Being involved in art can sometimes feel like you're not supposed to be involved in politics. The arts are separate, never political, always autonomous. Whatever! As Arthur Danto points out in his essay "Dangerous Art," that way of thinking is a philosophical trap set to neuter art—and it's also the most obvious evidence of art's potential political power.

For those of us committed on both sides of the arts/politics aisle, and who wonder whether the aisle is really there in the first place, there's The Arts Politic, a newish blog and online/print magazine edited by the truly impressive Jasmine Jamillah Mahmoud, who is now based here in Seattle, where she works with Arts Corps.

There is some content you can read for free, but you have to pay $7 for a full digital download. Meh, right? Except that they're trying to pay artists and writers a wage, as opposed to taking their labor for free. And check out this table of contents. I just ordered my download and I'm sure I've spent a worse $7. Bookmark it!