They're just one of the groups that's planning to march on Olympia on Nov. 28 when the special legislative session opens, demanding a budget that's not all cuts. But they have one of the best names, so:
Occupy the Capitol Movement Readying for Action
Dozens of unions and community groups from around the state and hundreds of students, elders, disabled people, public workers and recipients of services will descend on the state capitol on Monday, November 28 for a week of actions to highlight their opposition to proposals to eliminate another $2 billion from the state budget. Cuts being considered include evicting 450 people from nursing homes, eliminating homecare for 11,700 disabled and elderly people, and closing four wards at Western State Hospital that serve 110 people with severe dementia, mental health problems and traumatic brain injuries.
Sisters Organize for Survival (SOS), which formed in 2009 to fight the threatened elimination of the state Basic Health program, is demanding that legislators oppose all cuts to jobs, services, and education; tax Washington's huge corporations and richest individuals; and pressure the federal government to end U.S. wars and redirect trillions in military spending to state budgets. On Wednesday, November 16, a strong voice vote at the Martin Luther King County Labor Council passed a resolution that endorsed those demands and pledged to "participate in protests and occupations with other labor and community activists beginning on November 28 in Olympia."
To mobilize for the week of actions, SOS will hold evening and weekend work parties, canvass neighborhoods, hold teach-ins at Occupy Seattle, and organize a car caravan for the first day of the special session. It will participate in the full week of protests beginning Monday, Nov. 28 and continuing through Saturday, December 3.
Contact Sisters Organize for Survival for interviews and exact dates and times of activities. See for a calendar of the week of actions and other organizing materials.