

We have these pharmaceuticals to relieve anxiety, depression and all manner of pain. These 'medicines' generate toxic waste streams at every level of extraction, production and usage. They involve tremendous effort and expense. Then there's cannabis--and psilocybin mushrooms--that also help relieve these maladies. They grow in dirt--manure, even. They require water and a bit of sunlight, but don't really trash the place--grow so readily, we're near to giving them away. I guess, like everything, it's a choice. #decriminalization


We have these pharmaceuticals to relieve anxiety, depression and all manner of pain. These 'medicines' generate toxic waste streams at every level of extraction, production and usage. They require tremendous effort and expense. Then there's cannabis--and psilocybin mushrooms--that also help relieve these maladies. They grow in dirt--manure, even. They require water and a bit of sunlight, but don't really trash the place--grow so readily, we're near to giving them away. I guess, like everything, it's a choice. #decriminalization


We have these pharmaceuticals to relieve anxiety, depression and all manner of pain. These 'medicines' generate toxic waste streams at every level of extraction, production and usage. They require tremendous effort and expense. Then there's cannabis--and psilocybin mushrooms--that also help relieve these maladies. They grow in dirt--manure, even. They require water and a bit of sunlight, but don't really trash the place--grow so readily, we're near to giving them away. I guess, like everything, it's a choice.


There are a lot of problems in the world. This is NOT one of them.


The real "problem" here is that the new, legal marijuana industry is trying to hang onto the black-market pricing. But the more legalization takes hold, the more powerful market forces get. They won't be denied as the economies of scale take over.

Prices are already dropping rapidly in Colorado, Oregon, from $300 to $400 an ounce, down to $150 to $250 an ounce. - After the fraudulently enacted, federal marijuana prohibition finally collapses - most likely this year, prices will drop nationwide to $50 an ounce, or less. - It's just a plant.

Marijuana prices will naturally float near that of fine pipe and cigar tobacco. - The "solution" is just to relax and let the market establish the price - as it always does.


Hmmmm. Prices are dropping really fast, but there aren't enough regulators. What to do, what to do? Here is a crazy idea: Raise taxes on weed, and put the money into hiring more regulators. You know, like we do with just about every other product. Of course there may be a market for bootleg weed (just as there is with bootleg booze and bootleg tobacco) but not that big of a market.


Another reality that will soon take hold is, that because of marijuana's near harmless nature, the only regulation it really needs is to prohibit sales to children and provide basic sanitation, as we do for all produce.

The less regulation, the less need for regulators.

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