"No, network news show booker, I don't want to come on TV so I can tell 'parents' what to say to three-year-old kids when they see two gay men kissing. Because it wasn't that three-year-old who had a problem with those two gay men kissing. The three-year-old kid didn't shoot up that gay bar and kill all those people. So instead of telling straight parents they can say to their three-year-old kids when they see two men kissing, news show booker, maybe your anchor can tell straight parents to take after from their three-year-old kids. Because you know what? That three-year-old kid didn't give a flying fuck about those two men kissing. It didn't even register. So yeah, again, instead of subtly encouraging straight people to worry—instead of presenting gayness like it's the problem, or like gayness, and not bigotry, is the thing that's so hard to explain to kids—maybe you could tell straight parents to take after their fucking kids and not give a shit when they see two gay men kissing. You also might wanna remind straight parents that some of their kids are going to be gay men when they grow up."

"You sure you don't want to come on?"

"Yes, I'm sure."