
Justin who? Justin Beaver? Never heard of him.
Three words: Ballistic Missile Test
Send him on a space walk and forget to secure his tether. Oops.
Technically, Virgin Galactic provides sub-orbital he isn't really going to 'outer space'
Eh, it is hard to complain when your reporting feeds his popularity.
Good headline though. It got me to to click on a story I would have otherwise ignored.
The Canadian Astronaut who did the David Bowie song just retired.

So, have him replace him.
A) Chris Hadfield is already back on earth. B) Why would you do that to Chris Hadfield? He's super cool! C) Maybe if everyone stopped paying attention to Bieber, he'd just go away.
Strap him to Amanda Bynes and Lindsey Lohan and jettison them out the airlock.
Black Hole.
Much of what is wrong with this world can be summed up as "People only pay attention to space when something wacky happens."

Also, Chris Hadfield came back to Earth a couple weeks ago. (No, YOU'RE a pedant!)

Anyway, I don't care about Justin Bieber even a little bit. Probably what should be done is to shame him publicly about wasting all this money playing tourist instead of doing something good with it, but I can't even really wholeheartedly endorse that because if I had the means to go to space, even for a few minutes, I absolutely would, without hesitation.
Explosive decompression.
Give him a joint to smoke in space. One small step for Beebs. One giant leap for PARTIES!
HELOOO? HOW CAN SOMETHING NOT GO WRONG??? Just wait for it, people.
I don't wish him any harm, but if he could be left up there in the high-radiation zone long enough that he couldn't reproduce, that might be for the best.

Hah, these kids with the Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and the long hair and Ringo. How about those Rolling Stones. I tell you where I'd like to roll them...right out to the curb for the sanitation man to pick 'em up! Say, if that Bieber is going into orbit, you know what I'd say, "Retro Rockets, we forgot those!" See what he'd think then!

Well, it's time for me to refresh my Hi Ball and here's the fabulous jazz beat of Mr. George Hall...take it away George!
Let North Korea use him as an Astronaut.
"To the moon, Justin ... to the moon!"

I fully support doing other to him, just as long as I don't have to watch.
Cool! Wait, they're not letting him come back, are they?
I don't think you'd have to do much of anything, once we got him that far out his people would be able to beam him back home.
@5 Over and over again. Justin Beiber is not the issue here. The real problem is how much energy you're putting into hating Justin Beiber. The antithesis of love isn't hate; they're both obsessions. The only way to destroy the Beliebers is through indifference.
@24 I put (almost) zero time into thinking about Justin Beiber. Which is the reason I started the post with a "Eh". As I wrote @7 I was lured into the story by the headline. I would not have clicked on it if Bieber was in the headline. I have no interested in his successes, failures or destruction. I know little about the person and care even less.The only obsession here is the one I have Grant Brissey's writing. And it is one I could deal with more if only he would answer my letters.
The only notable thing about Justin Bieber isn't a trip to outer space (didn't Lance Bass try that?) but rather the quickness with which his tween appeal transmuted into snowballing celeb douchebaggery. It took Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan YEARS to become this off-putting, and Bieber doesn't have an Easy A or a Mean Girls to mitigate his bullshit.
How about thank him for supporting the development of practical space travel? When governments scrap the space shuttles and underfund NASA, we must turn to private industry, and private industry will only do it if they can turn a profit. It's not pretty but it's true.

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