Hambone is the mysterious and often evasive keyboard player for Ruston Mire, which is playing the Crocodile on Fri Sept 28 with the Push Kings and Sushi Robo. He's a snappy dresser and a smooth talker--when you can get him to talk.

I believe ham is one of life's great pleasures. Do you indulge in pork products very often? Any favorite preparations? "You are correct, ham is one of life's great pleasures. My favorite pork dish is hambone soup, made with love!"

Kathy Goertzen or Jean Enersen? Defend your answer. "Most people don't know this: 'Goertzen' in Danish means 'smooth, silky skin.' Hambone loves smooth, silky skin."

At your age, what can you still learn from your mother? "Mother sometimes helps Hambone find just the right sophisticated top to go with a snug-fitting pair of capris."

When VH1 produces the Ruston Mire episode of Behind the Music, will you be portrayed as the drug-addled sex addict, the troubled loner, or the guy who holds it all together? "Hambone is more of a guy addict who holds troubled loners together during drug-addled 'all sex.'"

Any tips for aspiring keyboardists? "Spend some time alone getting to know your knobs, levers, and buttons."

Interview by Hannah Levin.