
The Mount Si complaint feels a bit too much like body-shaming to me. Congratulations on being in better shape that that guy and having such quiet bodily functions, but come on. It's his public space, too. Elitist bullshit.
Would have sprayed that naked douchebag with pumpkin-spice toilet cleaner.
@1: This is the Stranger. It's only body shaming if it's directed at a woman (cis or otherwise).
@1, 2, 4, bullshit. This was about a perfect moment being ruined by a guy who was too inconsiderate to respect other hikers' solitude and move on up the trail to find his own spot.
You're ok with the homeless shitting in people's yards and junkies throwing needles all over the shop but you throw a tantrum when someone engaging in a healthy activity has the audacity to be near you?
"\Normally we really hate fall, because it means that summer is over, and the days are getting shorter, and the darkness is coming, and it's going to be cold for six months. [sic]"

What an idiot.

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