In the mid-nineties when being gay was still considered taboo (at least it was in the ultra-conservative middle of nowhere town in the midwest I grew up in) My older brother came out as gay when he was in high school and I was in middle school. It was one of those places where everyone knew one another. The kids were terrible. It seemed like there was nothing else to talk about or nothing better for them to do but torment me and my brother. Our family was constantly harassed with everything from messages on the answering machine to our house being egged. I am ashamed to say that there was a point for me when I did attempt suicide. Obviously it didn't work and luckily I never got caught. I can't imagine what my brother was going through. He was so smart but he ended up dropping out before he graduated. Well we both turned out fine and probably better off now than the small-minded people we once were unfortunate enough to be acquainted with.
I don't see alcholism or anorexia as existential threats to our culture. I do see misguided liberal social policy as such.
This is a political blog on which I comment as a post interests me. It is the Stranger Blog, not 'Dan's Blog.' That is unless all the other commenters are sock puppets for Savage, and you know this to be true.
I enjoy debating politics with people whose ideas I don't share. I also enjoy talking about rational politics with friends whose ideas I do share. If this is a problem for you, I don't know what to tell you.
As for what my friends think of this diversion, I don't ask their permission for my opinions or actions. If you check your opinions with liberal friends before airing them, all I can say is that's truly pathetic.
I own my business. While I do have a great deal to catch up on after a few months off, I also get to set my schedule. At any rate, I spend about a third of my day online with vendors, clients, doing research on products and so on. A little liberal baiting makes this bearable.
Biologically, homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality. This says nothing about the derangement of being a 'man trapped in a womans body' or vice versa, which is clear insanity (as being an inability to recognize objective reality.) Yes, my faith calls it a sin, or an abomination, but it does this for the reason it proscribes adultery or murder. They are not actions or behaviors conducive to the ultimate good of the person or those around him or her.
However, I will again write that this belief has no bearing on public policy. Gays should be free of violence or discrimination as any citizen is. When they ask for special priviledges based on their choices is the only point at which I object.
@106: "I don't see alcholism or anorexia as existential threats to our culture. I do see misguided liberal social policy as such."
Really? Try reading my post at #89. It may change your mind. But then again, time won't change you and money won't change you, so I haven't got the faintest idea; everything seems to be up in the air at this time.
@107: "homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality."
Really? I always thought that the functions of human sexuality were:
-Form babby
-Strengthen an intimate social bond between two people.
Homosexuality fulfills the second but not the first. Did you really think that you were correct in writing that?
Oh wait, I left off the first word of the sentence. "Biologically, homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality."
Biological functions of human sexuality:
-Stress reduction
Yup, homosex provides the second but not the first. You're batting .500 here, Seattleblues, which would be good if only we were playing baseball.
"They [adultery, murder, and homosexuality] are not actions or behaviors conducive to the ultimate good of the person or those around him or her."
I'll give you adultery and murder, but can you give me any evidence that homosexuality is inherently detrimental to those bearing its trait? The only inherent downside to homosexuality that I can think of is that, due to the relative rarity of the trait, it's harder to get a date.
"When they ask for special priviledges [sic] based on their choices is the only point at which I object."
Gays only want the right to marry the consenting, adult, unrelated person of their choice, a right already given to straights. What's that, Lassie? Gays can already get married to people of the opposite gender if they want to? Well, gays don't usually want to. And if gay marriage is legalized, then it's not as if gays would be getting any special privileges; straights, too, would be allowed to get hitched to the same-sex partner of their choice. How about it?
@107: Thanks for you reply to my question! May i ask you to clarify a couple of points:
1. "Biologically, homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality."
You say "every" function of human sexuality, but as far as i know the only function of human sexuality that is specifically not possible in homosexuality is production of offspring. Granted, that is an important function of human sexuality, but is it the only one? (I'm guessing that you must have other functions in mind because you use the plural "every" rather than the singular "only" in your statement above.)
2. " ... They are not actions or behaviors conducive to the ultimate good of the person or those around him or her."
How is homosexuality not good for homosexuals? And how does the homosexuality of a person (negatively) affect those around him/her?
Dear Seattleblues, it's a free country. You are entitled to your opinion. I will defend to my death your right to free speech.
I get to have an opinion too. To me you are an ignorant uninformed stupid bigotted prick. In my view you are dead wrong about a whole host of things around this issue.
" A little liberal baiting makes this bearable." You seriously think this is a liberal site, or did you get kicked off of the Think Progress, Best of the Left and Citizen Radio forums?
Seattleblues, you said @107, "Biologically, homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality."
You forgot to preface this with "In my opinion...".
I notice you ignore requests to cite facts and instead consistently treat your opinions as though they were facts. You can deny that your religion is the basis for your prejudice all you want but your unwillingness to back up what you believe with evidence makes it quite clear that your opinions are faith-based.
So Seattleblues, do you accept my challenge? Will you come to the official Slog Happy in May to "enjoy debating politics with people whose ideas [you] don't share"? Or "liberal bating" as the case may be? Care to tell Dan, or any number of the other gay Stranger Staffers in attendance, in person that you consider them on par with murderers? Oh, wait! Perhaps that will be your excuse for ducking this opportunity to change hearts and minds? That you fear for your life at the hands of those murderous gays? Fear not Seattleblues, as a Liberal I am honor bound to ensure your safety. Slog Happy is traditionally neutral ground, so all weapons (other than razor sharp wit) are prohibited. Come, or be known once and for all as a coward.
Seattleblues wrote:
"As for what my friends think of this diversion, I don't ask their permission for my opinions or actions."
I didn't say you should get permission. I asked whether they know. Meaning, do they know that
i) You post frequently on this blog - so frequently that, for example, there are more words on this page by you than there are words by Dan Savage.
ii) You're not doing it to 'troll the liberals' - because you don't comment on liberal blogs in general, you comment on posts about 'alternative' sexuality in particular.
iii) You're not 'trying to talk some sense into the liberals' - for the same reason as above (and because it's obvious that you're not, in fact, changing anyone's mind).
My suggestion is that they don't know, because you don't tell them.
"I don't see alcholism or anorexia as existential threats to our culture. I do see misguided liberal social policy as such."
There's no evidence that you have an interest in liberal social policy in general. Your interest seems to be in Savage Love in particular.
That interest is big enough that you come here for long periods of each day, and comment at such length that you would have more words here than many of the paid writers.
I'd stay out of the psychological fields. You're really poor at reading people.
I like your attempt at subtlety. 'Not saying you're a fag, but...'
If I'm gay it's a singularly unusual form of that mental disorder. I feel no sexual attraction whatever to male friends, co-workers and other acquantances. Being a healthy male I'm fully capable of appreciating female beauty, but I'm married with kids. Not that it's your business but I have a healthy sex life. With my wife. (Thought I should clear that up since the term 'healthy sex life' gets some mighty odd usages here.) So, if I'm gay I'm a gay man who's not sexually attracted to men and is very much so to women and is happily married to a woman. Kind of defeats the definition, don't you think, Jimmy boy?
Nice to know that you're adding up the number of words I write. Have fun with that, if that's what you consider fun. Me, I have better things to do. But if that's all you've got in your life, I'm glad to be of service. Now if you could get some grasp of reading comprehension you'd be in business, young fellow.
@117: "Me, I have better things to do."
>posts all day on a blog where nobody likes him, listens to him, or respects him, spouting arguments based purely on his opinions
Wishful thinking that everyone shares your predilections doesn't make it so. However, you can read whatever you like into my comments. That's your perogative and it certainly does me no harm. Truth is what it is, not what someone wishes it to be.
I had a buddy that played something called Mahjong between dealing with issues at his office. It was a way of taking your mind off an immediate issue so as to come to a solution you might not have reached with intense single minded concentration.
I use this site for the same, since I found Mahjong fairly boring. It requires little thought to counter the arguments here and reminds me how much smarter conservatives are as a group. Thanks.
are you aware that 20% of practicing homosexuals get, and give, HIV?
and even greater percentages get, and give, a host of other STDs.
are you aware that homosexuals have greatly elevated rates of suicide?
do you find AIDS and suicide to be detrimental?
@123: Are you aware that the 20% estimate is patently untrue, not supported by the evidence, and has been repeatedly debunked on this site alone? Are you aware that female homosexuals have far lower rates of HIV infection than heterosexuals of either gender, suggesting that the problem is not so much with homosexuality but with men?
Are you also aware that the elevation in the rates of depression amongst homosexuals is explained IN FULL by the amount of societal persecution?
The more you know...
Hey, Seattleblues! Take a look at the animal kingdom! Monkeys consistently engage in orgies (both homo- and heterosexual), and other homo-licious activities ALL THE TIME. (YouTube it if you don't believe me!) How, then, is homosexuality, which is a deep part of a human being's identity (ask any psychologist - Oh wait, you probably don't believe in psychology!), and something that is engaged in all over the animal kingdom (not just monkeys) unnatural? Ohh right, I almost forgot. A book that was written over two thousand years ago (at a time when people were encouraged to procreate so as to increase the small global population) tells you so! (It also tells you that it is morally wrong to eat lobster, and my guess is that you've enjoyed some lob at least once in your life...)
Im Bisexual myself and this made me think its right, Im 15 my school doesnt have a gay rights program or anything and alot of my gay friends have came close to committing suicide just this year its really sad...
I don't see alcholism or anorexia as existential threats to our culture. I do see misguided liberal social policy as such.
This is a political blog on which I comment as a post interests me. It is the Stranger Blog, not 'Dan's Blog.' That is unless all the other commenters are sock puppets for Savage, and you know this to be true.
I enjoy debating politics with people whose ideas I don't share. I also enjoy talking about rational politics with friends whose ideas I do share. If this is a problem for you, I don't know what to tell you.
As for what my friends think of this diversion, I don't ask their permission for my opinions or actions. If you check your opinions with liberal friends before airing them, all I can say is that's truly pathetic.
I own my business. While I do have a great deal to catch up on after a few months off, I also get to set my schedule. At any rate, I spend about a third of my day online with vendors, clients, doing research on products and so on. A little liberal baiting makes this bearable.
Biologically, homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality. This says nothing about the derangement of being a 'man trapped in a womans body' or vice versa, which is clear insanity (as being an inability to recognize objective reality.) Yes, my faith calls it a sin, or an abomination, but it does this for the reason it proscribes adultery or murder. They are not actions or behaviors conducive to the ultimate good of the person or those around him or her.
However, I will again write that this belief has no bearing on public policy. Gays should be free of violence or discrimination as any citizen is. When they ask for special priviledges based on their choices is the only point at which I object.
Really? Try reading my post at #89. It may change your mind. But then again, time won't change you and money won't change you, so I haven't got the faintest idea; everything seems to be up in the air at this time.
@107: "homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality."
Really? I always thought that the functions of human sexuality were:
-Form babby
-Strengthen an intimate social bond between two people.
Homosexuality fulfills the second but not the first. Did you really think that you were correct in writing that?
Oh wait, I left off the first word of the sentence. "Biologically, homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality."
Biological functions of human sexuality:
-Stress reduction
Yup, homosex provides the second but not the first. You're batting .500 here, Seattleblues, which would be good if only we were playing baseball.
"They [adultery, murder, and homosexuality] are not actions or behaviors conducive to the ultimate good of the person or those around him or her."
I'll give you adultery and murder, but can you give me any evidence that homosexuality is inherently detrimental to those bearing its trait? The only inherent downside to homosexuality that I can think of is that, due to the relative rarity of the trait, it's harder to get a date.
"When they ask for special priviledges [sic] based on their choices is the only point at which I object."
Gays only want the right to marry the consenting, adult, unrelated person of their choice, a right already given to straights. What's that, Lassie? Gays can already get married to people of the opposite gender if they want to? Well, gays don't usually want to. And if gay marriage is legalized, then it's not as if gays would be getting any special privileges; straights, too, would be allowed to get hitched to the same-sex partner of their choice. How about it?
1. "Biologically, homosexuality is a denial of every function of human sexuality."
You say "every" function of human sexuality, but as far as i know the only function of human sexuality that is specifically not possible in homosexuality is production of offspring. Granted, that is an important function of human sexuality, but is it the only one? (I'm guessing that you must have other functions in mind because you use the plural "every" rather than the singular "only" in your statement above.)
2. " ... They are not actions or behaviors conducive to the ultimate good of the person or those around him or her."
How is homosexuality not good for homosexuals? And how does the homosexuality of a person (negatively) affect those around him/her?
Dear Seattleblues, it's a free country. You are entitled to your opinion. I will defend to my death your right to free speech.
I get to have an opinion too. To me you are an ignorant uninformed stupid bigotted prick. In my view you are dead wrong about a whole host of things around this issue.
Have a good evening.
Go to bed now.
" A little liberal baiting makes this bearable." You seriously think this is a liberal site, or did you get kicked off of the Think Progress, Best of the Left and Citizen Radio forums?
You forgot to preface this with "In my opinion...".
I notice you ignore requests to cite facts and instead consistently treat your opinions as though they were facts. You can deny that your religion is the basis for your prejudice all you want but your unwillingness to back up what you believe with evidence makes it quite clear that your opinions are faith-based.
"As for what my friends think of this diversion, I don't ask their permission for my opinions or actions."
I didn't say you should get permission. I asked whether they know. Meaning, do they know that
i) You post frequently on this blog - so frequently that, for example, there are more words on this page by you than there are words by Dan Savage.
ii) You're not doing it to 'troll the liberals' - because you don't comment on liberal blogs in general, you comment on posts about 'alternative' sexuality in particular.
iii) You're not 'trying to talk some sense into the liberals' - for the same reason as above (and because it's obvious that you're not, in fact, changing anyone's mind).
My suggestion is that they don't know, because you don't tell them.
"did you get kicked off of the Think Progress, Best of the Left and Citizen Radio forums? "
I'd suggest that he didn't, because he was never on those sites in the first place, because they don't interest him.
His interest isn't in liberalism, it's in 'alternative sexuality'.
"I don't see alcholism or anorexia as existential threats to our culture. I do see misguided liberal social policy as such."
There's no evidence that you have an interest in liberal social policy in general. Your interest seems to be in Savage Love in particular.
That interest is big enough that you come here for long periods of each day, and comment at such length that you would have more words here than many of the paid writers.
I'd stay out of the psychological fields. You're really poor at reading people.
I like your attempt at subtlety. 'Not saying you're a fag, but...'
If I'm gay it's a singularly unusual form of that mental disorder. I feel no sexual attraction whatever to male friends, co-workers and other acquantances. Being a healthy male I'm fully capable of appreciating female beauty, but I'm married with kids. Not that it's your business but I have a healthy sex life. With my wife. (Thought I should clear that up since the term 'healthy sex life' gets some mighty odd usages here.) So, if I'm gay I'm a gay man who's not sexually attracted to men and is very much so to women and is happily married to a woman. Kind of defeats the definition, don't you think, Jimmy boy?
Nice to know that you're adding up the number of words I write. Have fun with that, if that's what you consider fun. Me, I have better things to do. But if that's all you've got in your life, I'm glad to be of service. Now if you could get some grasp of reading comprehension you'd be in business, young fellow.
>posts all day on a blog where nobody likes him, listens to him, or respects him, spouting arguments based purely on his opinions
Wishful thinking that everyone shares your predilections doesn't make it so. However, you can read whatever you like into my comments. That's your perogative and it certainly does me no harm. Truth is what it is, not what someone wishes it to be.
I use this site for the same, since I found Mahjong fairly boring. It requires little thought to counter the arguments here and reminds me how much smarter conservatives are as a group. Thanks.
are you aware that 20% of practicing homosexuals get, and give, HIV?
and even greater percentages get, and give, a host of other STDs.
are you aware that homosexuals have greatly elevated rates of suicide?
do you find AIDS and suicide to be detrimental?
Are you also aware that the elevation in the rates of depression amongst homosexuals is explained IN FULL by the amount of societal persecution?
The more you know...