"But considering that just three weeks before, we watched four police offers chase our neighbor..."
Does no one PROOFREAD this damn paper?! "Four police OFFERS"? Jeez, you really need some proofreaders who actually know what they're doing. I'm going to start sending you every single grammatical gaffe I find, every week. Or maybe only select errors. After all, I DO have a life
Don't feel too bad, however. I read The Seattle Weekly every once in a while and THAT paper is crammed with typographical errors, run-on sentences, mangled paragraphs, etc. The editors of that rag should be very embarrassed.
"Hope you find the help you need, but in the meantime, fuck off with that [threatening] shit."
This describes a frustrating number of interactions I've had with people. On the one hand, I absolutely wish the best for people and I think they need and deserve the best care possible, but I also hope they rot in hell when they get like 8 inches from my face and threaten me or go on never ending crazy fucking rants, like one guy did today. I hate never knowing the extent to which I can tell some of these people to fuck off without them assaulting or murdering me. We have to find a more effective way of compelling people into treatment and keep them from harming the public while respecting their human rights as much as possible, keeping in mind that any one of us can lose our mind (brain injuries and tumors, dementia, etc). There is no where that I can think of that strikes that balance particularly well. I just kinda hate myself for how these interactions have made me feel about people, and for how little I stand up for myself.
The librarians want to know when someone is bothering their patrons. They will shut that shit down. Providing a good environment for everyone is part of the job. Please please, if you have a library related problem, tell the library staff.
"But considering that just three weeks before, we watched four police offers chase our neighbor..."
Does no one PROOFREAD this damn paper?! "Four police OFFERS"? Jeez, you really need some proofreaders who actually know what they're doing. I'm going to start sending you every single grammatical gaffe I find, every week. Or maybe only select errors. After all, I DO have a life
This describes a frustrating number of interactions I've had with people. On the one hand, I absolutely wish the best for people and I think they need and deserve the best care possible, but I also hope they rot in hell when they get like 8 inches from my face and threaten me or go on never ending crazy fucking rants, like one guy did today. I hate never knowing the extent to which I can tell some of these people to fuck off without them assaulting or murdering me. We have to find a more effective way of compelling people into treatment and keep them from harming the public while respecting their human rights as much as possible, keeping in mind that any one of us can lose our mind (brain injuries and tumors, dementia, etc). There is no where that I can think of that strikes that balance particularly well. I just kinda hate myself for how these interactions have made me feel about people, and for how little I stand up for myself.