
Well, I'm not too happy about those last two, but at least I don't have any kids of my own that'll suffer for it.
That poll has Obama at a lower percentage than John Kerry got in 2004, which isn't encouraging. If Obama can't pull 55% HERE, it's gonna be super tight in Ohio, Colorado, Virginia, etc.
They preemptively unskewed the results in the full results but R-74 is still ~55. More encouraging, however, is the top lines which show standard talking points on either side really only grow support for R-74, but by a smaller margin. These include the "all the same rights" and "for the kids" talking points.…
(Though Romney's well below the 45% that Bush got in 2004...)
@1 Those aren't good numbers for 1240. No ballot measure wants to be under 50 percent three weeks out. When in doubt, voters tend to break "No."

But yes, the 1185 results are disappointing. If somebody had a couple million dollars to spend to defeat it, we could. But barring that, I'm guessing it passes.
@Doug: Obama has an advantage in Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado relative to Washington. Washington's unemployment rate is 8.6%, well above the national average. Colorado is about average, Ohio is 7.2%, and Virginia is 5.9%. The Auto bailout has helped the Ohio economy tremendously. If Ohio's unemployment was as high as Washington's, Obama would be in real trouble there. As it is, he's in good shape.
Didn't Paul try to terrorize everyone last night by freaking out about a single poll showing that Obama could fall to Romney in Washington State?

And yeah, charter schools are coming which is gong to suck. So if you have kids you'd better be making a shit load of money to get a decent education for your child.
Not too happy about the last two. Here's hoping that those who answered yes were mostly in Eastern Washington.
Isn't this some socialist poll from some rinky dink university or something?

By the way, best advice is: Vote Early. Vote Often.

Get that ballot in NOW.
That undecided for charter schools is where the work needs to go. But I think Elway polling is right: support continues to drop as you get closer to Election Day for most initiatives.
50.4% of respondents (+/-3.5%) indicated they are "certain" they will vote to Approve R-74 and will not change their minds. That's a higher number than I would have expected.
@7: I didn't "terrorize" anyone. I pointed out that PPP, a Democratic-leaning polling firm, only gave Obama a 5% lead in Washington. That seemed noteworthy. But I did point out that Obama had double-digit leads in virtually every other Washington state poll.

Please don't mischaracterize me as a prophet of doom. When I get apocalyptic, you'll know.
@10 - I haven't received my ballot yet, so how could I get it NOW?
@15 Just ignore him.
I already got mine. Why u so slow, home boy?
KCTS asked poll questions on the intiatives and the state budget deficit, but not the AG race??
Not sure why you'd post registered voter numbers, when it's likely voters that matter.

Anyway, Inslee's up 0.8% among likely voters. Game on.
Obama is only at 52% in this state? If that's accurate, then Romney is a shoo-in nationally. I'd also say marijuana and charter schools are in trouble, and so is Jay Inslee.

a batch?? that's gonna really screw with your week, man.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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