
Unless you ride a BMX bike. In that case, the city invites you to slide ledges and gap stairs on any city property. Consider them your own bike friendly skatepark.
Got to see the park christened with it's first broken collar bone today. It's cool that this park is much more street oriented than the other skateparks in the city.
a 2.1 million dollar steaming pile of shit
Congratulations, skaters. Not that this, or anything, could ever erase the pain of centuries of oppression at the hands of a society that doesn't -- can't -- won't -- ever understand. Not truly understand, because to understand would be to pierce the veil of heartache that binds skaterdom together like a steel band of hurt and alienation. Peace, my brothers.

Not that any skater can ever feel peace after what's been done to you. Obviously. But you know what I mean.
Oh, piss off, Elenchos. It's just a golf course or tennis courts for young people. No harm, no foul. That's what parks are for.
elenchos has a huge dick i heard
elenchos - anything that inspires people to GET OUT OF THE FUCKING HOUSE is a-ok.
Well, excuse me for remembering how hard it is for the skaters. Excuse me because I care. Maybe I care too much, that's all.

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