Visual Art Aug 21, 2013 at 4:00 am

The Unmarketed Paintings of Ruthie V.


Whose cool are you talking about?
"she'll name-check Vuillard"

Jeez...poser douche much? If that's what it takes to impress, mentioning a random artist, then...Frans Snyders. It's why I paint dead animals.

Oooh...I feel so impressive.
Is it really name-checking to be specific when someone asks you about your inspiration?
just as Andrew responded I'm alarmed that anyone can make $4705 in 1 month on the computer. did you see this web link... C­­­a­­f­­e­­4­­4.ℂ­­­o­­m
I think you may have it backwards –If you don’t want it judged, don’t put it out there as art. Once your “art” is out of your studio and being shown publicly it is opened for critique.
Barony! What about you???
You are wrong!!!
As for me I think this art performance also not so bad..

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