
At least he paid a low, low, price.
I wonder what reason the first WalMart had for turning him down.

Fifteen minutes later, he stopped at a Chevron gas station where, according to a source with direct knowledge, he bought a doughnut, a soft drink and several energy bars.

This sentence from the article absolutely tickles me. Oh, well good to know that the source had DIRECT KNOWLEDGE about that doughnut.
From CNN:

Fifteen minutes later, he stopped at a Chevron gas station where, according to a source with direct knowledge, he bought a doughnut, a soft drink and several energy bars. Surveillance video captured Loughner making the purchases, and he also used the pay phone at the store, according to the source.

Well, well. He's not to blame. He's been eating junk food. Damn those fucking energy bars. Perhaps he'll only get 5 - 7 years, too.
Wow, I wonder how the cop who pulled him over for running a red light a couple of hours before the shooting feels. Had him in his hands. No way for him to know, of course, but still. Loughner must have been buzzing loud enough to hear when it happened. Of course, AZ is full of buzzing tweakers.

His dad saw him a half hour before, and asked him what was in the bag. Chilling. The doom in stories like this is palpable.
His dad was so suspicious of the bag and his son's non-answers he got in his car and followed him! He couldn't find him. All just minutes before the shooting. Gah. My heart is going to explode. Sometimes the very air around us feels evil.
How much of the people's money will be used in prosecuting and defending him? I'm sure an insanity defense is not cheap. Fucking government thieves.
starting to sound more like bi-polar mania than schizophrenia.
@7, I'm sorry, are you suggesting that criminals don't deserve fair trials?
>>>he bought a doughnut, a soft drink and several energy bars.

WWDWD? (What would Dan White Do?)

Is there a significant correlation between junk food ingestion and criminal behavior
@10 - no, but antigay juries think so & really all that matters is what the jury thinks. Jury selection is important.
The takeaway the NRA is going to learn from this is that there needs to be strong legislation to prevent Wal-Mart from refusing to sell ammunition to any citizen for any reason.

Thanks, NRA. Fuckers.
@7 Good God no. I didn't have my irony lamp lit, sorry. Foolish move on the internet, I know. I won't bother with an autopsy of the joke.
I mean, @9.
@14, I'm relieved!

If you see a police helicopter hovering overhead, tell them I said "never mind".

I can almost guarantee that he's Bi-Polar. They're the ones who think everyone is after them. While Schizophrenics are paranoid about everything and everyone, including the inanimate objects around them.
@4, others: I don't think he's going to need to go all Dan White on this bitch. There's no need to plead "temporary insanity" when you experience actual insanity.

And I don't think there's really much question that an insanity defense is his best call here.

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