
That's awesome. :D

When I read the title, I thought it was going to be a guy who was bullied beating the shit out of his bully, but it turned out to be an entirely different kind of pounding ass.

Hee. :D
I love happy endings!

maybe you gave the bully AIDS!

that would be awesome!

(there's a one in ten chance you have it
and don't even know it!
if you make a practice of having sex
with people you just hooked up with
your odds go WAY UP!)


Nobody makes presumptuousness as ugly as you, @3.

So someday Fnarf will start being nice to me and then...

OH, GOD NO...NO!!!!!!
That's hot. Give me a second while I find my old school directory and interrogate my old bullies about their fucking practices. Maybe I'll get myself some.
Wow- fantastic use of made up statistics there @3 - where the hell did you get such a ridiculous and terrible fake statistic? More importantly what gives you even the slightest idea that a study could even be conducted to confirm such a statement? The logistics of going about doing that is absolutely hysterical.

Yes, many infected people don't find out immediately upon contraction. But that is just a vague statement. Get any more specific than that and you are just pulling shit out your ass.
He really got his comeuppance!
Why haven't I ever seen this storyline in a romcom? I'd pay money to see that shit.
That's a great story, Jake in Madison.

@ [.] Umm, so if the bullies who target gay kids are actually confused/scared about their own sexuality, and you keep bullying the people who post about gay issues on Slog...hmmm....dang, I wish I hadn't been an English major, then I could do the math....
@3: I like how you keep thinking that 1 in 5 Teh Ghey actually have The AIDS. Now tell me about how the Sun orbits the Earth, and wind is caused by trees sneezing.
So if trees sneeze is it because they are allergic to themselves? I'm asking because I'm pretty sure Period Troll is too shy.

you must be new here.

Dan has posted those statistics from the CDC here on Slog several times.

they are terrible, and they are true.

if you wish to bring yourself up to speed google "20% aids gay cdc"

oh no!!

the troll must be gay!!!
Hot story!
4 thank you.

and look- the troll's three biggest fans all in a row.

please stay in a line so you don't block the sidewalk.....
When I read the title, I thought it was going to be a guy who was bullied beating the shit out of his bully, but it turned out to be an entirely different kind of pounding ass.

Not too different, from the sound of it.
@18 XOXO Period Troll, XOXO. And that's all the lovin' your gonna get!
GAH! "you're" gonna get!
one fags jerk off fantasy this was, no basis in reality of course.
@JF: If it told this story? Fuck yeah. But the climax wouldn't be a wedding, it would be...a climax.
@14: You're doin' it wrong. One, the study didn't say what you think it said. (19% of gay men in the study had HIV, not AIDS.) Two, it's a study using an incredibly biased sample; they surveyed only people in 21 major cities who went to an STD clinic.
Surveying STD rates of people who go to an STD clinic is like surveying the general health of people who end up in the emergency room.
@7: See above to find out which ass Alleged pulled that lie out of. I've explained this to him many times now, but apparently ignorance is bliss for him.
(Incidentally, I've run the numbers using the CDC's statistics on AIDS rates in America, and it turns out that nationwide, perhaps 3 or 4% of male homosexuals and bisexuals have AIDS, and about as many have HIV but not AIDS. Unpleasant numbers, but not at all in line with what this country's homophobes would have us believe.)
This does sometimes happen in real life. In my case the bully quit being a bully after I put his head through the school bus window. After a couple of days he decided we should talk and all that talk was about his father issues. A couple more days went by and we ended up fucking until graduation.
So... it sounds like gay men's tears are a turn-on?
I'm sorry the writer had to go through all that shit earlier, but otherwise this is actually really sweet.
Note to self, search for bully porn on Moviemonster.
Sometimes, it takes a while... this was one of those times.
This kind of bothers me, because I don't think the bully deserved the good sex.
Mmm, closure.

oh c'mon, if you're going to register to troll, at least come up with some kind of name.


Yoda? Is that you?
So does this mean that tops are tops because of a revenge fantasy, and that sex is a suitable arena for extracting revenge? That doesn't imply very good psychosexual health.

Personally, I have sex with a guy because he makes me feel good, not because he previously made me feel bad. And I have NO desire to have sex with a guy who bullied me in high school.

But I'm glad things are better for you now, JIM.
This kind of reminds me of a story of my own, except I'm the straight guy who was perceived to be gay by the bullies.

In my first week of high school, a girl in my science class who took an instant dislike to me started a rumor saying I was gay. This pretty much ruined my entire high school experience, and led to me being the victim of hate crimes. This isn't exaggeration. I wound up in the hospital twice after being severely beaten.

One of these times, a guy in my PE class who I will refer to as "Jeff" (NOT his real name. Names changed to protect the guilty and flaming) threw me to the ground and repeatedly struck me in the chest with the edge of a tennis racket screaming the word "FAGGOT" with each blow. He cracked my sternum and caused multiple lacerations around my body, forcing a trip to the emergency room.

High School was absolute torture and I spent most of it in a state of suicidal ideation, but it left me with a deeper understanding of the kind of hell LGBT youth go through and gave me a lot of compassion for kids who have to go through that on a daily basis. It was the one thing that contributed the most to my decision to get involved in gay rights causes.

10 years later and I'm at a first-Friday art crawl in downtown Phoenix, meeting a nice girl I'd been on a couple of dates with up to that point. I had just run into some friends of mine, and I turn a corner and see "Jeff" standing there. He looked terrified. He was wearing some sort of spiky leather harness with a leash attached to it, a studded collar, and rainbow-striped assless chaps. The leash was being held by his big, burly, butch, bearded, bear boyfriend. He saw me, recognized me, was stunned into silence and tears started welling in his eyes. He was scared of me in that moment. I don't know if he was scared that I would beat the shit out of him, or if I was going to tell his boyfriend about his extracurricular activities in high school. All I could do was laugh. And laugh, and laugh and laugh. My ladyfriend walks up to me and takes my arm, asking what was so funny. This made Jeff look even MORE stricken. It was beautiful.

Later, when telling my friends about what happened, one of them said "Karma's a bitch!" I corrected him. Karma was the situation as a whole. HE was the bitch!
@36. Pretty much what I was thinking. I don't know if a hate-fuck is really a marker of having moved on with your life. This letter was more disconcerting than an example of how it gets better.

"Period Troll" always makes me think of menses. Troll menses.
@5: I don't think you have anything to worry about with respect to fnarf being nice to you...

With all the celebrity gay-bashers being outed, this shouldn't be surprising to anyone. Homophobia-as-cover-for-latent-homosexuality is common to the point of cliche. Even if it's not related to being closeted and miserable, bullying is rooted in insecurity. The best coping strategy for me was to adopt a demeanor of compassionate concern and just keep asking the bully about hir insecurities while ignoring the slurs. This has resulted in any of three outcomes for me: the bully breaking down in a tearful confession, the bully walking away after getting fed-up with my haranguing hir about hir issues, or getting punched. Granted getting hit is no good, but if that was a likely outcome anyway, it's totally worth it, as the second two outcomes have always resulted in a drastic reduction in future bullying from that person (being insecure, they tend to avoid people who question them on their insecurities). Of course, this is a lot harder to pull off if it's a majority of one's classmates that are bullying one, but I've found it effective against individual bullies.
LW is a better person than me for being able to put aside years of bad memories for one night of casual fucking. But more power to you!
Apparently revenge is a dish best served HOT.
@3, I'd like to challenge your logic!
You implied he probably has AIDS "if you make a practice of having sex with people you just hooked up with."

Well, he has known this guy since high school. They were both at a bar, which means they are at least 21 years of age. So if he didn't meet this guy until senior year, they've known each other for at least three years. If he met him freshman year, he's known the guy at least seven years.

In what world is it slutty to hook up with someone you've known for 3-7 years?
Best argument for Human Sexuality classes I've ever heard!

Too bad our education system is in der terlet... :(
@35: You're probably right, goddammit. Maybe I don't want to see it, after all. Not really interested in seeing that kind of happy ending.

I'd like to challenge your reading comprehension!

We repeated the CDC's finding that 10% of practicing homosexuals are HIV positive and don't know it (another 10% are infected and know it for a grand total infection rate of 20%)

We also reminded LW that engaging in one-night-stands is a very high risk behavior and the pool of individuals who do so are going to have a higher infection rate than the 20% average for all practicing homosexuals.

Neither statement "implied he probably has AIDS"...

As for your definition of "slutty" hookups-
there is knowing, and then there is "knowing"....
a distinguishing difference between dangerous irresponsible sexual behavior and less dangerous run-of-the-mill slutty behavior is having a knowledge of the sexual history and health of your partner du nuit. Such a knowledge is gained from having a relationship over a period of time. Our LW met a guy he hasn't seen since HS and takes him home to mommy's bed for sex. He didn't before that evening even know the guy was gay. Kind of the definition of having no idea what you are fucking, don't you think?

The CDC says abstinence prior to and monogamy once in a long term relationship is the best way to avoid STDs.
Having sex with someone you just met in a bar is the polar opposite of the recommended behavior.
It's how 20% of homosexuals end up HIV positive.


Junior- you are soooo precious.

Read the CDC study yourself.
They did not survey men at STD clinics.
"CDC’s National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system (NHBS) collected the data by interviewing men 18 years and older at venues where they expected active homosexuals to gather, such as bars, clubs, and social organizations."

They surveyed over 8,000 men.
remember the Lesbian Mom study Dan and Slog were gaga over?
It surveyed less than 80 self-selected couples....

But you are always good for a BullShit Bellylaugh...

"Incidentally, I've run the numbers using the CDC's statistics on AIDS rates in America, AND IT TURNS OUT...
get ready, America, for the rest of the story!...
"blah blah blah .....Unpleasant numbers, but not at all in line with what this country's HOMOPHOBES (aka the CDC....) would have us believe...."

Evidently health care professionals whose research turns up facts unpleasant to the homoliberal community are HOMOPHOBES.....
@47: "CDC’s National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system (NHBS) collected the data by interviewing men 18 years and older at venues where they expected active homosexuals to gather, such as bars, clubs, and social organizations."
Can you cite that from the study? I don't think you can.
You see, that paragraph was not cuntpasted from any reputable news source; rather, you plagiarized it from right-wing rags such as the Philadelphia Bulletin,, and even

Now even if that is the case, the sample is just as inherently flawed as if the participants were recruited from STD clinics. You WILL NOT get a representative sample of a population by recruiting people from nightclubs, especially with regard to sexual behavior. Remember, also, that the intent of the study was to gauge the rates of HIV in areas that were already known to suffer from high infection rates.
And that sample size you're crowing about? Assuming that 8000 homosexual men were indeed surveyed, and that 5% of the male population is Teh Ghey, there is a 95% confidence interval of about .86, meaning that the results suggest with 95% confidence that the true rate of HIV infection is...between -24% and 62%. (And that's assuming that the sample was unbiased!)

The CDC isn't homophobic; a homophobe is someone who latches on to rough data and insists that it is God's own truth in every case, simply because it implies bad things about gays.

what is the confidence level in a survey of less than 80 self-selected lesbians?
ps- Jr your attitude is a sterling example of why the CDC found that 20% of sexually active homosexuals were HIV positive and almost half of them didn't even know it.
been tested lately?.....
Who said that JIM didn't have safe sex? What is all this ridiculous rehashing about how HIV is spread? Do we have to listen to the trolls talk about this crap every time Dan answers a letter about men who have sex with each other? Just go away, get some counseling, and come out of the closet already.

Junior, you may not believe the CDC but Dan does:

In this post…

he links and quotes extensively from this article…

"UPDATE 1-1 in 5 gay men in US cities has HIV

* Nearly half are unaware of their infection-CDC*

**CDC calls for renewed HIV prevention efforts**
By Julie Steenhuysen

CHICAGO, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Nearly one in five gay men in 21 major U.S. cities are infected with HIV, and nearly half of them do not know it, U.S. health officials said on Thursday.

Young men are least likely to know if they are infected with HIV, according to a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.".....


"ridiculous rehashing"?

You should read Dan's post linked above @52.

But, no, you do not have to listen.

Why stop at 20%?

You can make it we hear 50?.....
@52 and @53
I'm not disputing the CDCs finding that 19% of men who have sex with other men ("MSM") in 21 major US cities are HIV positive, or that nearly half of them are unaware of it.

...note that it's MSM in 21 major cities, not all American MSM...I don't know what proportion of MSM live in other parts of America, that info is not made clear, and statistics for them are not included.

What I am objecting to is @3's implication, and the implication of the rest of the goddamn h8ters, that Jake in Madison had unprotected sex.

Oh, and according to the CDC (at…), 53% of new HIV cases every year are in MSM. That means, if you can do elementary math, that the other 47% are in other why the hell are you bashing only on MSM? Oh, I know, it's because you're a bunch of leotarded closet cases who are obsessed with teh gheys.

Just STFU and quit obsessing...very nearly half of the people getting HIV now are NOT gay. Go rant and rave at straight people about spreading HIV for a change. I'm sick of you ranting at teh gheys.

Tam Tam Tam......

math is not your strong suit. is it.....

homosexuals are 53% of new AIDS cases.
(if you include homosexuals who also used drugs it climbs to 57%...)
but homosexuals are 2% of the population.
do you see where this is going?
thus, and also according to the CDC, homosexuals are 44X as likely to have AIDS compared to normal Americans.

Forty Four times...

one of every five homosexuals has AIDS.
one of every 220 normal Americans.

see the difference?



having sex with someone you just met in a bar
is reckless irresponsible behavior.
condoms not withstanding.
please see @46 above....

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