From the Onion: 4 Copy Editors Killed In Ongoing AP Style, Chicago Manual Gang Violence
NEW YORK—Law enforcement officials confirmed Friday that four more copy editors were killed this week amid ongoing violence between two rival gangs divided by their loyalties to the The Associated Press Stylebook and The Chicago Manual Of Style. “At this time we have reason to believe the killings were gang-related and carried out by adherents of both the AP and Chicago styles, part of a vicious, bloody feud to establish control over the grammar and usage guidelines governing American English,” said FBI spokesman Paul Holstein, showing reporters graffiti tags in which the word “anti-social” had been corrected to read “antisocial.”
Two things: One, we are Chicago Manual all the way, and we regularly graffiti other newspapers' alleyways with snide comments about the Oxford comma. Two, that "4" should really have been spelled out (i.e., "four"), both because it's less than 10 and because it is the first word of a headline. Or is that part of the joke, Onion? To torture the copy editors who read the article?