101, If you have another idea & are willing to work to see that idea through, then great, dismiss the Stoli boycott. But you don't. And even if you did, you're not going to do squat about it. We both know that.
Saying a solution is stupid contributes absolutely zilch. It's worse than slacktivism-- it still gives you the illusion that you're doing something, but it also gets in the way of those who actually are.
Dear Dan: As owner of Faultline in L.A., I immediately pulled our only stocked "Russian" vodka, Stolichnaya, due to web references that "Stoli" is a state-owned brand of the "Government of Russia" (Wikipedia).
But, the CEO Val Mendeleev of SPI, described as global distributor for Stoli on most websites, has issued a letter to all liquor distributors in the US proclaiming not only allegiance of the Stoli brand to the LGBT community in numerous verifiable ways, but disclaiming the idea that Stoli is a Russian-owned brand at all. In fact he says that SPI, based in Amsterdam, is the sole owner of the brand and that no profits from the company go to the Government of Russia or any other Russian-based owner.
The only real "Russian" connection seems to be that ingredients (wheat, water) come from Russia. Mendeleev stresses that Stoli is distilled in Latvia , is wholly-owned by SPI Amsterdam and that substantial profits in fact go toward promoting a very visible support of gay events internationally.
Dan, I continue to support the ban on Coors because, even though the family doesn't run the company itself anymore, they certainly profit from it as stockholders. My support of that boycott and this Russian boycott stems from a desire to not contribute financially to enemies of the gay community. Please give us your position on the boycott of the Stolichnaya brand and whether, given this scenario of actual ownership, it is still appropriate to boycott Stoli along with other more intrinsically Russian products.
Let me start by saying I don’t dislike Dan Savage. In fact I have followed him over the years and can respect a man that tirelessly works to uplift his own gay agenda. A man who has become likened to some gay messiah set to part the intolerant seas. Ultimately he is not the target but yet the catalyst. My aim is at the very large flock of gay sheep that tend to fall in line like some gay army quaffed and ready to jump off the next cliff... Read more here: http://goo.gl/QNnavD
Let me start by saying I don’t dislike Dan Savage. In fact I have followed him over the years and can respect a man that tirelessly works to uplift his own gay agenda. A man who has become likened to some gay messiah set to part the intolerant seas. Ultimately he is not the target but yet the catalyst. My aim is at the very large flock of gay sheep that tend to fall in line like some gay army quaffed and ready to jump off the next cliff... Read more here: http://goo.gl/QNnavD
I keep seeing this claim that people can now be detained simply for being gay, hand-holding, etc but every single article links back to this one which makes no mention of such a clause.
From everything I've read and seen, especially debates they've had on Russian TV, this was never brought up, even by pro LGBT activists whose views were showcased. I have a feeling they would be the first to bring this up. Until I see the transcript of the law, which is difficult to find, there is no reason to believe such a clause exists. The law is vague enough to probably allow for detention of activists (who are planning public displays that are banned under the law) but no reason to think it goes further as it stands now.
This is one of the dumbest boycotts I have ever heard of and people only willing to do it because it is easy as there are a hundred other brands to choose from and no one can tell the difference anyway. This change NOTHING except maybe hurt some working class citizens in other countries.
Russia exports a lot more oil than vodka - but god forbid we ever stop driving our cars!
Of course not. That's asinine. Makes about as much sense as Congress putting Freedom Fries on their lunch menu. People are upset about the situation in Russia (legitimately) but doing something irrational and unproductive won't help. It now appears that a Stoli Boycott will do more to hurt LGBT communities than make any changes in Russian public and political opinions. And for the record, I don't approve boycotting the Sochi Olympics either.
But what would have an effect is to contact NBC and our elected representatives and demand they pressure Putin's Government to protect their LGBT citizens. Or how about demanding Donald Trump pull his Miss Universe Pageant from Moscow? Sadly, that's probably too much work for many folks - much easier to switch vodkas and forget about it :(
I'm still boycotting you because of your rah-rah support for the Iraq war, which support you only kind of once sheepishly regretted on Twitter. Six or seven figures (take your pick) of human death.
Stoli actually spoke out against the persecution. I mean, really - boycotting them won't impress ANYONE in Russia - their main exports are oil and gas, fololowed by several metals or something. This is short thinking, really - "Russia - hm - thier economy runs on Vodka, right? That's gotta impress them if we boycott their vodka!" Duh--- this is not helping anyone, at all, but merely helping people in the US to feel better about themselves, nothing else.
You're confusing "tortious" with "tortuous." Just because the Latin root of the word "tort" (giving us "tortious") is the same as "torture" (giving us "tortuous") doesn't mean Venomlash is committing a civil offense by pointing out that you're a moronic fucking blowhard, SROTU. It's not defamatory or libelous, either-- because truth is an absolute defense. The "fucking" part is hyperbole, obviously: no reasonable person would believe that you ever get laid. Anyway, please shut the fuck up forever, thanks.
Stolichnaya Vodka is owned by SPI (Soyuzplodimport) Group, which is controlled by Yuri Scheffler, a Russian oligarch who sails around the world in a $300 million yacht and is one of the 100 richest men in Russia. If you think he doesn't have any influence with Vladimir Putin, you don't know how the world works. The company is incorporated in Luxembourg for tax reasons and the vodka is distilled in Latvia from Russian ingredients imported from farms in Russia that SPI Group owns. If that's not a Russian company then Honda and Sony are not a Japanese companies.
Go ask Coors Beer and the Coors family whether boycotts work or not. For those who don’t remember, the Coors family supported right-wing, homophobic organizations and causes like the Heritage Institute and the American Enterprise Institute, which is their right, but they also tried to bust the brewery workers union and unfairly fired gay and lesbian employees in 1977 — setting off a decade-long boycott of Coors beer in the gay community. After a bitter fight and a change in management, Coors encouraged gay and lesbian workers to organize and in May 1995 Coors became the 21st publicly traded US corporation to extend employee benefits to same-sex partners — long before most other companies. Don’t let anyone tell you boycotts don’t work; they do! More importantly, they bring public scrutiny and condemnation upon the wrongdoers. Business is about making money and, as has been noted many times before, money talks.
SPI Group understands the power of boycotts all too well, which is why they've mounted a major PR campaign to protect their LGBT market share. Suddenly the Stoli website has gone rainbow gay and PR flacks are shouting out the company's support for LGBT rights. And they're buying positive press at media outlets like Queerty by "sponsoring" events that pour cash into their coffers. They should take this money and donate to underfunded Russian LGBT organizations that are under siege and mount a media campaign against the oppression of gays and lesbians in Russia, but they don't -- because there's no profit in it for them. So they continue funding this cynical PR campaign to keep gays in the West swilling Stoli -- a mediocre vodka at best.
I salute all the gay bars who have stopped serving Stoli. But it's not just this company. All LGBT people of conscience should BOYCOTT ALL RUSSIAN PRODUCTS AND THE 2014 SOCHI OLYMPICS. Hit them where it hurts...in the wallet and the court of public opinion. Putin is a vain little dictator who cares about this image in the world. Actions must have consequences. Make Putin, the Duma, and the Russian Orthodox Church pay for this anti-gay pogrom!
"Yuri Scheffler...is one of the 100 richest men in Russia. If you think he doesn't have any influence with Vladimir Putin, you don't know how the world works. "
You're a fucking moron. Shefler hasn't been in Russia for a decade because he's a fugitive from the Russian justice system because Putin wants to throw him in jail. Not only are you completely wrong on the facts, your condescending tone makes you look like the double the asshole you already are.
Digital Sky Technologies(under Mail.ru Group), a Russian internet holding company, owns 5.4% of Facbeook making it the 3rd largest owner of the company. They also hold significant shares in Groupon and Zynga. Yuri Milner, founder of SKT, was named on Fortune magazine's list of the world's fifty most prominent business people in 2010 (the only Russian). This does not include the co-owner of Mail.ru Group, Alisher Usmanov, who is the richest Russian and 39th richest person in the world. I'm pretty sure their BILLIONS have more influence and does more for the Russian economy than the MILLIONS coming from Stoli. Why is no one calling on them to help force change in Russia or would it be too much for you to boycott Facebook?
Wanting to do something about the situation in Russia is a good thing. Wanting to LOOK like you're doing something about the situation in Russia is just another way of being a media whore (I'm looking at you Dan Savage). I have no idea what we can do as Americans to change this situation, but I'm pretty such putting Stoli out of business (which this boycott won't even come close to doing) won't do a damn thing.
I'm not going to tell anyone that they should or shouldn't boycott anything here (I'll just get ripped by the all-powerful pro-boycott gay mafia), but I will ask you this: Do you really want the situation in Russia to change? Because if you do, jumping on a mobwagon of pouring vodka down the sewer is a pretty idiotic way to accomplish it.
Like I said, I have no idea what the answer is. So all I could think to do was send the following email (which I wrote myself -- what?!! I didn't sign on to a pre-written petition? I'm a madman) to the president, vice-president, both California senators and my congressman:
Dear [ ],
I'm writing to you because I'm not sure what as American citizens we can do to protect LGBT citizens of Russia. People are calling for boycotts of Russian Vodka and of the 2014 Winter Olympics. While those things make for good media sound bites, I feel they achieve little else.
So I'm writing to you to ask, what can our government do? Are there economic sanctions that can be put in place? Can the United Nations do anything to help?
Also, what can private citizens do? Is there anything I can do as a US citizen that can make a difference in this situation? I would like to help if I can.
Finally, thank you for your continued support of civil rights everywhere.
First off I love Dan Savage, but I too think the vodka boycott is just window dressing with no good results as to helping the Gay cause. I think Petr Pronsati has a better take on it, though no idea what we should actually do.
We definitely WON"T be going on a Russian River cruise like we had planned for next year. I couldn't pass for str8 if my life depended on it & it sounds like in Russia that it just might !
First off I love Dan Savage, but I too think the vodka boycott is just window dressing with no good results as to helping the Gay cause. I think Petr Pronsati has a better take on it, though no idea what we should actually do.
We definitely WON"T be going on a Russian River cruise like we had planned for next year. I couldn't pass for str8 if my life depended on it & it sounds like in Russia that it just might !
Did anyone ever bother to learn about the new anti-gay propaganda law? It is very easy to blah-blah here. The law says you can't teach children sodomy. That is all. If you are an adult, you can do whatever you want with whoever you want. In practice it means you can't come to school, children's library, kindergarden and tell the children that the sodomy way of life is "normal".
So, all the Russians say is "don't touch the children!". Does anyone disagree???
An article from the San Francisco Examiner: http://m.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/gay…
I'm all for protesting and doing something to let Putin know his actions won't be tolerated by the LGBT community. Hell, I think we should cancel the Olympics this year. Just don't want to hurt companies that have supported us in the past. Not fair for them that their government is making bad policies.
You should drink Swedish vodka, like Absolut! This week is Gay Pride week in Stockholm, and all the city's buses are Sporting the Rainbow Flag, its up outside the Royal Theatre and at our largets department store (NK) among lots and lots of other places. Also our Secretary of State, Carl Bildt, harshly critizised Russia on his official Twitteraccount. Sweden is super gay-friendly :)
I just hope who ever started this "boycott" researched the companies they are placing in jeopardy for the following reasons:
Private citizens own these products and produce them using ordinary citizens. The Stoli company is not based in Russia and supports gay non-profits and events.
Gay and lesbians work for these companies as well distribute this product around the world.
Putting people out of work for the sake of making a (emotionally rushed) statement is asinine.
The Russian (and Soviet Government before them) has been repressive since 1917. I don't know how you punish a government for stupidity and for hate, but Im all for finding out a way to do it!
Is Mr. Savage, for calling for a ban on Stoli vodka which is made in the European Union by a company owned by an ex-Russian (who is wanted by the Russian authorities who have issed an arrest warrant) and based in the European Union, suggesting that gay rights in the European Union leaves a lot to be desired? Come on, get real! There are 28 states in the European Union and the vast majority of them have more gay rights than any of the 50 states of the USA. Also, in the European Union there are far stricter regulations on product labelling and Stoli cannot be labelled here as 'Russian Vodka' as it is not vodka made in Russia. Perhaps we Europeans should start a boycott of Apple products as iPhones, iPads etc are not American, but made in communist China, which doesn't exactly have a good human rights record. And where was Mr. Savage when Russian gay activists were calling on activists across the world way back in 2006 and 2007 to pressure the International Olympics Committee not to award the 2014 Winter Olympics to Sochi? Now there is an American gay-led campaign for countries to boycott the Winter Games next year! Frankly, it's all 'humbug' coming from America. Europeans like Peter Tatchell from London and Louis-Georges Tin from Paris have been campaigning for years on behalf of Russian gay rights. Now enter the US Gay Cavalry ... Frankly, it's all 'humbug' coming from America.
Is Mr. Savage, for calling for a ban on Stoli vodka which is made in the European Union by a company owned by an ex-Russian (who is wanted by the Russian authorities who have issued an arrest warrant for him) and based in the European Union, suggesting that gay rights in the European Union leaves a lot to be desired? Come on, get real! There are 28 states in the European Union and the vast majority of them have more gay rights than any of the 50 states of the USA. Also, in the European Union there are far stricter regulations on product labelling and Stoli cannot be labelled here as 'Russian Vodka' as it is not vodka made in Russia. Perhaps we Europeans should start a boycott of Apple products as iPhones, iPads etc are not American, but made in communist China, which doesn't exactly have a good human rights record. And where was Mr. Savage when Russian gay activists were calling on activists across the world way back in 2006 and 2007 to pressure the International Olympics Committee not to award the 2014 Winter Olympics to Sochi? Now there is an American gay-led campaign for countries to boycott the Winter Games next year! Europeans like Peter Tatchell from London and Louis-Georges Tin from Paris (to name just two) have been campaigning for years on behalf of Russian gay rights. Now enter the US Gay Cavalry who have failed to actually contact the leading gay activists in Moscow and St Petersburg to see what they thing we should do ... Frankly, it's all 'humbug' coming from America.
There's been a question about how Russian is Stoli - CEO of the company that owns the iconic “Stoli” brand insisted that his company is “not a Russian company,” even as he confirmed that the company operates a distillery in Russia, that “several hundred” of its 2,500 employees are in Russia and that it obtains its ingredients from Russia.
I came back to this blog so suggest something else that might help this boycott, as I have been a Russia watcher on this subject for quite sometime. After discussing this on other forums some of us remembered something, and the word is spreading, want to share it here.
There is something else for the gay community to consider, BAN RUSSIA TODAY NEWS.
Or RT as they now call it because of being called out for not being about Russia but putting out hyperbole, white lies on anything Western. Putin spends millions on this Russian propagana machine. RT is Putins KGB press and a precious invention by the Kremlin to diffuse Russias problems by calling out the Wests problems.
Westerners already know the problems their countries face, do Westerners really need a fake caring Russian taking advantage of Westerners issues to appeal to a liberal audience when Russias "conservative" laws ignore human rights? RT has no interest in helping anyone Western, their agenda is for Russia. If you watch RT still you are supporting the violence in the pictures shown of the beatings . You are supporting the sick men who set up suspecting gays and lured them to their homes and beat them.
Another thing to consider is Ketchum
Ketchum acquires Moscow-based Maslow PR
NEW YORK and MOSCOW – Ketchum, a leading global marketing and corporate communication consultancy, has taken a majority position in Maslov PR, the Moscow-based, full-service Russian public relations company. The firm, to be called Ketchum Maslov, will be led by Michael Maslov, managing director and founder of Maslov PR, and Serguey Chumin, his business partner of several years.
Older article but to give you an idea
PR groups cash in on Russian conflict
Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia are using public relations firms to influence the western media, writes David Teather
a snipet
" In conflicts gone by, it might have been called propaganda, but it is now carefully co-ordinated public relations, devised by agencies in London, Washington and Brussels. Russia hired Ketchum three years ago, to work on burnishing its image ahead of its chairing of the G8 in St Petersburg, and it has continued to use the New York-based PR agency ever since. The hiring of the company, thought to be the first time Moscow had engaged a western PR firm, was seen by many as a sign of Russia's changing relationship with the west.
Ketchum has around 50 people working on the account in the G8 countries, and uses its fellow Omnicom agency GPlus in Brussels. In London, GPlus subcontracts to Portland, which is run by Tim Allan, the former No 10 spin doctor, and the BBC's former Moscow correspondent Angus Roxburgh,"
From Russia With PR
Several opinion columns praising Russia and published in the last two years on CNBC’s web site and the Huffington Post were written by seemingly independent professionals but were placed on behalf of the Russian government by its public-relations firm, Ketchum.
The columns, written by two businessmen, a lawyer, and an academic, heap praise on the Russian government for its “ambitious modernization strategy” and “enforcement of laws designed to better protect business and reduce corruption.” One of the CNBC opinion pieces, authored by an executive at a Moscow-based investment bank, concludes that “Russia may well be the most dynamic place on the continent.”
There’s nothing unusual about Ketchum’s work on behalf of Russia. Public relations firms constantly peddle op-eds on behalf of politicians, corporations, and governments. Rarely if ever do publications disclose the role of a PR firm in placing an op-ed, so it’s unusual to get a glimpse behind the scenes and see how an op-ed was generated.
What readers of the CNBC and Huffington Post pieces did not know — but Justice Department foreign agent registration filings by Ketchum show — is that the columns were placed by the public-relations firm working on a contract with the Russian government to, among other things, promote the country “as a place favorable for foreign investments.”
So, there is more than just Vodka to hit, if any one really wants to make a stand, go after Ketchum, any news outlets that use this PR. Though the Huffington Post has done good reporting on what is going on in Russia as they have worked with Russia and Ketchum.
There is more than Russian booze to make a dent in. We can do it.
Wow, zero research done. Stoli made for export is from a Luxembourg company (and made in Latvia!) and besides, vodka companies have no pull in Putin's government.
You may as well boycott Sex in the City reruns for employing Mikhail Baryshnikov, it will have the same effect.
Stoli says it is Latvian product but in actual fact the parent company is spi which produces mostly Russian products and boasts a big new head office in Moscow.. see the website
www.spi-group.com In addition to Russian exports such as vodka I think that any company that gets profit from Russia should also be boycotted so any company that maintains a head office in Russia should also be targeted, even if it is north American based.. they are doing business there and making money so they should also be targeted to enforce north American values on the society. Russia is no longer communist and has to play in the real world of commerce, and in commerce they have to get used to the fact that they cannot do as they please.. In addition we should also be boycotting all other nations that do not give human rights to gays and there are lots of them and for some reason we are currently focusing on Russia but this should extend to any country that persecutes gay people
Attempting to protest Russian policy on LGBT rights by banning Latvian products is like trying to protest the Obama administration's treatment of whistleblowers like Manning and Snowden, by banning Canadian beer.
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A Russian television channel accidentally interrupted its evening news show with a doom-laden report of evils committed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, apparently slipped on air by a disgruntled employee. The female newsreader on the Eastern Express channel, based in the Urals city of Chelyabinsk, read an upbeat item about new medical equipment in regional hospitals, only for her broadcast to be interrupted by an item saying that "the epoch of Putin... brought Russia criticism from every international rights organisation."The broadcast was on July 31 but the story only caught national attention this week after a video was posted on YouTube.
The clip was put on air by a director at the channel who had quarrelled with the management, reported regional news website Znak.com, citing sources. The channel had previously aired glowing footage of pig farming and regional governor Mikhail Yurevich, a member of ruling party United Russia, making clear its pro-Kremlin loyalties. It would be unthinkable for Russian state television to air a report critical of Putin.
The planted news item went on to link Putin to the 2006 murder of journalist and Kremlin critic Anna Politkovskaya and attack corruption that had reached "unimaginable heights". It launched into the terrorist attacks at the beginning of Putin's presidency, saying they raised his approval rating, before the channel abruptly switched back to footage of the governor, with no explanation.
The broadcast material came from a Russian-language channel, TV PIK, based in Georgia, which fought a brief war with Russia in 2008, according to Gruzia Online news website. The head of Eastern Express channel, Valery Shagiyev, headed a regional supporters' group for Vladimir Putin during his 2012 election campaign. Shagiyev called the stunt an "act of hooliganism" in comments to regional news site Uralpolit.ru, saying the director responsible would be sacked.
Daniel Sandford @BBCDanielS 8h
Russia giving away tickets to the World Athletic Championships otherwise not enough people will come (RUSSIAN)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/sport/2013/… …
Stoli isn't a Russian company. If you are going to protest, do your research and target appropriate companies. Stoli is a big supporter of the LGBT community - http://www.stoli.com/downloads/LGBT_Comm… - and your "dump Stoli" campaign is a misdirected waste of energy.
Holy god. Did apple talk out about the new laws? Are we going to boycott apple?
Do your research. Stoli as a company is at war with the Russian government and have been for some time.
If you read into it properly you will discovered it was once Soviet not Russian (made in soviet union in Latvia) and after it was bought (disputed) by Yuri who lives in London, they have since been in some serious arguments that Russia actually changed its laws stating any vodka not produced and bottled in russia can no longer call itself a Russian vodka. (This brand has been banned in Russia) in fact by boycotting this brand you are doing the Russian government a favour (trust me, I work in the alcohol industry and they will thank you for this silly unresearched choice)
Actually, the brand is traded by SPI group and they came into existence via PEPSI to distribute LATVIAN made vodka under the stoli name. Also, Stolichnaya vodka has always supported the gay community here in Amsterdam with sponsoring of partys, supplying free drinks at the gay pride etc etc... Even their own site has a firm statement claiming they support the LGBT community and strongly oppose the russian government.
By doing that they are guilty of propaganda under those new laws and should have been arrested. Why that didn't happen? BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT IN RUSSIA.
Please stop your silly boycott and direct your combined forces somewhere else.
Drinking STOLI is the new activism, Nasdrovje!
Why are all the queers so up set ? Russia has more morals than North America
Is it good for two male Cock suckers to adopt a little boy ? You idiots who think it is should be locked up with the queers. in a civilized world do you think Lesbians and homo's are normal they want to run the world adopt and turn innocent children into their
way of life .
Your all sick , mentally ill and should be locked up .
Soon you and all your supporters will be destroyed again remember Sodom ?
Thank God Russia has greater morals then cowardly North America .
Locking up these sick demented queers is a blessing to humans .
Do you want those sick , mental queers adopting little boys and girls and turning the Childs life in to their sick way of life to men sucking each others penis and fucking each other in the ass ! what will happen to the children they adopt ?
Two women eating each others vagina and fucking each other in the vagina and ass with a big piece of plastic , what will happen to children they adopt ?
Thank God one country in the world is standing up for rights of the children and you idiots are protesting this Sodom will come upon you quickly . As for me I will now buy Russian vodka , thank you Putin
As for me I am going right now to buy Russian vodka finally a country standing up to sick ,mental queers .
They are far from gay they are not happy but tormented .
Thank you Russia for protecting the children from the queers !!!
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness (remember Sodom)
God gave them up to dishonorable passions . women exchanged natural relations for unnatural. Men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another , men committing shameless acts with men and, God gave them up to doing everything their evil minds could think of their penalty is death by fire.
I don't think the current situation is about gay sex. I actually don't believe Putin has very strong feelings about gays at all... it has never come up before in his personal comments.
Putin is just looking for a scapegoat. Just like any dictator before him (Stalin and the Siberians, Hitler and the Jews, etc etc) he knows he has to have some identifiable minority to blame. Russia is not doing so well socially or economically and people need to vent their anger on something else, or they'll turn on the Government. Very inconvenient for a dictator.
Putin is a master strategist - probably THE most wily politician on the planet. He is ex-KGB and to climb the ranks of KGB - and then Government - in Russia, you must be incredibly clever and extremely manipulative. Russian Government is probably THE biggest dog-eat-dog system in the world. Your strategies must be perfect and no mistakes, ever. And Putin has excelled at this, moreso than any other Russian politician ever.
He is VERY smart. And he makes no false moves. This anti-gay thing was not done on a whim. He knows it wouldn't be popular internationally. He hasn't done this off-the-cuff. It is VERY carefully planned and executed, and even now Putin is probably 3 steps ahead of all of us.
So... Putin knows he needs a scapegoat. It's news to nobody that it'd be quite useful to him. Nothing consolidates people like a common enemy... this is a well-established truth. Leaders enjoy their best popularity in times of war. Most leaders use this to their advantage - "tough on crime" or "War On Drugs" or terrorism are the popular recent ones in North America, for example.
So... who's to be the scapegoat?
Racial hatred is less of an easy pull these days (even the Ukraine/Russia thing doesn't get people's blood running hot) - however, gays are a perfect target. The Russian Orthodox church already has strong control of the people, a large power base in the Government, and a right-wing dislike of homosexuals. Strategically, it's a perfect choice. Putin knows what he's doing.
This has nothing to do with the general population of Russia. It is not the fault of vodka makers, or the average Joe, or the tycoons. It is the Government using the Church to find an outlet for people's discontent. The people are pawns and the gays are targets.
And it is also for this reason that no matter what protests are launched, nothing will be done about this situation. Putin has NEVER backed down in the face of international pressure, and this issue is really nothing compared to Libya, spying, murders of people (remember the radioactive killing in London?) and Snowdon. He could care less about people's outrage about 3% of his population that 84% of his public dislike anyway. And it's important to his own political career that he keeps that hatred whipped up.
And the thing about Putin is: the more you push, the more he sticks to his guns. If you turn this into a big thing, a challenge, it now becomes a big weakness if he backtracks. In Russian politics, that could be lethal (literally!). By creating an outcry, the gays have pretty much guaranteed by now that Putin will never, ever change his mind.
So the best activism here is not to fly rainbow flags and cry "out loud and proud" but to fund Amnesty International, arrange safe houses and refugee status for gays fleeing Russia, pressure governments, NATO and the UN for sanctions, and so on. It needs to be very solid, very practical action.
I did a check of the vodka products sold here in Quebec, Canada. All alcohol sales here are run by the Government authority, the SAQ, so it's easy to track. Of the 114 products allowed, 113 of them are NOT RUSSIAN. Only Russian Standard vodka is Russian, and it's not available in most of the stores. So basically Dan, you're inciting people to boycott vodka which is almost always made in countries which have nothing to do with Russia... and can even be from gay-friendly countries! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, Dan!
And let's consider what you're doing by boycotting Stolichnaya. You have just boycotted the ONLY alcohol producer in the area who dares to say anything positive about gays. Again: shooting yourself in the foot!
I don't know about you but if I was a vodka company employee and I lost my job due to a boycott... well, if I didn't hate gays before, then I sure would now! Once again: shooting yourself in the foot, Dan...
Meanwhile, the impact to Putin is zero because we're talking about a fraction of the 3% of gays boycotting... what's that mean in general terms, Dan? A fraction of a 3% reduction in gross sales to a single company? Ooh, you're sure hitting him where it hurts... NOT!
But I tell you what you ARE giving Putin. You're serving him a perfect opportunity to use this against you. He can now use this (and the Olympic boycott) as an example of how gays are evil and detrimental to the economy and Russian pride. Putin is a master spin-doctor... don't think he hasn't thought of this! He's probably belly-laughing all day at how wonderfully you're playing right into his hands.
In conclusion: instead of picketing the actual CAUSE of the problem - the Russian Orthodox church and the Government - you're getting gays to go after innocent bystanders, and convincing them that they're doing something positive when they're doing NOTHING, or even making the situation WORSE!
Dan, you're so out of touch here... it's sad. You have clearly done ZERO research into this issue before you jumped on a knee-jerk revenge bandwagon... and far from helping, you are actually hurting gay rights in Russia.
You have, singlehandedly:
- ensured that Putin will never change his mind
- hurt the only company that was even close to gay-friendly
- encouraged gays to boycott things that aren't even Russian, thus hurting gay-neutral or gay-friendly companies
- given Putin powerful weapons to stir up anti-gay sentiment
With friends like you... who needs enemies? Jesus.
Putin is saving children from being adopted from you perverts , by not allowing single men women , queers is saving what dignity the children have .
Imagine the abuse the children would receive sat the hands of two cock suckers and a little girl at the hands of two female vagina lickers and what torture from those women would cause with their plastic , rubber cocks on these little girl\s thank you Putin for saving the children , Shame on North America for allowing those demented rainbow creatures to adopt and abuse innocent children .
Your anger is your torment knowing your abomination is satanic , your evil way of life will not remove your GUILT , OR YOUR TORMENT "
Thank you Putin continue the good work set the Children free.
How do you think now you Queer hypocrite
Being Queer is a choice , no one was ever born Queer ! You choose your faggot life .
God would never have created you that way , remember after Sodom God let you go your own way to do what you choose to do .
Let us keep in the forefront of our minds that real people in the LGBT community are being brutalized by their countrymen with the support of their government in Russia and around the world. The latest anti-LGBT laws in Russia reflect the views of 2/3 of the Russian people, not just Mr. Putin and his party. This is a huge human rights issue that needs serious people to address it in a meaningful way. We should not forget that DOMA was only recently struck down, leaving us with no moral high ground to stand on.
The Olympics will take place in Sochi. They are not going to move it no matter how wrong the Russian laws are nor how much pressure the IOC receives. Planning demonstrations should be the focus of the energy of LGBT activists, not boycotts of the games. Most of us will not be travelling to Sochi, so we should be planning demonstrations wherever we are.
Mr. Savage is wrong about the ownership of Stoli, as has already been pointed out. I support symbolic gestures such as boycotts when they make sense. Boycotting non-Russian vodka (with Russian sounding names) makes the boycotters look ignorant and has the real potential to hurt our allies and innocent bystanders. As others have pointed out there are other Russian exports that would make sense to boycott, such as oil.
Sending a united message to ALL countries that condone the abuse of human rights is our moral responsibility. Boycotting the wrong product is not just slacktivism; it is misguided and potentially dangerous as it may result in more brutality.
What is the end goal here, getting on YouTube for dumping Stoli in the street or actually working to prevent violence of our brothers and sisters?
Okay this...this is not okay. First of all have you even done your research? Because if you have you'd know that Stoli is a firm believer of LGBT rights. In 2006 they funded a tv show on LOGO called Be Real: Stories from Queer America, and currently have two exclusive national partnerships with Gaycities.com and Queerty.com to find the Most Original Stoli Guy. They support the Durban Gay Pride initiative in South Africa, the Pride Parade in Vienna. They are in cooperation with HOSA and CT which are the two biggest LGBT communities in Australia and were part of the Tel Aviv Pride Parade. Further more the Russian government does not own any part of Stoli...it's privately owned by the SPI group which headquarters are in Luxemburg! They get their ingredients and they process it in Russia that is true but the only thing you're doing if you boycott Stoli is putting those people, who's rights are already getting taken away, into unemployment. So next time you go to boycott something...make sure it's for a good reason.
I hope all the institutions that decades ago put up billboards advocating 'Freedom For Soviet Jewry' would find it in their heart to put up billboards advocating 'Freedom For Russian Homosexuals' Oppression continues... only the oppressed have changed.
A distinction should be drawn between the actions of a cruel and corrupt government and the cultural sensibilities of an entire ethnic group. Your message, "Fuck Russia,", is not helpful to the many Russians, both straight and gay, who are suffering under this tyrannical and often sociopathic regime. Rather, it is damaging. It is a direct attack on Russian culture and Russians themselves both domestic and abroad.
In effect, you have responded to hatred and bigotry with an equal share of hatred and bigotry.
@42, @115 and all others interested:
Tortuous means full of twists and turns.
Torturous (note the second ‘r’) refers to pain or suffering.
Tortious: conduct that exposes one to civil liability under tort law.
Good day!
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Saying a solution is stupid contributes absolutely zilch. It's worse than slacktivism-- it still gives you the illusion that you're doing something, but it also gets in the way of those who actually are.
But, the CEO Val Mendeleev of SPI, described as global distributor for Stoli on most websites, has issued a letter to all liquor distributors in the US proclaiming not only allegiance of the Stoli brand to the LGBT community in numerous verifiable ways, but disclaiming the idea that Stoli is a Russian-owned brand at all. In fact he says that SPI, based in Amsterdam, is the sole owner of the brand and that no profits from the company go to the Government of Russia or any other Russian-based owner.
The only real "Russian" connection seems to be that ingredients (wheat, water) come from Russia. Mendeleev stresses that Stoli is distilled in Latvia , is wholly-owned by SPI Amsterdam and that substantial profits in fact go toward promoting a very visible support of gay events internationally.
Dan, I continue to support the ban on Coors because, even though the family doesn't run the company itself anymore, they certainly profit from it as stockholders. My support of that boycott and this Russian boycott stems from a desire to not contribute financially to enemies of the gay community. Please give us your position on the boycott of the Stolichnaya brand and whether, given this scenario of actual ownership, it is still appropriate to boycott Stoli along with other more intrinsically Russian products.
Shawn daddy
This one does allude to such a clause but it is the only one I've ever found and is the one being sourced.
From everything I've read and seen, especially debates they've had on Russian TV, this was never brought up, even by pro LGBT activists whose views were showcased. I have a feeling they would be the first to bring this up. Until I see the transcript of the law, which is difficult to find, there is no reason to believe such a clause exists. The law is vague enough to probably allow for detention of activists (who are planning public displays that are banned under the law) but no reason to think it goes further as it stands now.
Russia exports a lot more oil than vodka - but god forbid we ever stop driving our cars!
Of course not. That's asinine. Makes about as much sense as Congress putting Freedom Fries on their lunch menu. People are upset about the situation in Russia (legitimately) but doing something irrational and unproductive won't help. It now appears that a Stoli Boycott will do more to hurt LGBT communities than make any changes in Russian public and political opinions. And for the record, I don't approve boycotting the Sochi Olympics either.
But what would have an effect is to contact NBC and our elected representatives and demand they pressure Putin's Government to protect their LGBT citizens. Or how about demanding Donald Trump pull his Miss Universe Pageant from Moscow? Sadly, that's probably too much work for many folks - much easier to switch vodkas and forget about it :(
You're confusing "tortious" with "tortuous." Just because the Latin root of the word "tort" (giving us "tortious") is the same as "torture" (giving us "tortuous") doesn't mean Venomlash is committing a civil offense by pointing out that you're a moronic fucking blowhard, SROTU. It's not defamatory or libelous, either-- because truth is an absolute defense. The "fucking" part is hyperbole, obviously: no reasonable person would believe that you ever get laid. Anyway, please shut the fuck up forever, thanks.
Go ask Coors Beer and the Coors family whether boycotts work or not. For those who don’t remember, the Coors family supported right-wing, homophobic organizations and causes like the Heritage Institute and the American Enterprise Institute, which is their right, but they also tried to bust the brewery workers union and unfairly fired gay and lesbian employees in 1977 — setting off a decade-long boycott of Coors beer in the gay community. After a bitter fight and a change in management, Coors encouraged gay and lesbian workers to organize and in May 1995 Coors became the 21st publicly traded US corporation to extend employee benefits to same-sex partners — long before most other companies. Don’t let anyone tell you boycotts don’t work; they do! More importantly, they bring public scrutiny and condemnation upon the wrongdoers. Business is about making money and, as has been noted many times before, money talks.
SPI Group understands the power of boycotts all too well, which is why they've mounted a major PR campaign to protect their LGBT market share. Suddenly the Stoli website has gone rainbow gay and PR flacks are shouting out the company's support for LGBT rights. And they're buying positive press at media outlets like Queerty by "sponsoring" events that pour cash into their coffers. They should take this money and donate to underfunded Russian LGBT organizations that are under siege and mount a media campaign against the oppression of gays and lesbians in Russia, but they don't -- because there's no profit in it for them. So they continue funding this cynical PR campaign to keep gays in the West swilling Stoli -- a mediocre vodka at best.
I salute all the gay bars who have stopped serving Stoli. But it's not just this company. All LGBT people of conscience should BOYCOTT ALL RUSSIAN PRODUCTS AND THE 2014 SOCHI OLYMPICS. Hit them where it hurts...in the wallet and the court of public opinion. Putin is a vain little dictator who cares about this image in the world. Actions must have consequences. Make Putin, the Duma, and the Russian Orthodox Church pay for this anti-gay pogrom!
You're a fucking moron. Shefler hasn't been in Russia for a decade because he's a fugitive from the Russian justice system because Putin wants to throw him in jail. Not only are you completely wrong on the facts, your condescending tone makes you look like the double the asshole you already are.
I'm not going to tell anyone that they should or shouldn't boycott anything here (I'll just get ripped by the all-powerful pro-boycott gay mafia), but I will ask you this: Do you really want the situation in Russia to change? Because if you do, jumping on a mobwagon of pouring vodka down the sewer is a pretty idiotic way to accomplish it.
Like I said, I have no idea what the answer is. So all I could think to do was send the following email (which I wrote myself -- what?!! I didn't sign on to a pre-written petition? I'm a madman) to the president, vice-president, both California senators and my congressman:
Dear [ ],
I'm writing to you because I'm not sure what as American citizens we can do to protect LGBT citizens of Russia. People are calling for boycotts of Russian Vodka and of the 2014 Winter Olympics. While those things make for good media sound bites, I feel they achieve little else.
So I'm writing to you to ask, what can our government do? Are there economic sanctions that can be put in place? Can the United Nations do anything to help?
Also, what can private citizens do? Is there anything I can do as a US citizen that can make a difference in this situation? I would like to help if I can.
Finally, thank you for your continued support of civil rights everywhere.
Petr Pronsati
We definitely WON"T be going on a Russian River cruise like we had planned for next year. I couldn't pass for str8 if my life depended on it & it sounds like in Russia that it just might !
We definitely WON"T be going on a Russian River cruise like we had planned for next year. I couldn't pass for str8 if my life depended on it & it sounds like in Russia that it just might !
So, all the Russians say is "don't touch the children!". Does anyone disagree???
I'm all for protesting and doing something to let Putin know his actions won't be tolerated by the LGBT community. Hell, I think we should cancel the Olympics this year. Just don't want to hurt companies that have supported us in the past. Not fair for them that their government is making bad policies.
Private citizens own these products and produce them using ordinary citizens. The Stoli company is not based in Russia and supports gay non-profits and events.
Gay and lesbians work for these companies as well distribute this product around the world.
Putting people out of work for the sake of making a (emotionally rushed) statement is asinine.
The Russian (and Soviet Government before them) has been repressive since 1917. I don't know how you punish a government for stupidity and for hate, but Im all for finding out a way to do it!
Boycott Stoli - Simples...
There is something else for the gay community to consider, BAN RUSSIA TODAY NEWS.
Or RT as they now call it because of being called out for not being about Russia but putting out hyperbole, white lies on anything Western. Putin spends millions on this Russian propagana machine. RT is Putins KGB press and a precious invention by the Kremlin to diffuse Russias problems by calling out the Wests problems.
Westerners already know the problems their countries face, do Westerners really need a fake caring Russian taking advantage of Westerners issues to appeal to a liberal audience when Russias "conservative" laws ignore human rights? RT has no interest in helping anyone Western, their agenda is for Russia. If you watch RT still you are supporting the violence in the pictures shown of the beatings . You are supporting the sick men who set up suspecting gays and lured them to their homes and beat them.
Another thing to consider is Ketchum
Ketchum acquires Moscow-based Maslow PR
NEW YORK and MOSCOW – Ketchum, a leading global marketing and corporate communication consultancy, has taken a majority position in Maslov PR, the Moscow-based, full-service Russian public relations company. The firm, to be called Ketchum Maslov, will be led by Michael Maslov, managing director and founder of Maslov PR, and Serguey Chumin, his business partner of several years.
Older article but to give you an idea
PR groups cash in on Russian conflict
Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia are using public relations firms to influence the western media, writes David Teather
a snipet
" In conflicts gone by, it might have been called propaganda, but it is now carefully co-ordinated public relations, devised by agencies in London, Washington and Brussels. Russia hired Ketchum three years ago, to work on burnishing its image ahead of its chairing of the G8 in St Petersburg, and it has continued to use the New York-based PR agency ever since. The hiring of the company, thought to be the first time Moscow had engaged a western PR firm, was seen by many as a sign of Russia's changing relationship with the west.
Ketchum has around 50 people working on the account in the G8 countries, and uses its fellow Omnicom agency GPlus in Brussels. In London, GPlus subcontracts to Portland, which is run by Tim Allan, the former No 10 spin doctor, and the BBC's former Moscow correspondent Angus Roxburgh,"
From Russia With PR
Several opinion columns praising Russia and published in the last two years on CNBC’s web site and the Huffington Post were written by seemingly independent professionals but were placed on behalf of the Russian government by its public-relations firm, Ketchum.
The columns, written by two businessmen, a lawyer, and an academic, heap praise on the Russian government for its “ambitious modernization strategy” and “enforcement of laws designed to better protect business and reduce corruption.” One of the CNBC opinion pieces, authored by an executive at a Moscow-based investment bank, concludes that “Russia may well be the most dynamic place on the continent.”
There’s nothing unusual about Ketchum’s work on behalf of Russia. Public relations firms constantly peddle op-eds on behalf of politicians, corporations, and governments. Rarely if ever do publications disclose the role of a PR firm in placing an op-ed, so it’s unusual to get a glimpse behind the scenes and see how an op-ed was generated.
What readers of the CNBC and Huffington Post pieces did not know — but Justice Department foreign agent registration filings by Ketchum show — is that the columns were placed by the public-relations firm working on a contract with the Russian government to, among other things, promote the country “as a place favorable for foreign investments.”
So, there is more than just Vodka to hit, if any one really wants to make a stand, go after Ketchum, any news outlets that use this PR. Though the Huffington Post has done good reporting on what is going on in Russia as they have worked with Russia and Ketchum.
There is more than Russian booze to make a dent in. We can do it.
You may as well boycott Sex in the City reruns for employing Mikhail Baryshnikov, it will have the same effect.
www.spi-group.com In addition to Russian exports such as vodka I think that any company that gets profit from Russia should also be boycotted so any company that maintains a head office in Russia should also be targeted, even if it is north American based.. they are doing business there and making money so they should also be targeted to enforce north American values on the society. Russia is no longer communist and has to play in the real world of commerce, and in commerce they have to get used to the fact that they cannot do as they please.. In addition we should also be boycotting all other nations that do not give human rights to gays and there are lots of them and for some reason we are currently focusing on Russia but this should extend to any country that persecutes gay people
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The clip was put on air by a director at the channel who had quarrelled with the management, reported regional news website Znak.com, citing sources. The channel had previously aired glowing footage of pig farming and regional governor Mikhail Yurevich, a member of ruling party United Russia, making clear its pro-Kremlin loyalties. It would be unthinkable for Russian state television to air a report critical of Putin.
The planted news item went on to link Putin to the 2006 murder of journalist and Kremlin critic Anna Politkovskaya and attack corruption that had reached "unimaginable heights". It launched into the terrorist attacks at the beginning of Putin's presidency, saying they raised his approval rating, before the channel abruptly switched back to footage of the governor, with no explanation.
The broadcast material came from a Russian-language channel, TV PIK, based in Georgia, which fought a brief war with Russia in 2008, according to Gruzia Online news website. The head of Eastern Express channel, Valery Shagiyev, headed a regional supporters' group for Vladimir Putin during his 2012 election campaign. Shagiyev called the stunt an "act of hooliganism" in comments to regional news site Uralpolit.ru, saying the director responsible would be sacked.
Russia giving away tickets to the World Athletic Championships otherwise not enough people will come (RUSSIAN)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/sport/2013/… …
Do your research. Stoli as a company is at war with the Russian government and have been for some time.
If you read into it properly you will discovered it was once Soviet not Russian (made in soviet union in Latvia) and after it was bought (disputed) by Yuri who lives in London, they have since been in some serious arguments that Russia actually changed its laws stating any vodka not produced and bottled in russia can no longer call itself a Russian vodka. (This brand has been banned in Russia) in fact by boycotting this brand you are doing the Russian government a favour (trust me, I work in the alcohol industry and they will thank you for this silly unresearched choice)
Go find an actual Russian brand and boycott that
By doing that they are guilty of propaganda under those new laws and should have been arrested. Why that didn't happen? BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT IN RUSSIA.
Please stop your silly boycott and direct your combined forces somewhere else.
Drinking STOLI is the new activism, Nasdrovje!
Hit them where it hurts: Gazprom...
Who needs Russian gas when we have about 2,000 years of reserves in shale gas here in the UK and there in Europe?
And with new propane technologies replacing dangerous fracking, who the fuck needs macho Putin?
Hit them where it hurts: Gazprom...
Who needs Russian gas when we have about 2,000 years of reserves in shale gas here in the UK and there in Europe?
And with new propane technologies replacing dangerous fracking, who the fuck needs macho Putin?
Is it good for two male Cock suckers to adopt a little boy ? You idiots who think it is should be locked up with the queers. in a civilized world do you think Lesbians and homo's are normal they want to run the world adopt and turn innocent children into their
way of life .
Your all sick , mentally ill and should be locked up .
Soon you and all your supporters will be destroyed again remember Sodom ?
Locking up these sick demented queers is a blessing to humans .
Do you want those sick , mental queers adopting little boys and girls and turning the Childs life in to their sick way of life to men sucking each others penis and fucking each other in the ass ! what will happen to the children they adopt ?
Two women eating each others vagina and fucking each other in the vagina and ass with a big piece of plastic , what will happen to children they adopt ?
Thank God one country in the world is standing up for rights of the children and you idiots are protesting this Sodom will come upon you quickly . As for me I will now buy Russian vodka , thank you Putin
They are far from gay they are not happy but tormented .
Thank you Russia for protecting the children from the queers !!!
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness (remember Sodom)
God gave them up to dishonorable passions . women exchanged natural relations for unnatural. Men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another , men committing shameless acts with men and, God gave them up to doing everything their evil minds could think of their penalty is death by fire.
Putin is just looking for a scapegoat. Just like any dictator before him (Stalin and the Siberians, Hitler and the Jews, etc etc) he knows he has to have some identifiable minority to blame. Russia is not doing so well socially or economically and people need to vent their anger on something else, or they'll turn on the Government. Very inconvenient for a dictator.
Putin is a master strategist - probably THE most wily politician on the planet. He is ex-KGB and to climb the ranks of KGB - and then Government - in Russia, you must be incredibly clever and extremely manipulative. Russian Government is probably THE biggest dog-eat-dog system in the world. Your strategies must be perfect and no mistakes, ever. And Putin has excelled at this, moreso than any other Russian politician ever.
He is VERY smart. And he makes no false moves. This anti-gay thing was not done on a whim. He knows it wouldn't be popular internationally. He hasn't done this off-the-cuff. It is VERY carefully planned and executed, and even now Putin is probably 3 steps ahead of all of us.
So... Putin knows he needs a scapegoat. It's news to nobody that it'd be quite useful to him. Nothing consolidates people like a common enemy... this is a well-established truth. Leaders enjoy their best popularity in times of war. Most leaders use this to their advantage - "tough on crime" or "War On Drugs" or terrorism are the popular recent ones in North America, for example.
So... who's to be the scapegoat?
Racial hatred is less of an easy pull these days (even the Ukraine/Russia thing doesn't get people's blood running hot) - however, gays are a perfect target. The Russian Orthodox church already has strong control of the people, a large power base in the Government, and a right-wing dislike of homosexuals. Strategically, it's a perfect choice. Putin knows what he's doing.
This has nothing to do with the general population of Russia. It is not the fault of vodka makers, or the average Joe, or the tycoons. It is the Government using the Church to find an outlet for people's discontent. The people are pawns and the gays are targets.
And it is also for this reason that no matter what protests are launched, nothing will be done about this situation. Putin has NEVER backed down in the face of international pressure, and this issue is really nothing compared to Libya, spying, murders of people (remember the radioactive killing in London?) and Snowdon. He could care less about people's outrage about 3% of his population that 84% of his public dislike anyway. And it's important to his own political career that he keeps that hatred whipped up.
And the thing about Putin is: the more you push, the more he sticks to his guns. If you turn this into a big thing, a challenge, it now becomes a big weakness if he backtracks. In Russian politics, that could be lethal (literally!). By creating an outcry, the gays have pretty much guaranteed by now that Putin will never, ever change his mind.
So the best activism here is not to fly rainbow flags and cry "out loud and proud" but to fund Amnesty International, arrange safe houses and refugee status for gays fleeing Russia, pressure governments, NATO and the UN for sanctions, and so on. It needs to be very solid, very practical action.
I did a check of the vodka products sold here in Quebec, Canada. All alcohol sales here are run by the Government authority, the SAQ, so it's easy to track. Of the 114 products allowed, 113 of them are NOT RUSSIAN. Only Russian Standard vodka is Russian, and it's not available in most of the stores. So basically Dan, you're inciting people to boycott vodka which is almost always made in countries which have nothing to do with Russia... and can even be from gay-friendly countries! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, Dan!
And let's consider what you're doing by boycotting Stolichnaya. You have just boycotted the ONLY alcohol producer in the area who dares to say anything positive about gays. Again: shooting yourself in the foot!
I don't know about you but if I was a vodka company employee and I lost my job due to a boycott... well, if I didn't hate gays before, then I sure would now! Once again: shooting yourself in the foot, Dan...
Meanwhile, the impact to Putin is zero because we're talking about a fraction of the 3% of gays boycotting... what's that mean in general terms, Dan? A fraction of a 3% reduction in gross sales to a single company? Ooh, you're sure hitting him where it hurts... NOT!
But I tell you what you ARE giving Putin. You're serving him a perfect opportunity to use this against you. He can now use this (and the Olympic boycott) as an example of how gays are evil and detrimental to the economy and Russian pride. Putin is a master spin-doctor... don't think he hasn't thought of this! He's probably belly-laughing all day at how wonderfully you're playing right into his hands.
In conclusion: instead of picketing the actual CAUSE of the problem - the Russian Orthodox church and the Government - you're getting gays to go after innocent bystanders, and convincing them that they're doing something positive when they're doing NOTHING, or even making the situation WORSE!
Dan, you're so out of touch here... it's sad. You have clearly done ZERO research into this issue before you jumped on a knee-jerk revenge bandwagon... and far from helping, you are actually hurting gay rights in Russia.
You have, singlehandedly:
- ensured that Putin will never change his mind
- hurt the only company that was even close to gay-friendly
- encouraged gays to boycott things that aren't even Russian, thus hurting gay-neutral or gay-friendly companies
- given Putin powerful weapons to stir up anti-gay sentiment
With friends like you... who needs enemies? Jesus.
Imagine the abuse the children would receive sat the hands of two cock suckers and a little girl at the hands of two female vagina lickers and what torture from those women would cause with their plastic , rubber cocks on these little girl\s thank you Putin for saving the children , Shame on North America for allowing those demented rainbow creatures to adopt and abuse innocent children .
Because you're an intolerant heterophobic bigot hypocrite who prefers to drink piss anyway!
Thank you Putin continue the good work set the Children free.
How do you think now you Queer hypocrite
God would never have created you that way , remember after Sodom God let you go your own way to do what you choose to do .
The Olympics will take place in Sochi. They are not going to move it no matter how wrong the Russian laws are nor how much pressure the IOC receives. Planning demonstrations should be the focus of the energy of LGBT activists, not boycotts of the games. Most of us will not be travelling to Sochi, so we should be planning demonstrations wherever we are.
Mr. Savage is wrong about the ownership of Stoli, as has already been pointed out. I support symbolic gestures such as boycotts when they make sense. Boycotting non-Russian vodka (with Russian sounding names) makes the boycotters look ignorant and has the real potential to hurt our allies and innocent bystanders. As others have pointed out there are other Russian exports that would make sense to boycott, such as oil.
Sending a united message to ALL countries that condone the abuse of human rights is our moral responsibility. Boycotting the wrong product is not just slacktivism; it is misguided and potentially dangerous as it may result in more brutality.
What is the end goal here, getting on YouTube for dumping Stoli in the street or actually working to prevent violence of our brothers and sisters?
I'm relieved that I'm not the only one who feels this way. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/21/opinio…
In effect, you have responded to hatred and bigotry with an equal share of hatred and bigotry.
Tortuous means full of twists and turns.
Torturous (note the second ‘r’) refers to pain or suffering.
Tortious: conduct that exposes one to civil liability under tort law.
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You live in the country that runs the GITMO GULAG - and you want to lecture others on human rights, you SACK OF SCUM????????????
My best wishes from Orlando!