Most Americans are racist AF and are perfectly comfortable living their lives and not thinking about or caring about anyone other than themselves. Only when something affects them directly do they care. They don't even care that hundreds of billions of their taxpayer dollars have been spent on slaughtering civilians worldwide. They don't even care about the slaughter and starvation that is happening on a daily basis in THIS country. As long as it's not happening to them they DNGAF.
This country has made it clear it chooses comfort (for the few) and fascism (for the rest).
An alternative explanation: young people's mouths grow faster than their eyes and ears and brains. They can make loud sounds long before they can understand much of anything.
As someone in his 50s I don't understand how generations lose their capacity for empathy. Empathy for me has only grown as I've gotten older. I do understand how our capitalistic culture demonizes anyone and everyone perceived as being in a relative state of weakness. Capitalism HATES weakness and nobody is more "weak" (in a Capitalist view) than poor people (the LEAST capitalistic). It's how it justifies genocide.
Eh it's a case by case basis. Muslims, Jews and Christians have been fighting over that same piece of fucking desert because their religions have all made the same claim to that piece of land as holy and sacred. If they actually understood the lessons in their religious texts (i.e. don't be assholes, treat your neighbors with respect) then they wouldn't be carrying on a conflict thousands of years old. They're all stubborn fucks who can't learn how to be good neighbors. I'm done with empathy for Israelis and Palestinians. The world would be better off if they both bombed each other to smithereens and we can be done with their hatred and stupidity.
You do have to admit that a the root of all this is Abrahamic religion nonsense.
As I have said before, I think this all comes down to ignorance of geography, bible-based nonsense, and racist feelings, whether it be anti-Semitism or bad feeling against "Arabs" that has been fueled since the Iranian revolution, and went int overdrive after 911. Add to that a popular culture that fetishizes death and violence, and there you have it.
@1. Not to invalidate the truth of your words and observations, but to not give up on a better future. Maybe Bernie can help us dream of a future worth fighting for.
@11 absolutely agree re: religion @12 a better future is a pipe dream. I truly pity anyone with a child under the age of 18 and really I pity anyone under the age of 50 because what is coming is going to be a fucking horror show that none of us can even begin to comprehend. At least I will be dead.
As for Biden, he must be counting on the fact that SCOTUS is going to rule Presidents can't be held accountable for the crimes they commit.
There is no LESSER OF TWO EVILS. There is only EVIL.
'Most Thorough Legal Analysis' Yet Concludes Israel Committing Genocide in Gaza
The University Network for Human Rights report also stresses that other nations are legally obligated to "refrain from recognizing Israel's breaches as legal or taking any actions that may amount to complicity."
If you’ve been wondering why the students have been protesting, here is your answer.
--Annie; Minnesota
Finally some real journalism. Thanks for this detailed account. It comes 6 months too late, but better late than never.
--Insia Fatima; Brooklyn
This is why I find American support for Israel’s current war so perplexing. People who despise right-wing strongmen like Trump and Orban seem to have bent over backwards to forget that on October 6th, Netanyahu was a right-wing extremist who’d cobbled together a coalition with even more extreme conservatives, and was in the midst of trying to dismantle the court system that might check his power.
If you opposed the Iraq War because you didn’t trust W. Bush, why on earth would you trust Netanyahu to do the right thing?
--NRW; Maine
I'm afraid these terrorists are running things here in Israel. They have a strong hold on prime minister Netanyahu, being the most important piece of his current coalition after everyone else refused to ally with him, and as such they exploit their power in order to bring forth their delusional biblical theories into reality.
These lawless people, these outcasts, who have been for years living in the outskirts of Israeli society, have taken an iron grip on Israel's most fundamental institutions, and are now de facto in control.
US readers must understand that Israel is being run by these people and by them alone. Mr. Netanyahu is nothing but a mere puppet.
October 7th could have been avoided along with the consequential ongoing conflict we see now, if these war mongers were handled in the only effective way: imprisonment and trial on charges of treason against the Israeli state.
They are no better then Hamas - both being terrorists seeking destruction and death in martyrdom.
Keep that in mind when you read and listen to news about Mr. Ben Gvir, and Mr. Smotrich - both no more than mere hoodlums - they not only speak for the Israeli government - they control it.
I hope readers can remember that these people do not represent the entirety of the Israeli public, and that there at least 50% of the Israeli public who strongly oppose their rule.
Hopefully we can turn things around. Please, don't give up on us.
--yon; israel
This story is told in three parts. The first documents the unequal system of justice that grew around Jewish settlements in Gaza and the West Bank.
The second shows how extremists targeted not only Palestinians but also Israeli officials trying to make peace.
The third explores how this movement gained control of the state itself. Taken together, they tell the story of how a radical ideology moved from the fringes to the heart of Israeli political power. –nyt
‘Their practice of accusing anybody who refuses to endorse their views of murder — hence the otherwise bizarre chants accusing figures like American university professors and administrators of “genocide” — reimagines any dissent from the movement’s demands as a form of literal violence.’
‘Jewish students have been forced to endure an atmosphere of eliminationist rhetoric that is consistently unable to modulate or confine its Manichean demands. The pro-Palestinian groups have chosen to embrace violent fundamentalist death cults as their allies. They have chosen to spurn compromise and coexistence. The gaping void of a humane, universalist, liberal movement to advocate for the cause of Palestinian freedom is their failure, and its fruit is the rancid antisemitism that, despite their feeble denials, has sprung up everywhere since October 7.’
Most Americans are racist AF and are perfectly comfortable living their lives and not thinking about or caring about anyone other than themselves. Only when something affects them directly do they care. They don't even care that hundreds of billions of their taxpayer dollars have been spent on slaughtering civilians worldwide. They don't even care about the slaughter and starvation that is happening on a daily basis in THIS country. As long as it's not happening to them they DNGAF.
This country has made it clear it chooses comfort (for the few) and fascism (for the rest).
@1. For you, xina.
An alternative explanation: young people's mouths grow faster than their eyes and ears and brains. They can make loud sounds long before they can understand much of anything.
As someone in his 50s I don't understand how generations lose their capacity for empathy. Empathy for me has only grown as I've gotten older. I do understand how our capitalistic culture demonizes anyone and everyone perceived as being in a relative state of weakness. Capitalism HATES weakness and nobody is more "weak" (in a Capitalist view) than poor people (the LEAST capitalistic). It's how it justifies genocide.
Eh it's a case by case basis. Muslims, Jews and Christians have been fighting over that same piece of fucking desert because their religions have all made the same claim to that piece of land as holy and sacred. If they actually understood the lessons in their religious texts (i.e. don't be assholes, treat your neighbors with respect) then they wouldn't be carrying on a conflict thousands of years old. They're all stubborn fucks who can't learn how to be good neighbors. I'm done with empathy for Israelis and Palestinians. The world would be better off if they both bombed each other to smithereens and we can be done with their hatred and stupidity.
So yeah, no empathy for those fucks.
"The world
would be better off
if they both bombed each other
to smithereens and we can be done
with their hatred and stupidity." --@6
tho the
Retaliations by
their confederates'd
be Swift and Certain and
we'd All soon be dead as rocks.
unless we Each
had our very
Own well-
you Chas.
we've been
had, once again."
the word you're
Searching for is
'outted' or
short sweet
& Straight to
the Point. thnx.
@5 - bingo. and
the reptilian brain-
stem wins once again.
You do have to admit that a the root of all this is Abrahamic religion nonsense.
As I have said before, I think this all comes down to ignorance of geography, bible-based nonsense, and racist feelings, whether it be anti-Semitism or bad feeling against "Arabs" that has been fueled since the Iranian revolution, and went int overdrive after 911. Add to that a popular culture that fetishizes death and violence, and there you have it.
@1. Not to invalidate the truth of your words and observations, but to not give up on a better future. Maybe Bernie can help us dream of a future worth fighting for.
@11 absolutely agree re: religion @12 a better future is a pipe dream. I truly pity anyone with a child under the age of 18 and really I pity anyone under the age of 50 because what is coming is going to be a fucking horror show that none of us can even begin to comprehend. At least I will be dead.
As for Biden, he must be counting on the fact that SCOTUS is going to rule Presidents can't be held accountable for the crimes they commit.
There is no LESSER OF TWO EVILS. There is only EVIL.
'Most Thorough Legal Analysis' Yet Concludes Israel Committing Genocide in Gaza
The University Network for Human Rights report also stresses that other nations are legally obligated to "refrain from recognizing Israel's breaches as legal or taking any actions that may amount to complicity."
The Unpunished:
How Extremists Took Over Israel
After 50 years of failure
to stop violence and terrorism
against Palestinians by Jewish ultra-
nationalists, lawlessness has become the law.
--by Ronen Bergman and Mark Mazzetti
May 16, 2024
four readers’ comments:
If you’ve been wondering why the students have been protesting, here is your answer.
--Annie; Minnesota
Finally some real journalism. Thanks for this detailed account. It comes 6 months too late, but better late than never.
--Insia Fatima; Brooklyn
This is why I find American support for Israel’s current war so perplexing. People who despise right-wing strongmen like Trump and Orban seem to have bent over backwards to forget that on October 6th, Netanyahu was a right-wing extremist who’d cobbled together a coalition with even more extreme conservatives, and was in the midst of trying to dismantle the court system that might check his power.
If you opposed the Iraq War because you didn’t trust W. Bush, why on earth would you trust Netanyahu to do the right thing?
--NRW; Maine
I'm afraid these terrorists are running things here in Israel. They have a strong hold on prime minister Netanyahu, being the most important piece of his current coalition after everyone else refused to ally with him, and as such they exploit their power in order to bring forth their delusional biblical theories into reality.
These lawless people, these outcasts, who have been for years living in the outskirts of Israeli society, have taken an iron grip on Israel's most fundamental institutions, and are now de facto in control.
US readers must understand that Israel is being run by these people and by them alone. Mr. Netanyahu is nothing but a mere puppet.
October 7th could have been avoided along with the consequential ongoing conflict we see now, if these war mongers were handled in the only effective way: imprisonment and trial on charges of treason against the Israeli state.
They are no better then Hamas - both being terrorists seeking destruction and death in martyrdom.
Keep that in mind when you read and listen to news about Mr. Ben Gvir, and Mr. Smotrich - both no more than mere hoodlums - they not only speak for the Israeli government - they control it.
I hope readers can remember that these people do not represent the entirety of the Israeli public, and that there at least 50% of the Israeli public who strongly oppose their rule.
Hopefully we can turn things around. Please, don't give up on us.
--yon; israel
This story is told in three parts. The first documents the unequal system of justice that grew around Jewish settlements in Gaza and the West Bank.
The second shows how extremists targeted not only Palestinians but also Israeli officials trying to make peace.
The third explores how this movement gained control of the state itself. Taken together, they tell the story of how a radical ideology moved from the fringes to the heart of Israeli political power. –nyt
Tax Dollars hard
at Work. & for Whom?
some Real
about fucking Time,
nyt and for only
nyt: Israel
Says It Will Send
More Troops to Rafah,
Defying Global Pressure
The announcement signaled that Israel intended to press deeper into the city, where more than a million displaced people had been sheltering.
the IDF’s
gotta go Back
up North ‘cause
wouldn’tchya Know it
Hamas is Still Fucking There.
the only ‘Plan’
is the Leveling
of Gaza whilst
Hiding behind
Hamas. & why
Not? it’s worked
Quite well so far.
and stop America’s
fucking Financing
of Massacre, Joe.
‘Their practice of accusing anybody who refuses to endorse their views of murder — hence the otherwise bizarre chants accusing figures like American university professors and administrators of “genocide” — reimagines any dissent from the movement’s demands as a form of literal violence.’
‘Jewish students have been forced to endure an atmosphere of eliminationist rhetoric that is consistently unable to modulate or confine its Manichean demands. The pro-Palestinian groups have chosen to embrace violent fundamentalist death cults as their allies. They have chosen to spurn compromise and coexistence. The gaping void of a humane, universalist, liberal movement to advocate for the cause of Palestinian freedom is their failure, and its fruit is the rancid antisemitism that, despite their feeble denials, has sprung up everywhere since October 7.’
More, excellently: