
The early Hebrews probably shouldn't have written all that "we have an interventionist deity" Old Testament fantasy stuff. They even thought God was male.
Love the gender neutral "it" designation for the deity. I suggest a legally binding Stranger poll: "If god exists, it should smite PPP".
I don't see how any true conservative could support the creation of the universe. Things were just fine before, and all it did was give rise to welfare babies and liberalism.
The Devil, obviously, using his GOP PACs ...
I'm startled that 70% of the people polled are over 45 -- (a) that they're not making more of an effort to poll people 45 and younger, (b) that so many people over 45 are that moderate-to-liberal.
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."
I guess it's a good thing God doesn't really give a shit what people think.
Actually this is useful information. It puts Obama's supposedly weak approval numbers into perspective.
#2: I like it too. I wonder why the neutral pronoun changed between the PPP Release National 721 pdf and this Slog Post?
That's a very optimistic way of phrasing the fact that a "bare" 50% also apparently approve of massive, completely unprovoked atrocities against civilians.

But I guess it's all good when you do it 'cause you're mad at the gays, right?

But seriously, am I the only one who's disturbed by that? Like... really? 50% of "compassionate" Christians approve of the earthquake in Japan and for that matter Hurricane Katrina?

Just, you know... fuck them. Sideways.
Gee whiz, @9, you sure busted Goldy there. I guess he's one of those mythical "actually believes in a god but refuses to admit it because he's a petulant child" atheists that smug believers are always referring to.

Well, either that or he was raised in an environment where it's culturally normal to refer to any singular god as "he" and it's an unconscious use of idiom. I guess that's possible too.
Ugh, why do I even post when I'm sick and crabby and whacked out on cold medicine? I bite on the dumbest trolls. It's worse than drunk-posting.
God dammit if you're going to link to a pdf LET ME KNOW. I hate downloading random shit.
So when's the election?
@7 Just like how it's a good thing Leprechauns don't care what people think. Cuz ya know, it's pretty hard to think thoughts, let alone care about things when you don't exist.
So we are not pleased with our celestial dictatorship?

Oh well
Since everyone has a different understanding of what "God" is and these pollsters were not seriously investigating theological attitudes, a mostly uninformative poll.
@17: So if I run a poll asking people if they enjoyed what they had for dinner last night, the results would be uninformative because they ate different things?
18 no they would be uninformative because no one cares that you ate your momma

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