Brendan Kiley

Brend an Kiley has worked as a child actor in New Orleans, as a member of the junior press corps at the 1988 Republican National Convention, and, for one happy April, as a bootlegger’s assistant in Nicaragua. His writing has appeared in Newsweek, the Boston Globe, the Forward, UTNE Reader, and the gently pedagogical pages of Education Update. He went to high school on Bainbridge Island, then attended the UW and the University of Chicago.

The Long Con

Anatomy of a Two-Year Undercover Sting and What It Has to Do with Law Enforcement’s Habit of Wasting Large Amounts of Money on Investigating People for Their Social Habits and Political Beliefs

The Urban Hunt

A Summer Spent Killing—and Eating—Seattle's Small Game

Confessions of a Gasoline Huffer

How It Happened, Why I Did It, What It Felt Like

Baths I Have Taken with Others

The Ancient, Awkward, Sometimes Awesome Ritual of Communal Spas

The Mystery of the Tainted Cocaine

What's a drug used to deworm livestock—a drug that can obliterate your immune system—doing in your cocaine? Nobody knows.

Church or Cult?

The Control-Freaky Ways of Mars Hill Church

More by Brendan Kiley

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Theater Sep 30 4:00 AM

Smell Ya Leda

Moments of Beauty Penetrate the Naughty Solipsism in 99 Ways to Fuck a Swan at WET

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Theater Sep 30 4:00 AM

Smell Ya Leda

Moments of Beauty Penetrate the Naughty Solipsism in 99 Ways to Fuck a Swan at WET

News Sep 23 4:00 AM

Hello, Weed-Smoking College Students, Welcome to Seattle, Where What You Do Is Not Illegal

Well, It's Illegal If You're Under 21, and Your School Probably Doesn't Allow It on Campus...

Theater Sep 23 4:00 AM

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