How do you know "sleeping with a gay guy" isn't on her list of things she wants to do before she graduates? And yeah, ditto what @2 said--nice way to categorize someone who is up front about wanting to have sex with you, that's a great attitude you've got there, butt pirate.
Or she may just want to have sex with him to have sex with him, and vice versa. Who says a straight and a gay of whatever mail/female combination can't also be friends with benefits? More power to them.
Fuck her and check that item off of your bucket list.
Reminds me of a bizarre situation I wtnessed in college. Hot twenty-four year old guy back in the early nineties. Finishing college, and had been advised of the then-recent Kinsey report that 1 in 4 American men had had some kind of same-sex experience before the age of 21. Kid felt like he was somehow deficient for not having gotten some mansexing by that point, and showed up in the bar I was living in at the time, looking to score some before his clock ran out.
That had to be the weirdest thing I'd ever seen, especially given the overly red region of an incredibly red state we were both in at the time. Even stranger: the barback who hadn't yet come on shift by the time the kid hit his goal and taken off was his butch lesbian cousin, who was not out to him at the time...
How many of this guys' friends did he tell about this little offer? "Some of my friends say just do her while others think I'm an asshole"? Did he run right out and tell everyone he knows? Jesus.
Geez, fake or not, Dan could have given this advice in his sleep. No wonder he picked an easy one after the gut-wrenching SLLOTD for Wed:…
If you don't take this opportunity, you will most likely regret it. Because you probably won't get a chance like this again (the dating pool changes significantly after college). You could probably take home a woman from the bar later, but again it's not really the same as this. So, do it. It's very rare for curiosity to kill the cat, especially if you use protection.
So yes, do it. And yes, tell her you've identified as gay for your whole sexual life, but tell her you're bicurious. (That'll get a laugh and should defuse any weird feelings on her part)
@14, I'm with you. This letter screamed FAKE to me beginning at the third paragraph. "Huge butt pirating gay queer"? Really?? I say CH is a bored frat boy stuck at his parents' house for Thanksgiving. Can't believe so many are taking this at face value.
I think this guy uses insult words in a fun way: "flaming queer", "whore" and "butt pirating gay queer." I don't think it's necessary to be upset about "whore" in particular. I think this guy is coarse with language, in a funny and charming way. I am also sure the letter writer knows his friend isn't *just* a whore, in the same way he isn't *just* a butt pirate.
I think that he should go for it. And he might as well tell the truth, since she'll find out anyway before the year is over, if she doesn't already know. Maybe she'll run, but I bet he can find some girl on his campus who'll be into it. And anyway, I bet she doesn't run.
I'm not judging. Whore is a super fun word. I'm only pointing out what a shame it would be if she missed out on the fun. It's selfish to enjoy what a whore she is behind her back but not let her laugh with you. Just in case she's reading this now, I'll call her one. You whore!
Wheeeeeee! That was neat. But now she wants to fuck me more than you.
(Just kidding. The real tragedy is so many kids are so close to college graduation still don't know the definitions of "whore" and "slut". Get a dictionary. Or a dictionary app. Or go to a decent college.)
I have another piece of advice for CH: I think you should stay away from telling this or any girl that you have a goal of sleeping with a woman before graduation. That makes it sound like you are just checking a box, and like she's a nothing but a means to an end.
I am assuming you have some attraction to women, and to this girl in particular. I think saying something like, "I'm 99.9% gay, but that other 0.1% is intrigued by women, and I do find you attractive, so if your offer still stands..."
No need to lie, but you don't have to spell out every part of your motivation, either.
I think you will have a lot more luck if you plays up the sexy attraction angle and play down the "bucket list" angle.
Wouldn't that make it seem that he's at least somewhat open to the possibility of a relationship when he likely isn't? I'm not sure that, "Now I'm totally for it, and it would strictly be sex and we both know it. We are both very sexual people so I can definitely see this happening," is quite enough of a bridge to get to, "some attraction to women," although he at least seems confident that the two of them could get far enough.
"Life is going to be ok after coming out," suggests that there aren't going to be (m)any repeat performances, and "a lot more luck... play(ing) up the sexy attraction angle" would seem to suggest the possibility of false hope as well as more interest and effort on his part.
I was in CH's position, with a similar opportunity presented to me before I was completely out. Being slightly less curious, I declined, which was definitely the right decision for me. Some years later now, there may be less inclination to view opposite-sex experimentation as Trying to Be Straight. Maybe total OSE abstinence has had its time of value. So much the better, perhaps.
I don't think I'd tell CH outright not to do it, but there do seem to be an unsettling number of uncertainties. Is he really all that sure she just wants a Once Before Graduation experience?
She probably knows he's gay and realizes he's gonna come out sooner or later, but she thinks he's hot and so she wants to bone him now before it's "too late." Dan's totally right that he should come out to her and sleep with her anyway, but she probably hadn't considered that that would be a possibility. She's thinking that once he comes out in public there's no way he'll be sexually confused (or experimental) enough to sleep with her. CH, go tell her she's wrong, and get bizzay!
@23 Sometimes a sex act is only a sex act. Perhaps she doesn't want any emotional entanglement and is fairly secure in guessing that there won't be any if she messes around with a gay man.
Boxes can be checked by both parties without it being a showstopper, if neither of the parties is looking for an emotional relationship.
@9, @17, @27: I'm confused and I hope one of you could say some more about your comments. So, based on your point of views, 9, 17, 27, how do you explain the difference between the woman in the letter identified as a "whore" and your grandmother-mother-aunt-wife-daughter-sister-girlfriend?
Labels are as man made as are religions. Shared sex between any consenting adults male, female, or a little of both, is just that, a shared experience. In my 43 years I have identified as predominantly hetero, but I have had sex with men and women, currently married and monogamous with a woman. A label restricts you, don't be as phony as a gay bashing fundamentalist, by refusing to share an offered experience because it crosses an imaginary line. Enjoy your life by filling it with as many experiences as you can. This is the meaning of life, to experience.
I was the girl in this scenario last year. I said yes, I got to cross off 'gay boy' on my sexual bucketlist, he finally got laid, and everybody won. People want to fuck each other for all kinds of reasons. I've slept with guys I've loved, guys I've picked up at bars because I wanted to fuck someone that night, and of course, the guy with the hot friend so I could sleep with his hot friend. And then I fucked his hot friend, too. :)
I've done some things I'm not proud of, fucked a good dozen or so people I probably shouldn't have, and I've owned my slutty phases and have no problem saying, yeah, I was a little slutty for two or three years there. :)
"Butt pirate" sounds so Porno Pete LaBarbara. Eeeeeuuuuuu!
On topic again: I'm with the ones who think this guy wrote this letter with all his dorm buddies sitting around giving him advise on what to say. I don't believe it. What college kids to instead of study.
[A label restricts you, don't be as phony as a gay bashing fundamentalist, by refusing to share an offered experience because it crosses an imaginary line.]
Suppose he were to realize, at some point when it finally truly hit home it had moved from theory to reality, that he didn't really want to go through with it - would that really make him as phony as a gay-bashing fundamentalist? At any rate, using that standard, at what point would it be acceptable to decline an offered experience?
Whether or not you should tell her you're gay depends, in my opinion, on how you think she feels about you, or why she wants to fuck you. If you have every reason to believe she just wants to fuck you and that's it, then I don't see why disclosure is necessary. But if you think there's more than that going on, that she might have feelings for you, then you should tell her that you're not her kind of guy.
Now you could, of course, tell her you're gay anyway, even if you feel she only wants to fuck. But it seems pretty obvious you don't want to do that for fear that she then won't want to fuck you. But I wonder what the odds of that are? If she does want to just fuck you and that's it, it seems to me that you being gay wouldn't dissuade her from wanting to. And it may even make her more interested. I think very few straight guys would turn down having sex with a lesbian they were attracted to, so would straight women be that much different with gay guys?
I say go for it. Missing an opportunity like that while you can still use the "experimental college phase" excuse is something you're likely to regret. But I do agree with Dan - I'd be honest with her beforehand, and I'd keep it simple: "You probably already know this, but I'm gay. So, were you serious when you said you wanted to bang me? Because I'm totally up for that."
@17, 27, 33
Men don't get to call women whores. I don't give a fuck how sex positive you are. It's a ridiculously high context word that brings up terrible feelings. It's one thing for it to be used between two friends who completely understand each other, but it is NEVER OKAY for a man to publicly refer to a woman as a whore.
Ah college. I found myself, at art school, having a random 2 month fling with one of favourite women ever. Even though I count myself as completely gay, she was (is) just so hot and all woman. It would have been silly not to enjoy each other. Surprisingly it wasn't even awkward when, in the mornings we would go for breakfast, and check out the waiters. And sometimes, because I wouldn't identify as bi, she would joke that I was going to have to come out to my parents again, this time as a pervert. We often wondered if they would then have to join Proud Parents of Perverts. P- Pop.
Anyhoo, it was a lovely, great experience, and we're still very close today, years later. And I'm good friends with her husband to boot. (he's hot too). Go for it CH, don't stop to think twice about this.
whore is a derogatory word for prostitute, and it usually means female. You don't have to think sex work is bad to think it's rude to call someone a whore. It's called slut-shaming - not something I thought SL readers were into. Women who admit to enjoying sex get called "sluts" and "whores" in order to shame them into dishonesty to preserve the men-chase-women ideal.
These words are being reclaimed but, just like it's gay guys who are reclaiming faggot and gay women who are reclaiming dyke, women are the ones to reclaim whore. Not this guy.
Nobody seems to have mentioned yet that this guy's parents clearly already know he's gay- the threatening to disown him is just an attempt to get him to stay in the closet. Yeah, he needs to call their bluff and come out.
People need to stop pretending that him using insults like "butt pirate" for himself is the same as him calling someone of a different gender a whore. One group he's a part of, one he's not. Y'all would be less blithe if he'd used racist or anti-semitic slurs that way.
I take offense at her being called a whore simply because whores do it for money; she is likely a slut. But so is he. But it they are ethical about their sluttery, that's a good thing. Slut Pride!
So yeah, he should come out to her, and also ask her why she's interested in sex with him. And wear a condom. Also, Hot!
44/labellementeuse: You don't have to think sex work is bad to think it's rude to call someone a whore. It's called slut-shaming - not something I thought SL readers were into. Women who admit to enjoying sex get called "sluts" and "whores" in order to shame them into dishonesty to preserve the men-chase-women ideal.
I'm a guy and agree with you that it's rude to call someone a whore. But I slightly differ with you on why a woman gets called a whore by men. When a man calls a woman a whore, I think he does it out of jealousy. In general, it's far easier for a woman to get laid than it is for a man and I think a lot of guys are envious of that. So it is a way of shaming a woman, but I don't think it's done to "preserve the men-chase-women ideal." I think it's due, mostly anyway, to jealousy (typically, when we're jealous of someone, we'll say something to put them down.)
It is WAY more fun to know that the guy you're about to have sex with is gay-but-bicurious than to know that the guy you had sex with recently is now gay. The first option gives it all a sense of great adventure -- what the hell, give it a try and see how it goes -- with only the smallest of consequences if it doesn't work out. "Ah well, let's grab a coffee." The second option has long-lasting consequences. REALLY long-lasting ones. I've experienced two of the former (whee! That was fun!) and three of the latter (ugh; this is the impact I have on men??). I FAR prefer the former. You would too.
I'm a gay guy (or mostly gay bi guy) who came out freshman year and had a fuck-buddy relationship with a woman that lasted through college and a few years after I graduated. It probably wouldn't have happened if we weren't roommates - she had needs, I had needs, etc. - but it lasted WAY too long. We were pretty open-minded sexually and had our own guys on the side, my experience sex leaves a kind of imprint of the other person (as loose as you might think you are). If this girl is one of your "closest" friends, I'd give it some serious thought. It changes the relationship. As for my roommate (and at the time closest friend), we are no longer on speaking terms.
Fuck her because you want to fuck each other.
They're unrelated as far as I can tell.
Reminds me of a bizarre situation I wtnessed in college. Hot twenty-four year old guy back in the early nineties. Finishing college, and had been advised of the then-recent Kinsey report that 1 in 4 American men had had some kind of same-sex experience before the age of 21. Kid felt like he was somehow deficient for not having gotten some mansexing by that point, and showed up in the bar I was living in at the time, looking to score some before his clock ran out.
That had to be the weirdest thing I'd ever seen, especially given the overly red region of an incredibly red state we were both in at the time. Even stranger: the barback who hadn't yet come on shift by the time the kid hit his goal and taken off was his butch lesbian cousin, who was not out to him at the time...…
So yes, do it. And yes, tell her you've identified as gay for your whole sexual life, but tell her you're bicurious. (That'll get a laugh and should defuse any weird feelings on her part)
Also, being in the closet for uni is cool if your parents are fundie nutbars.
I think that he should go for it. And he might as well tell the truth, since she'll find out anyway before the year is over, if she doesn't already know. Maybe she'll run, but I bet he can find some girl on his campus who'll be into it. And anyway, I bet she doesn't run.
Wheeeeeee! That was neat. But now she wants to fuck me more than you.
(Just kidding. The real tragedy is so many kids are so close to college graduation still don't know the definitions of "whore" and "slut". Get a dictionary. Or a dictionary app. Or go to a decent college.)
I am assuming you have some attraction to women, and to this girl in particular. I think saying something like, "I'm 99.9% gay, but that other 0.1% is intrigued by women, and I do find you attractive, so if your offer still stands..."
No need to lie, but you don't have to spell out every part of your motivation, either.
I think you will have a lot more luck if you plays up the sexy attraction angle and play down the "bucket list" angle.
Wouldn't that make it seem that he's at least somewhat open to the possibility of a relationship when he likely isn't? I'm not sure that, "Now I'm totally for it, and it would strictly be sex and we both know it. We are both very sexual people so I can definitely see this happening," is quite enough of a bridge to get to, "some attraction to women," although he at least seems confident that the two of them could get far enough.
"Life is going to be ok after coming out," suggests that there aren't going to be (m)any repeat performances, and "a lot more luck... play(ing) up the sexy attraction angle" would seem to suggest the possibility of false hope as well as more interest and effort on his part.
I was in CH's position, with a similar opportunity presented to me before I was completely out. Being slightly less curious, I declined, which was definitely the right decision for me. Some years later now, there may be less inclination to view opposite-sex experimentation as Trying to Be Straight. Maybe total OSE abstinence has had its time of value. So much the better, perhaps.
I don't think I'd tell CH outright not to do it, but there do seem to be an unsettling number of uncertainties. Is he really all that sure she just wants a Once Before Graduation experience?
That's a new one I haven't heard yet. This column always continues to be a treasure trove of hysterical euphemisms.
Boxes can be checked by both parties without it being a showstopper, if neither of the parties is looking for an emotional relationship.
"gee, thanks for the sex. I'm gay now!" is probably how it would come across
sooner or later you're going to be out to this group of friends and she's going to take it personally if you fuck her first.
you whore
I've done some things I'm not proud of, fucked a good dozen or so people I probably shouldn't have, and I've owned my slutty phases and have no problem saying, yeah, I was a little slutty for two or three years there. :)
On topic again: I'm with the ones who think this guy wrote this letter with all his dorm buddies sitting around giving him advise on what to say. I don't believe it. What college kids to instead of study.
[A label restricts you, don't be as phony as a gay bashing fundamentalist, by refusing to share an offered experience because it crosses an imaginary line.]
Suppose he were to realize, at some point when it finally truly hit home it had moved from theory to reality, that he didn't really want to go through with it - would that really make him as phony as a gay-bashing fundamentalist? At any rate, using that standard, at what point would it be acceptable to decline an offered experience?
Now you could, of course, tell her you're gay anyway, even if you feel she only wants to fuck. But it seems pretty obvious you don't want to do that for fear that she then won't want to fuck you. But I wonder what the odds of that are? If she does want to just fuck you and that's it, it seems to me that you being gay wouldn't dissuade her from wanting to. And it may even make her more interested. I think very few straight guys would turn down having sex with a lesbian they were attracted to, so would straight women be that much different with gay guys?
Men don't get to call women whores. I don't give a fuck how sex positive you are. It's a ridiculously high context word that brings up terrible feelings. It's one thing for it to be used between two friends who completely understand each other, but it is NEVER OKAY for a man to publicly refer to a woman as a whore.
Anyhoo, it was a lovely, great experience, and we're still very close today, years later. And I'm good friends with her husband to boot. (he's hot too). Go for it CH, don't stop to think twice about this.
Dunno why exactly but I think the guy who wrote the letter is douchey. The whore comment in parts. Feels made us-ish
These words are being reclaimed but, just like it's gay guys who are reclaiming faggot and gay women who are reclaiming dyke, women are the ones to reclaim whore. Not this guy.
So yeah, he should come out to her, and also ask her why she's interested in sex with him. And wear a condom. Also, Hot!
I'm a guy and agree with you that it's rude to call someone a whore. But I slightly differ with you on why a woman gets called a whore by men. When a man calls a woman a whore, I think he does it out of jealousy. In general, it's far easier for a woman to get laid than it is for a man and I think a lot of guys are envious of that. So it is a way of shaming a woman, but I don't think it's done to "preserve the men-chase-women ideal." I think it's due, mostly anyway, to jealousy (typically, when we're jealous of someone, we'll say something to put them down.)
Very likely. We could even speculate about whether his parents, if they know the freind, might have something to do with the author.
I wonder what the likely outcome is. I've come up with five so far:
A. He likes it so much that he goes in (whether or not his parents coincidentally happen to win a lottery jackpot).
B. It goes okay, but she turns out to be after more than just the curiosity boink, whether she knew it going in or not.
C. They both get to check off their boxes and wish each other well, whether or not they want to keep in touch.
D. They decide it will be fun, but one, the other or both can't quite perform when the time arrives.
E. A fantasy is one thing; sometimes reality is quite another; one of them realizes it's a called bluff and backs out.
With a little twisting, I can turn A, B, D or E into Life Imitating Art, but C still eludes me.
Me, I'm not gay enough to fuck a woman.