Q: Why didn't anyone save this artist from himself?
A: In the world of contemporary art, everyone gets a gold star just for trying. It's gotten to the point that even the most absurd bullshit is given a pass and often an enthusiastic nod by critics like Jen Graves.
Oh, artists.
"I am totally full of shit"
There isn't enough Thousand Island dressing in the world to make that bowl of word salad digestible.
Sorry buddy, still not convinced.
"I remove the impertinent and bland elements of experience" = 'I ignore boring shit'
"and exalt the important" = 'and then I focus on the interesting shit'
"to communicate the magnitude of an event or scenario" = 'to emphasize the significance of an event'
"in terms of human experience and sensation" = 'in ways people can relate to.'
So, basically, the dude is saying he focuses on interesting things so people will be interested.
A: Insufficient critics are sufficiently critical.
Too few people care or have standards.
That is... unless I can pass off punching artists as a form of artistic expression.
A: In the world of contemporary art, everyone gets a gold star just for trying. It's gotten to the point that even the most absurd bullshit is given a pass and often an enthusiastic nod by critics like Jen Graves.