Visual Art Dec 19, 2018 at 4:00 am

And what does it mean to be a fruit?

Do you see the word “butt” hidden in the peachy part of the watermelon? Courtesy of Jacob Lawrence Gallery



@1 Still not pausing to think before you post I see.


If one looks closer the head of a penis is protrudes from the figure's mouth.


For previous post that should be " protruding from the figures mouth".


and before you ask, yes, this is a direct quote of Jhené Aiko's verse in Omarion's 2014 song "Post to Be"

Just before I was going to ask, snuck right in there while I was typing.

Jeez raindrop, that's lazy, some days you act like a human being who never learned some things, and then you roll out this weak reflex troll. It's like the dad joke of trolling, I guess, it's so weak that's even part of the point? It's pro forma virtue signalling for troll?


@3 I'm not getting the D, can you talk explicitly and help me grasp it?

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