Over at the conservative site National Review, Alec Torres says:

Hallmark recently released a Christmas-sweater ornament that changed the words of the famous Christmas carol “Deck the Halls” to “Don we now our fun apparel.” The traditional lyrics are “Don we now our gay apparel.”

Hallmark was then besieged by angry people, but the array of things those people were angry about is quite wide: For some, they're mad about "political correctness" and the war on Christmas. Others demand that Hallmark needs to apologize to "the gay community" for leaving the word out.

Hallmark apologized for offending people, saying they were "surprised at the wide range of reactions expressed" for the lyric change. In retrospect, they say, "we realize we shouldn’t have changed the lyrics on the ornament.” Of course, the comments on the National Review story range from very homophobic (someone makes a dumb anal sex joke about The Flintstones) to dully War-on-Christmas obsessed, to conspiracy-minded complaints about how gay people have subverted a perfectly good word:

"Deck the Halls" dates to the 16th century. Homosexuals have called themselves "gays" for a few years. Liberals love to pervert our language, giving words new meanings that advance their agenda. Maybe homosexuals should've thought about what gay actually means & not be so thin-skinned.

In conclusion, "Deck the Halls" is a terrible song.