The unused something-somethings at the Frye.
  • The unused something-somethings at the Frye.
I will get to what I am really writing about in a second. But first, what is the architectural term for a hole formed in the side of a building in order to house a sculpture? FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CANNOT REMEMBER THIS, and I lack the ability to search this, apparently. It is making me slightly insane.

And now to the application of this term:

When the architects at Olson Sundberg Kundig etc (I imagine the firm was called something else at the time, and it's now called something else still) designed the Frye Art Museum in 1997, they created these outdoor arches where art could sit. They created modern, rectangular versions of the curvy ancient forms, and hoped some art would activate them, Rick Sundberg told me in an interview last year.

But in all those 13 years, nobody ever had—until Implied Violence showed up to slosh around in the reflecting pool and install and operate simple machines inside these shelvey things in a marathon performance a few weekends ago.

That Monday morning, I got excited and called the architecture firm to find out what they'd thought. But it turns out nobody went. Frown.

Architects: Go watch the video of that performance now playing in the galleries! It's black and white, but maybe you can get a sense for how your work worked. It was pretty great use of the otherwise empty forms that just sit out there every day alone. I hope the Frye will continue to use them, because now, having once been used, they look lonelier than ever.