This dee-lightful drawing is by Joey Veltkamp, a one-man redress for the womenless worlds many gay male artists picture in their works.
I feel like just as Washington has the progressive chutzpah to make marriage equality a reality, we also have the chops to address the age-old dominance of dudes in every area, queer life not excluded. Male Seattle artists like Veltkamp, Jeffry Mitchell, and Matthew Offenbacher—and, I'm sure, others I'm not crediting here—deal with these questions directly, openly, lovingly, and naturally, non-defensively.
Veltkamp and Christopher Buening have a show opening tonight at True Love Art Gallery on Capitol Hill. It's called Light Therapy, and it follows on what's been a rough year for both of them, Velkamp says. You should see it, 'specially if you're a woman. Because men without women look sad, like this (below). I love you even more than normal this week, Seattle.