That statement is rich coming from a politician who spend hundreds of thousands on consultants to implode his mayoral campaign. Full disclosure: I contributed to Burgess in the past but never will again.
@6, the "they" you refer to here -- who is it, exactly? The city and county has fought to fund Metro. The legislature is drowning transit funding in the bathtub.
After observing locally (here in Oregon) the serious damage that can be afflicted to a community by only one half dozen members of a well organized, covert and under veil, team of disgruntled journalists pissed off to high heaven over the death of the propaganda and sellout machine that has become all news media businesses under the control of the AP and other affiliated ticks leeching off of the labor of the general population whom they view themselves above
the public servants of City, County Government as well as law enforcement branches of government, could become immune to the sabotaging effort of such "news" crews monkey wrenches
I would much rather light a candle than curse your darkness, but I've been shown time and time again how much journalists care about the truth…
Oh, and it's "Seattleite".
You've truly been an inspiration
After observing locally (here in Oregon) the serious damage that can be afflicted to a community by only one half dozen members of a well organized, covert and under veil, team of disgruntled journalists pissed off to high heaven over the death of the propaganda and sellout machine that has become all news media businesses under the control of the AP and other affiliated ticks leeching off of the labor of the general population whom they view themselves above
the public servants of City, County Government as well as law enforcement branches of government, could become immune to the sabotaging effort of such "news" crews monkey wrenches
I would much rather light a candle than curse your darkness, but I've been shown time and time again how much journalists care about the truth
which is to not give a shit at all