
That’s Huckabee’s latest web ad, it is called “Strip Club,” and you can find it at dubya dubya dubya MikeHuckabee dot com slash BurnItDown. So he’s not being metaphorical or allegorical or poetical; he’s damn serious about setting the nation’s capital on fire because his shriveled nuts are sorer than the fried roadkill he ate for dinner last night, and he’s gonna assplode all over this country if Uncle Sam doesn’t start wriggling its G-string on his bulge, for a change. In case Huck’s subtlety is just too nuanced for your little brain to grasp, here is a shot from his ad of some stubby fingers lighting a match to BURN IT DOWN.

Let's play let's pretend: the Black Lives Matter movement tosses a video online in which they pledge to burn Washington D.C. down. How would that go over on FoxNews?