

My kind of bud. Nice jar, too!


I ran into some dense purple funk bud many years ago, far far away, that we dubbed the "Purple Screamer", which I have never seen since... COINCIDENCE???


Boy do I love Kiona weed. In fact my whole stash for the past year has been their product. Cant wait to try that purple unicorn, sounds like my kind of weed.

Amazing, old school pot farm.


What #3 said. As an evening toker and lover of sedating strains, Kiona weed was a real eye opener. So very unique - try Kiona if you've been leery of sativas.


Am I the only one not into the proliferation of high quality packaging for pot? It's like, I'm buying based on glass jars now, not on strain or whatever.

Keep it real, guys, and go back to baggies.



Check out Mr. Fancy here with his "baggies," what a poseur.

Real pot is folded up in a torn corner of spiral notebook paper, and then cured by carrying it around in a front jeans pocket for at least three hours.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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