Hey, thats our newspaper box youre using as a barricade!
  • Hey, that's our newspaper box you're using as a street barricade!

2:05 pm: Paul Constant says that May Day should not be about "smashing windows or fake 'real life superheroes' who think they deserve public attention because of their dumb wardrobe choices." Instead, Constant says, "May Day should be about treating the most vulnerable with dignity and respect, because we're not just a bunch of animals."

4:32 pm: Ansel Herz sends some pictures, including one of "real life superheroes" in action.

4:59 pm: The peaceful May Day march moves up Fourth Avenue, extending for three blocks. Goldy wonders if it will get any attention.

5:58 pm: Brendan Kiley talks to journalists who are disappointed that "the 'anarchist' and 'political vandalism' question seemed to be looming larger than immigration rights." Kiley then writes: "Maybe. But to that I say three things: (1) That's in your head, pal, not mine. (2) That sounds a little condescending. (3) Some immigration-reform marchers were only too happy to be associated with the other May Day."

6:46 pm: Anna Minard says trouble's brewing at a second march that left earlier from Seattle Central. Goldy adds: "The situation is 'getting tense,' Brendan reports from 8th & Pike as a loud and rowdy crowd [is] heading west."

8:10 pm: Ansel Herz gives us what's been missing from the May Day coverage thus far. That is, "substantial reporting of the actual demands being made by the vast majority of people who took to the streets today."

8:23 pm: The Seattle Central marchers head further downtown, face off with police, and get pushed back up Capitol Hill. Among the things flying through the air: flash-bangs, pepper spray, water bottles, rocks, paintballs, flares, and glass. "It's a street battle," says Ansel.

10:20 pm: Kelly O photographs the broken windows at Bill's Off Broadway and Walgreens, and says: "Last time I checked, Bill's Off Broadway wasn't a 'Big Business Corp, Inc.'"

10:49 pm: Police claim "chunks of asphalt, cement, bottles & other items" were thrown at them. They also report eight officers injured and 18 people arrested. Ansel adds that somehow, amid the mayhem, police also got hold of a pogo stick.

10:54 pm: Christopher Frizzelle watches a young man get arrested in Cal Anderson Park while singing "Bohemian Rhapsody."

1:53 am: Brendan Kiley had hoped things would go differently.