Visual Art Nov 6, 2013 at 4:00 am

The Strict Art of What's Not There

Newsprint, clean linen, livestock detritus, and pillows. courtesy of henry art gallery


"What we have done."

seems like that is what the Henry should be asking themselves these days…
and "when will it end"?

or what about-
"what (or who) have I done to deserve this?"

or how about-
"what haven't I done?"

or maybe-
"what am I doing?"

or plain old-
What we have done to death.
Yup! Pillows on the floor with a cute twitter sized preface..... What now Michelangelo?! He's probably pretty embarassed with nothing but the sistine chapel on his resume. Don't even get me started on Van Gogh. He'd probably cut the other ear off after hearing how his work was so thoroughly overshadowed by those animals nobody saw.

I however was a little peeved when I heard about the newspapers on the floor. I think the artist might have plagiarized the idea from me when I was house training my puppies.
Oh, to be a "modern artist." What a racket.
There are no seven paragraphs, or a hundred, no matter how earnestly written, that can make that "installation" NOT be meaningless, pointless, banal, and hapless.

I appreciated this piece because it made me realize how wonderful all of the other pieces in the museum are
#6 for the win.
My Modest Proposal: Take a dump in the men's restroom. Place a card on the toilet seat, reading: "Turd of an Acrobat, 2013." I wonder how long this "installation" would stay there before being flushed.

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