Darla Shine, the wife of a Trump administration official, spent Wednesday morning going on a little Twitter tear about measles, an highly infectious disease she seems to think more people should get.
This rant, which was first reported by the Daily Beast, was apparently inspired by a CNN report on the measles outbreak currently hitting Washington and Oregon. The outbreak has infected at least 52 people and has prompted the Washington legislature to consider a bill banning personal measles/mumps/rubella vaccine exemptions.
Here we go LOL #measlesoutbreak on #CNN #Fake #Hysteria
The entire Baby Boom population alive today had the #Measles as kids
Bring back our #ChildhoodDiseases they keep you healthy & fight cancer
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
I had the #Measles #Mumps #ChickenPox as a child and so did every kid I knew - Sadly my kids had #MMR so they will never have the life long natural immunity I have.
Come breathe on me!
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
Do not get a vaccine while you are Pregnant! https://t.co/9uF3VXTUAT
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
Was waiting for the #Left to come after me. As soon as I retweet a fact about #Vaccines they come after me. Bring it on!
#TheSmear #Slander #Libel #Liars #FakeNews #VAXXED #Hoax #Democrats #BigPharma https://t.co/JKFUQ9TN7e
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
I had the measles that was the whole point of my tweet. I have life time natural immunity. https://t.co/HlTbscofGh
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
Watch Board Certified Physician Rachael Ross MD from TV show The Doctors say
She almost "Had a Heart Attack" after looking at research on #Vaccines and says "colleagues around country are delaying vaccines for their kids."https://t.co/3DP3ECCILX
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
Put my name in twitter search and see #Democrat #Russian #Bots in action I love setting them off they are so easy to #Manipulate and prove that certain tweets trigger them - my question is who is paying the #Trolls
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
Wish people who are so upset over my #Measlesoutbreak tweet would get as upset over full term infants being murdered #LateTermAbortion #Infanticide #Saveourbabies
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
Here is a study from Scientists at Mayo Clinic who were interviewed by CNN and they say they have clinical studies that #Measles Virus kills #Cancer https://t.co/6kJhAE4laV
— Darla Shine (@DarlaShine) February 13, 2019
One of the more insane claims Shine—who has been married to Bill Shine, the current White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, for over 20 years—makes is that measles can kill cancer. This is based on a widely publicized study in which a 49-year-old American woman with blood cancer was seemingly cured after getting a dose measles. Sounds exciting, right? But, as British science writer Kat Arney pointed out in a blog post about this so-called miracle cure, the patient's treatment involved a huge dose of a genetically modified measles virus. Just contracting measles, as Shine seems to be claiming here, won't cure cancer, but it sure as shit will make you sick.
Shine is not the only anti-vaxxer connected to the administration: Soon after Trump's "election," he named environmental activist and vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr to head a commission looking at vaccine safety. (Kennedy also made an appearance in Olympia recently, where he testified against the bill that would end personal MMR vaccinations.)
The vaccine safety commission was abandoned after an outcry from the general populace as well as the medical community, but Trump "Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax" isn't exactly known for trusting empirical evidence. Expect Shine to be appointed Health Czar at any moment.