I have been trying to find the campaign websites for all the candidates running for Seattle School Board this year (candidate filings closed 5 p.m. Friday), and the final list looks something like this. Two things: there's like a ton of them and only four open seats; not all of them have a website yet.
Most of the new candidates are running because they are tired of the corruption and cronyism in Seattle Public Schools. Some want to focus on closing the achievement gap and raising test scores. Others are just sick of the influence a plethora of foundations have on education these days.
At least one of the candidates is a reluctant one who says he's running because he is tired of mediocrity in our schools and the "business as usual approach" of our school board. Another lists this thing as his campaign website. This one sued the district against its new high school math textbooks in 2009.
The incumbents say they are fed up of the same things their challengers are (of course, I mean there can only be so many problems in one district, right?).
They want to address the state budget cuts to education if re-elected, and other problems, such as over-enrollment, that are plaguing the school district right now. I've always found it really amusing how school board membersâelected officials running for re-election anywhere in generalâwho rarely ever open their mouths at meetings get all chatty suddenly with the advent of election season. Their faces take on what I call the "Anderson Cooper look" (furrowed brows, etc.) and they make it a point to comment on things they never bothered to comment on before. Watch tomorrow's school board meeting to see for yourself.
Many of the new candidates are education advocates, some have degrees from well-known universities, others are professors, teachers, writers, former journalists, business owners, and moms and dads. And I know at least one of them is a Slogger. The one thing they have in common? They are tired of all the BS and want to see change.