
Like upcycling on Etsy.
I've got an old Marantz that's begging to be plugged in to that stack.
What do you mean, "1970s and 1980s-era speakers to spare"? I'm still using mine.
@3 Seriously. If those old Technic speakers still work, please just donate them to Good Will. Some broke college student will appreciate a bangin' stereo system way more than this phony-ass monument to 70s nostalgia. The gallery is a sepulcher - music is for the living.
I only have old mono speakers in sets of two, unfortunately.
Why is SAM rehashing this B.S. again? Didn't we just see a version of this at The Henry last year? It shows a real lack of good judgement on their part and is a sad statement on the bare bones reality of SAM these days. What happened to Catherine Manchanda and her presence there by the way?
Saw a link to this posted on, a stereo enthusiast's message board, and I gotta say, the overwhelming response there was, "What a waste of perfectly good speakers!" I'm inclined to agree. The musical art these speakers make, or could make with an investment of $20 to $40, would be far greater than the visual art.

Believe it or not, there's a vibrant culture of vintage stereo gear lovers out there who'd give their eye teeth for a lot of these speakers.

Reduce. REUSE. Recycle.
looks like a crime to me. A lot of speakers from that era are great, very musical sounding. How about painting a picture or making a sculpture or something instead of doing this?

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