked up a copy of The Stranger. In it, he read a Stranger Suggests item about Roach's eerie miniature rooms contained in boxes. He hastened to Nico Gallery to see the work, and immediately contracted Roach to bring the show to Perth for the November event.

Awesome Arts is a festival devoted to art by and for children, but every year features a fabulous international artist as well. Recent guests have included Gelatin, the Austrian performance group, and the enormous inflatable installations of Architects of Air. I am so proud of Mr. Roach! I am choking up. Excuse me. BRENDAN RICHARDS