Blogs Jun 2, 2011 at 5:39 pm


Bad advice Dan. She sounds like she needs the attention, or else she is incredibly naive. If he gives her an ultimatum, either she will lie to him and keep in contact with this guy, or the letter writer will look like the jealous boyfriend.

Just break it off with her now.
This guy's a creepo. Don't listen to dan, as he's also an old dude. If he instigates a fight, lay this grampy out. Show 'em what a young person can do to an old--remind him of how physically insufficient olds are and how close to death...

Bring this up to her, tell her to end break it off with this loser, and if she doesn't want to or accuses you of being controlling, break it off with her. This guy is a total freakshow, and it's turning her into a bag o' shit...and when it's all said and done, you don't want to be left holding that bag, kiddo.
Agree with @1. What's the point of talking to her about something that is ethically wrong.
Mail the wife an anonymous letter giving his fake Facebook details.
I just went through this horseshit with my now ex, except I let it go for a month before issuing the ultimatum. Give her one (1) chance to cut him off for good. WHEN, not if, she fails, dump the fucking bitch.
Disagree. COD is your girlfriend's FRIEND. yes, her ex, but also her friend. you don't (shouldn't!) get to tell her who she can or can't be friends with. you shouldn't have to see him if you don't like him, and she shouldn't get to fuck him if you two are monogamous, but if you want to control who she can and can't be in contact with... you're a jealous, controlling bastard. Chill out, dude.
@1 I think the difference between your opinions is that Dan comes from the desire of trying to help others in their relationships, whereas most commenters come from the desire to see emotional gladiatorial conflict, usually to ease their own personal experiences that they project onto the LW's.
@7, COD's not her friend, he's her ex and he's trying to win her back. Did you miss the part where he shit-talks the current boyfriend? A guy would have to be a doormat to put up with that. He definitely needs to give her an ultimatum -- it might force her to grow the fuck up and learn how to treat a partner. That's not controlling; that's called having self-respect.
@7 You are neglecting that COD is a "friend" who is still trying to sleep with LSOT's girlfriend and is also trying to drive a wedge in the relationship. LSOT is entirely reasonable to be upset over this and to ask the GF to break off contact with COD.
@7 You might be right, but for the "he pines for her and makes attempts to get her back, including shit-talking me even though I have never met the guy. He has a secret Facebook persona so he can keep tabs on her and communicate behind his wife's back." The LW should not have to put up with his GF being in any kind of a relationship with an ex who is doing those things.
@8 I think you nailed this one.
LW - ask your girlfriend what the older guy means or meant to her. Ask her to tell you exactly how he was important during "tough times"?

If she won't have that kind of conversation with you, then that is your red flag.
@8: So true!
What @4 said.

Exactly. Dan's got this one exactly right. This is why they pay him the big bucks.... even though I do consider the 10-fucking-thousand bucks per little college talk price royally offensive. Fucking fuck.
COD is shit-talking her current boyfriend? To her? And she isn't telling him "Hey, knock it the fuck off, that's my boyfriend you're talking about?" Letter Writer, get thee to a chiropractor; this is a test of your spinal column.

Three months is not very long at all. It's just about the time where people start to show their true colors. Don't issue an ultimatum, just DTMFA.
I don't really believe in giving ultimatums. Once you reach that point you have already made your decision. Never threaten to quit a job or leave a lover. Just arrange your new destination and then go as gracefully as you can.
If you want to make a point with the girlfriend rather than dumping her, make up your own fake Facebook profile for a fictional old flame of yours, and sock-puppet it to do the exact same thing with you that COD is doing with GF.
LSOT, the only way to get over your jealousy is to have a threesome with her and COD.
For those proposing DTMFA: If this is in fact a failed relationship no matter what, then it is the perfect opportunity for LW to practice setting boundaries and standing up for himself. What does he have to lose at this point? If (or when, as many here say) she fails and he dumps her, it will give him some extra backbone for the next relationship.
fwiw, residual emotions aside...
it's like Animal Planet you. there's some dominant male monkey ass shit goin' on here. and ohh it's gonna get Fa-reaky...

Well put.

If the girlfriend knows about the fake Facebook account, the shit-talking, and the continued efforts to win her back, and she has not cut him off by her own choice, then that tells you all you need to know. Don't bother with the ultimatum. Just leave.
Women are often reported to find men more attractive when they are taken than when they aren't. LSOT can always point out that the guy is personally taking credit for the added attractiveness his wife's care of him gives him, and that maybe his girlfriend deserves more credit for getting through her own tough times.
You know what happens to people who stay alive? They get old. Every old person you see is a survivor. Let's see how far you get... before you crumple... And if you don't like old people, then all you can do is die young... Goo'luck wi'dat.
I disagree with @1. This girl might be drinking in the attention like a succubus or she might just be the type to think the best of people. Waiting until he's known her for at least six months is the way to go.
In the mean time, LSOT needs to wear a condom. Who knows who else COD is messing around with and what he may be spreading to LSOT via the girlfriend.
@21 bhowie
Why play games with her? He can set boundaries by saying "I'm leaving you and here is why." If he's been an honest participant in the relationship it should come as no surprise to her.

You can discuss these problems and work on them without ultimatums. The ultimatum is at best going to tarnish you in the eyes of the recipient. It won't matter that you were in the right. To them you are a blackmailer or someone whose loyalty is in question ever after.
@8 is brilliant. This should be the disclaimer that precedes the comments here and on every advice blog.

LW can end this real quick. Just call the old dude. Tell him that if he is intent on sabotaging his relationship, payback can be a real bitch. Just let him know that he has the old dude's wife's contact info and meddling goes both ways.
Dan is right in that 3 months isn't much time. I don't think though that a "cut off contact" order is what should happen. Instead, demand that she move this "platonic" relationship above-ground. As in, be on his main facebook page, not his "secret" one. Sunshine is a good thing - and has a way of lighting up people's faults.
If he's attacking you, she needs to be telling him to knock it off- that's a given.

However, it's also possible she trusts herself more than you trust her, LSOT. (Which is pretty understandable after only 12 weeks)

Maybe she knows she's not hot for him, and he isn't a threat to you. I've been where your gf is and for me it's over. We're friends, nothing more and that's the end of it. I can keep him around because I _know_ I'm not going to go there again. Dude's a disaster and I want no part of it. Maybe she feels the same way and knows she'd never cheat on you with him. Just ask her.

Also, stop being so judgmental. You think he was just a horny old guy and she says he was there for her? Who are you to question how she felt? Maybe you're both right, but for you imply that her experience- that he was there for her- is wrong and that your presumptions- that he was only using her and she's just imagining the rest- is condescending and dickish. Your insecurity is showing. Chill.
Blackmail COD. He goes away or you contact his wife.
@16 Capitalism rocks. You keep raising your price until there isn't a waiting list for your services. Dan's giving it away (to me, at least) for free, other than a few ad eyeballs; why shouldn't he charge as much as the market will bear when he has to (shudder) get on a plane?
@27: "This girl might be drinking in the attention like a succubus or she might just be the type to think the best of people"

This isn't Candide, and this is the best way to lose one's sanity as a partner to such a naif. After a certain point, it's just not healthy to put up with.
I'm curious to know what about her makes LSOT see long term potential for the two of them, and somewhat less curious about why he seems to care more about being right or reasonable than whether they're really a good match.

Then again, if he does persevere, at least the chances are fair that this is likely to be the heaviest carrying.
Dump.The. Bitch.
Yeah, I'd give the ultimatum now. Let her know she can be friends with whomever she likes, but if the friends try to get in her pants or contact her secretly, it's a problem you won't endure. Therefore, she has to give this guy the cold shoulder. They can send each other a friendly greeting card every year if necessary. Ultimately, this is not about the ex himself. It's about you showing that you value her and you won't be walked on, and it's about her demonstrating that she values you just as much.
OMFG! Dude, you are the problem. Decide if it's a deal breaker. If it is & she won't cut the ties, then make like Lee's nails & Press On. if it's not a deal breaker then tell her your thoughts & shut the fuck up. This is why you date - to determine your compatibility. So make a decision already.
@29: I said nothing of "playing games." It is an opportunity for practice, which I think is a healthy way to look at ALL relationships. That doesn't make them any less real...I think such a perspective makes them more real.
If you're already "Losing Sleep" over a problem this early in the relationship -- some behaviour of hers you find "icky" -- I wouldn't even bother with an ultimatum. You're not cool with her past choices or current conduct involving this guy. She sees nothing wrong with it and probably revels in being the object of his tawdry attention. Classic clash of values. Just end it.
Weird answers. What she is doing is not wrong in any way. Everyone has friends who are attracted to them when they're in a relationship. Everyone has friends who act like douches. Unless they're spending "too much" time with them instead of you, or they're trying to force you to spend time with them and you can't stand them, it's fine. There's no reason to make weird demands unless it's for the sake of being controlling.
@42: "Weird answers. What she is doing is not wrong in any way. Everyone has friends who are attracted to them when they're in a relationship. Everyone has friends who act like douches."

Not exes. Not 30 years older father figures. Not 30 years old father figures who are

Still trying to fuck the girl.
Trying to sabotage the relationship.

"There's no reason to make weird demands unless it's for the sake of being controlling."

You're absofuckinglutely oblivious.
Everyone has friends who are attracted to them when they're in a relationship. Everyone has friends who act like douches.

Maybe I'm super unusual, but I really don't. If you don't accept whomever I'm dating, and act like a douche about it, I'm setting up some pretty strong boundaries, perhaps even calling off the friendship.

If you're worried about specific things in my relationships, say them directly to me. But, no flirting, no random badmouthing, no "I'm better for you than he is". Intimate relationships are tough enough as they are without allowing people to muscle in on them.
LSOT made a mistake in his letter. Where it read
I am uncomfortable with the fact that a man older than my own father is still trying to get into my girlfriend's pants.
it should, in fact, have read
I am uncomfortable with the fact that a man older than my own father has been in my girlfriend's pants, may still be there despite my living in denial, and will certainly be there no matter what, because, hey, my girlfriend wants him there.
Move on. And make a note to steer clear of gals with this particular hindrance.

but it's not her friend that's attracted to her and being douchey, it's her ex.

regardless of what people want to believe, you can't have a 100% platonic friendship with someone you've been in a romantic, sexual relationship with. I'm not saying it's always unhealthy or will always lead to cheating, but your past with a person is always a part of your current relationship with them.

Now usually this isn't a problem if the ex is a decent person and things just didn't work out. But when you have a situation like this, where it's a shady older married man who obviously hasn't moved on, it's a dealbreaker.
I was "that girl" - Kept in touch (long distance tho) w/ an older ex. His badmouthing of my future partners was usually subtle and often astute. **I finally outgrew it.** Eventually he would have outgrown me, anyway, since I'm drifting further from age 19.

Cool that he and I had good times together, as per campsite rule, but life moves on. If I knew then what I know now.. I would have handled future partners more delicately so they wouldn't have been made to feel insecure over my old, personal affairs.
a lot of people (including LW) are fixating on the fact that this was an affair, and not on the fact that it may have been statutory rape -- the man is older than her father and was with her when she was a teenager? her continued deference to him could have something to do with the emotional detritus of sexual abuse rather than that of an affair.

that said, affairs do tend to come with their fair share of emotional detritus. i was with a married man when i was in my early twenties, and cut off all contact with the guy afterwards -- but it was really hard, as we still had strong feelings for each other. i know a lot of women who convince themselves that an affair is over when it is not, due to continued contact and emotional entanglement. it's can be a sticky situation, and i would certainly be wary of a partner who was still engaging with a married ex-lover.

however, i do appreciate dan's attitude of forgiveness about the whole affair thing. i know in my case it made me value monogamy (and ethical non-monogamy) a lot more, and there are other ways in which the negativity of the whole situation made a positive impact in how i advocate for myself in relationships and the standards to which i hold myself and my partner. which is not to advise everyone to go have an affair (please don't) but rather to support dan's argument that affairs, like other big mistakes people make, can actually be positive learning experiences -- and that what a person has learned from his/her mistakes is a better basis for assessing character than the mistakes themselves.
@49, that never occurred to me, but you're right: how old is this girlfriend, and how old was she when she was with the much older married man? That could have a lot to do with her difficulty disengaging from him. I just assumed they were older, but maybe should not!

49, you are also so right that excusing mistakes about fidelity can in the long run lead to a better appreciation for how it's achieved. People do stupid things and make mistakes, but sometimes they manage to learn. I hope it's true for me, and it certainly is true with respect to how to treat exes and how to be honest and faithful to someone. I used to let exes hang around for fear of being "mean" to them, or disrespecting the past, but eventually I learned that this is baloney. A harmless, open friendship with exes is possible in many cases, but it's impossible when they are still pursuing you or refusing to respect your new partner.
I think Dan's response is sensible and reasonable and that he should have some careful conversations with her to see whether these are red flags or a nice girl who cannot be on bad terms with exes.

To me, however, the really bad sign is that the girlfriend allows the ex to bad mouth the boyfriend. That suggests divided loyalties, lack of respect for the current boyfriend and her relationship choices, or her valuing the competition for the sake of her own ego.

I also would be a bit suspicious of someone who so casually became a mistress of a married man more than twice her age and lacks any sense of self-reflection about that save "he was there for me in a bad time." That strikes me as troubling, too.

I also would proceed with caution with a woman who maintains such close and regular contact with someone she knows still wants her. That doesn't speak well of her, either.

So, yeah, red flags galore here about maturity, awareness and character. Good luck!
This was in Hax on Thursday. The letter is a little different, but I'm sure it's the same person, it was probably just edited for "family" newspapers.
If he was there for her during rough times in her life, then he wasn't "a horny old guy looking some action from a teenage girl."

Get over it.
Yes, Dan gave the right advice if the LW wants to attempt to salvage the relationship.

I don't see much hope for it myself. There is only a small chance it will work out. Too many red flags. Too many signs of emotional immaturity and continuing attachment in the girl. I think it is probably easier for him and her if he cuts the ties now rather than after dating 5-6 months. But if he really sees a possible future, he should go for it.

Ultimatums are generally bad, but you are allowed one in any relationship, with respect to conduct that is so bothersome to you that breaking up is the alternative.

This young woman needs a valuable lesson in self-respect and how to respect one's partner. I hope that, however this turns out, she is able to learn that lesson in a meaningful way that will help her as she goes forward with dating and relationships.

P.S. WTF at "she has fooled around with him several other times since the affair ended". Dude, if she fooled around with him, the affair hadn't ended.
Word, @18.

I'd say there's enough red flags the guy will be exiting sooner or later.
@52, You're right. This letter does sound like it could be the same couple. If so, the drunken call to hook up is something I wish Dan had included. Fake facebook is annoying, drunken booty call requests is a level of involvement that I wouldn't put up with.

to be fair, it's possible that, as a teenage girl going through rough times, she thought he was "there for her" when all he was doing was listening to her cry so that he could have sex with her. it's not like teenage girls are exactly difficult to manipulate emotionally.
@7: A friend would be happy leaving the relationship at a platonic level. COD clearly wants more, ergo, he is not her friend. He is just another potential suitor waiting in the wings to make LW's girlfriend feel special about herself.
@47 regardless of what people want to believe, you can't have a 100% platonic friendship with someone you've been in a romantic, sexual relationship with. I'm not saying it's always unhealthy or will always lead to cheating, but your past with a person is always a part of your current relationship with them.

C'mon, sure you can. I have a couple of old boyfriends who are 100 percent platonic friends. Our relationship has morphed into friendship, and we never think about the fact that we were once involved -- and yes, I'm very sure they don't want to get into my pants.

i'm just saying that if your past with someone wasn't 100% platonic, your current relationship with them can't be, even if it's 100% physically platonic and you don't want to sleep with them anymore.

when you date someone and you're in a romantic & sexual relationship with them, you share a part of yourself that's only shared in that kind of relationship, regardless of the degree of seriousness (i'm assuming we're not talking one-night-stands or one week flings). your platonic friends will never know you the way someone you dated intimately does. not better, just a different way.

but that means your friendship with friends you have dated is less platonic than with the ones you have.
Wow, I think people are being way too hard on the girlfriend. She's 24. If she had an affair with this guy "several years ago" she had to have been at most, what, 21? Dating a 51-year-old? And the LW says it went on for 5 years, so it had to have started when she was at most, 16.

So she was not even an adult, and he was 30 years older than she was, meaning that it's likely there was a vast power imbalance in the relationship. And now, three years later, she's probably got a sense that it was kinda icky, but I'm not surprised she's having trouble being strong enough to tell him to fuck off. I didn't sleep with, well, anyone at that age, but I had plenty of older men (teachers, mentors, etc.) that I was (platonically) close to, and at 24, even if one of them had been icky, I would have had trouble telling him to go away. Relationships with men very much your seniors, even when they're platonic, are very powerful influences in your life when you're a woman just entering adulthood. Especially if, as the girlfriend says, the man in question was someone who helped you out when you were vulnerable.

The LW should give her an ultimatum ("I'm not going to tell you who you can be friends with, but this guy is clearly trying very hard to be more than friends, so it's him or it's me") but I think calling her a bitch and saying he should just dump her (he doesn't mention whether he's told her how much it bothers him) is over the top.
Three months in and you are already to start issuing ultimatums. You sound controlling. If you can't accept her for the way she is, the two of you will never be really happy.
So which validation from dating the girlfriend is more powerful, the validation COD received, or the validation LSOT receives from dating her now?

If she is less trusting now than when she dated COD, then what would normally be the greater validation of dating her now is diminished by the access COD currently enjoys. LSOT's accomplishment is carrying COD's access to the girlfriend.

If she is more trusting now than when she dated COD, then LSOT receives no relief from constantly dealing with the greater validation COD received.

So COD isn't a casual imposition on LSOT's relationship.
I was so sure this would just be a DTMFA.
@30, you praise @8's comments about projecting one's own experience onto the LW's, but then you appear to be doing the same thing. It might sound like a great idea for the LW to confront the ex from behind your computer, but think about the consequences. The ex probably knows how to find the LW, and if he thinks his marriage is about to be blown up then he won't be bringing flowers. People get killed over love triangles all the time.

@53: "If he was there for her during rough times in her life, then he wasn't "a horny old guy looking some action from a teenage girl." "

Someone in their late forties hovering around a "troubled" girl in her mid-teens is looking for a wounded deer, not a stable relationship.
@57: "to be fair, it's possible that, as a teenage girl going through rough times, she thought he was "there for her" when all he was doing was listening to her cry so that he could have sex with her. it's not like teenage girls are exactly difficult to manipulate emotionally."

Exactly, my Wizard People friend. What matters is that he's CONTINUING to be manipulative to get laid. That's where his original intentions are exposed.
Late to the party, but I agree with @1 and @4. I wouldn't stay with this girl, and COD's wife deserves to know what a piece of shit her husband is.
Not only does he still keep in touch with her, but he pines for her and makes attempts to get her back,

A 54 year old guy who wants to fuck a 24 year old girl? Interesting...can't say I've ever heard of that before.

You know he's still getting in her pants otherwise why would GF put up with COD's bullsh*t? She wouldn't. Not only did she fool around behind the backs of previous boyfriends, she's fooling around behind yours too. She wants her old sugar daddy and a her age appropriate, 28yr old stud-boy. Unless you're into polyamory, DTMFA.
One last comment about ultimatums: Don't issue one unless you are absolutely prepared to walk if it gets violated. If you make it an ultimatum and then back down (or even just try to argue about it to regain compliance), you've just signaled that you will keep backing down. Things will get worse and worse until you are really, truly backed up against your absolute limits -- and it will be one hell of a miserable ride getting to that point.
This whole situation reminds me of that nasty musty smell of the things I keep in the basement, things I just never get rid of, no matter how little I use or even look at them. Old, broken, useless, defective things that no longer have a place in my home (or life) that I'm just waiting for a good excuse to get rid of, like a house flood.

Never thought I'd be so happy to have a house flood. My home has never smelled better.
Monogamy is so weird...

You make up some set of rules: you can't sleep with these people, or kiss those people, or go out alone with him after dark, or watch porn, or ...

But your relationship is your own, and hers. You define the boundaries however you (plural) want--and then try to live by them, and renegotiate when necessary. Isn't that how these things work? (I admit I'm a bit out of practice.) But if her maintaining a friendship with a CPOS is a showstopper for you, then that needs to be in the "contract." Personally I think that's weird, but then so is monogamy. What matters is whether you're both interested in working towards the point at which the relationship's boundaries are mutually acceptable.

These things take time. An ultimatum is abrupt and will probably break more than it fixes: she'll feel bullied, and that's no way to construct a meaningful relationship (at least I don't see anything about an ultimatum-safeword). But if you two have no intention of working towards a mutually satisfactory compromise, then dump her ASAP.

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