Well, good on him for at least trying to draw the public attention to an otherwise relatively politically invisible tax law snafu. There's little doubt the rich-people-firsters would have got away with this entirely otherwise. Heck, they probably still will, but at least now there's a chance of some backlash.
Strengthening the Estate Tax to Strengthen the Country
by Bill Gates, Sr. (!!)
This is why I believe we must do more and strengthen this levy, which is our county's only tax on inherited wealth and applies to less than 1 percent of American families. The estate tax raises substantial revenue from those with the greatest capacity to pay.
If abolished or weakened, there are only three ways to make up the resulting shortfall: cut spending, raise taxes on the middle class, or pile it on to the national debt and leave it to our children and grandchildren who will inherit the consequences of the decisions we make now.
This why I and thousands of other wealthy individuals have joined a campaign led by United for a Fair Economy to call on Congress to strengthen the estate tax.
And Tom should really watch his back because he is going to be left standing alone in the wilderness once these GOP jerks are through with him. Good luck with that.
The Legislature should get their job done and job #1? Passing a budget that fully funds K-12 public education.
Not giving principals the right to give any teacher a scarlet letter, not grading schools A-F - paying for a decent education for ALL kids.
Inslee is appallingly naĂŻve. When he says he's shocked, unfortunately I think he means it. Who the h--- did he think the Republicans were anyway, goodhearted people who just needed a little direction?
Here's the book they are promoting, The Self Made Myth
The Self-Made Myth exposes the false claim that business success is the result of heroic individual effort with little or no outside help. Brian Miller and Mike Lapham bust the myth and present profiles of business leaders who recognize the public investments and supports that made their success possible—including Warren Buffett, Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s, New Belgium Brewing CEO Kim Jordan, and others. The book also thoroughly demolishes the claims of supposedly self-made individuals such as Donald Trump and Ross Perot. How we view the creation of wealth and individual success is critical because it shapes our choices on taxes, regulation, public investments in schools and infrastructure, CEO pay, and more. It takes a village to raise a business—it’s time to recognize that fact.
Republican (er, I mean "Majority Coalition") solution:
Sounds fair, doesn't it?
Maybe you can get Bill Gates' dad to help promote this idea.
He was real big on an income tax a few years ago.
This should be right up is alley.
(Now I wait for the browbeating of trolls.)
Strengthening the Estate Tax to Strengthen the Country
by Bill Gates, Sr. (!!)
And Tom should really watch his back because he is going to be left standing alone in the wilderness once these GOP jerks are through with him. Good luck with that.
The Legislature should get their job done and job #1? Passing a budget that fully funds K-12 public education.
Not giving principals the right to give any teacher a scarlet letter, not grading schools A-F - paying for a decent education for ALL kids.
Hop to it.
@Governor Inslee: "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24. Republicans serve mammon. Has that not been made clear to you?
Here's that organization
BG2 is pretty rad.
Here's the book they are promoting, The Self Made Myth