There are no words strong enough to convey my horror and disgust at these underhanded tactics. It is clear that our Republican state leaders have absolutely no concern for the people of Washington State. It is clear that Rodney Tom has sold his soul to the devil. I wonder if he thinks it is worth it? I also agree with @8. Funding for state programs should not be subject to such flimsy whims as this. Also, Jan Angel is no angel.
@8 Agreed. One of the things I hate is when politicians tie the funding for something with a fee on something else. Taxes on cigarettes funding health programs. Even gas taxes funding roads. Even in situations like this where it seems to make sense it creates perverse incentives as the decline in smoking guts the programs designed to help fund health programs or the increase in vehicle gas mileage guts the highway funds. Unless there is a very good reason everything should go through the general fund.
i'm not surprised. conservatives think that liberals in this state created homelessness. if you don't fund it, it will just go away, right?
that, or they know the odds are good that desperate people will be more likely to hit seattle liberals in the head with bricks, rather than suburban or rural conservatives.
Why doesn't Ed Murray make a phone call? I hear he's got great relations in Olympia. Maybe he can clear up this whole "who will pay for the tunnel" thing at the same time.
Conservatives believe that the homeless are lazy undeserving bums so there's zero surprise. The non-Seattle legislators figure that the homeless will go to Seattle and settle in Pioneer Square or Belltown so for them, no big deal.
@19 Yes they have, which is why, from their perspective, many republicans wouldn't see to need to fund a roof over a homeless person's head when they readily use the sidewalks, alleys and the local missions of those neighborhoods.
On the Rodney Tom tip, why don't Dems do what Republicans do when their people veer too far from the farm which is to run an opposition candidate from their party who is much more responsive to the base. But the dems are too weak, chicken sh*t and bought and paid for to do that.......Or maybe the people in that burb that he reps like him just fine for the reactionary that he is?
@12. Yeah. I say we just stop funding ALL programs for the homeless. That way, the "homeless industry" will just die out. Problem solved! (As long as the problem is "I have to look at homeless people," and not "Homeless people are dying in the streets.")
@18 And you think those low-cost states are any more generous to their homeless populations? If you just don't give a shit, at least have the courage to say so. Statements like this just make the people who make them look stupid and completely divorced from reality.
Wow...I don't remember County Commissioner Angel voting against the use of those funds when she was on the Regional Council that decided where those funds would be used. I guess she is not so close to the people that benefit from roof over their heads any longer. As State Senator, she has lost her touch with the people in Kitsap County.
What fnarf @22 said. I never thought it possible to out-asshole Don Benton. Well, the Koch Brothers sure got their money's worth when they bought Senator Angel her new seat. She's been stewing in the House, just waiting until she could grab a gavel in the Senate to fuck over the poor.
@18 That is the worst thing I've ever read from you. Seriously. "Oh, just move to Kansas or something. No big deal. That's like taking a bus across town. It's just a couple dollars, that's all. Don't worry if you don't know what's there. And once you're there, everybody will be so nice, pretty soon you'll have a house and a job. It's so easy! But Seattle is just not for poor people like you. I'm sorry."
How cold and dark does your heart have to be to deliberately cut essential aid for the neediest, without the slightest justification, just to score a political point? How hateful and shriveled does your soul have to be? Why is it that Republicans can't win statewide anymore? Where does their nasty reputation come from? This is one of the worst political stories from this state I've ever heard. If we could measure it with a meter, it would probably have set some sort of record.
For the love of god, somebody with some chops please run against Rodney Tom. There's zero excuse why he should still be there. These people are an actual menace to society. Forget the crazy, drunken hoboes. Be afraid of what Senate Republicans are doing to you. Because of Senate Republicans, you'll encounter even more crazy, drunken hoboes than before. This is a law-and-order, public-safety issue! Isn't that what Republicans were so supposedly good at?
Sen. Jan Angel represents LD-26, not LD-27 as indicated - she was elected in a special election last November that was virtually ignored by The Stranger and everyone else in Seattle in favor of the in-the-end-it-didn't-matter contest between McGinn vs Murray. Thanks for strengthening (by default) Rodney Tom's grip on the state Senate.
Yeah, mea culpa. I should have but didn't send her opponent a contribution. I had no idea she would be so irresponsible and petty as to do something like this. Disgusting!
@18: Bailo....seriously, go choke on a cum covered sock.
I just wrote to Rodney Tom's office calling him out for this weaselly maneuver. Not that I think he listens, but it does make me feel a teensy bit better. Time to donate to his opponent and get Rodney "Fuckface" Tom out of office.
Former Kirkland Mayor Joan McBride is running against Rodney Tom. Whereas Rodney Tom has never demonstrated any connection to the social services, Joan McBride has significant connections to the social services. She is on the board of Friends of Youth, the youth shelter. She is also strongly associated with Hopelink, Imagine Housing and Eastside Baby Corner (which provides clothes, household items and school supplies to children).
Know how I help the homeless problem? There are two steps. I earn MY OWN money for housing. Then I pay (well, paid since I own my house) for that housing.
Know what I don't want to pay for? Yep. Other peoples housing.
Grow the hell up liberals. Nobody owes you shelter. Nobody owes you food or medical care. These are things adults (look it up kids, it's a real interesting word!) buy FOR THEMSELVES.
Oh and so you know Herz, you dribbling moron, democracy, American or not, is not a license to steal. Voting those who won't work the income of those who do is theft, not democracy.
@46: I'm sure other people didn't particularly want to pay for your American education when you were a kid, then. Guess what? They did anyway because they were patriots who cared more about the overall well-being of the nation than having another $20 in their pockets. And now you've gone and wasted the education they gave you by being so deliberately stupid.
When Angel said: "That is not correct. All parties are not in agreement, and therefore I have adjourned the meeting. So we'll continue to work on this during interim..." doesn't that mean that they're just going home for the night and will discuss it later?
@ Seattleblues: Mathew 25 morherfucker.
Don't you ever come in here again and pretend to be a Christian you crazy Dickensian caricature.
You are awful.
Because our idiotic legislature has allowed illegal foreclosures to continue unfettered for the last SEVEN YEARS.
In fact, what these idiotic legislators aren't even talking about is: MERS (a banking scam corporate entity) has been stealing MILLIONS from our state through not recording assignments and transfers of interest in real property......effectively taking MILLIONS from our homeless funding.
And only NOW the legislators are talking about it? Olympia is the biggest god damn joke. They all need to be fired.
OK SO Frank Chopp Started LIHI, Low Income Housing institute 23 years ago with Scott Morrow of SHARE/Nicklesvile FAME who claims to take No salary, no job since he left the Seattle Tenants Union working with Nick Licata's Lisa Herbold.
AND we have Michael Riehert Catholic Community Services Head, who gets MILLIONS in Tax Money to run the KC211 System, Send the homeless to SHARE, buddy Scott, until 6 weeks to get an intake appointment for Housing, LIHI is run by Franks Buddy Sharon Lee who's benefits and salary are close to $200,000.00 a year. and it is rumored that Frank Chopp who started Solid Ground has a consulting fee,
Thank you, #53, for helping me understand the connection between Frank Chopp, Solid Ground and Washington CAN. That is very interesting. Democrats trying to *say* they are for the down-trodden, but really, they AREN'T.
Washington CAN told me when I first started lobbying for the foreclosure victims: "We will not support you in this effort." Oh really? You don't want to stop the slide of victims into foreclosure?
NOW, everything makes sense. That fuckwad Frank Chopp and his bullshit Democrats. BTW, not saying that the bullshit Repugs are better. BOTH parties are so corrupt beyond belief.
So, if cutting it $30 means 62.5% of funds disappear, does that mean the fee is now ~$50? Because if $50 is a break-point in a housing purchase, you've got bigger problems. $50 is peanuts when buying a home!
The guy answering Angel's phone- 360-786-7650 is not just taking our name and complaints/concerns, he's debating with constituents, and not in the kindest way possible (not surprising). Then again, neither was I. My first sentence was that I was disappointed with her decision and that this would hurt people. His response "Who will it hurt?" WTF?! That's pretty much set the tone.
I was on the phone for over 10 mins & now I am now angrier than before. Probably not the result that they intended.
He's trying to claim that there were major problems with the bill, but she should/would have said that on the senate floor or offered amendments. When I said it was bi-partisan he shot back with "That doesn't mean unanimous." Well fucking, DUH, I wanted t o say, but instead I said. Bi-partisan agreement on anything is a rare thing in the Senate today.
He's saying that they'll take it up again in two weeks, I'm sure by reducing the fee again because he was basically bitching about how much is in the fund now.
I will be watching to see what happens next and told him to look forward to my call. UGH!
Please call the WA Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 and tell your representatives you support housing for homeless people. Tell them to âEnsure that the homeless housing and assistance surcharge fees donât sunset. Please support ESHB 2368.â
Rodney Tom is doing a fantastic job at representing his constituency. Why in the f*** should people in Medina care about the homeless? They don't live in Medina. I think it's brilliant that he's a "Democrat." That way his rich technocrat "liberal" neighbors can feel good about voting for him and he can fuck up WA state government all he wants. The guy deserves his own country to run. How about Venezuela?
"The median list price per square foot in Medina is $698, which is higher than the Seattle Metro average of $167. The median price of homes currently listed in Medina is $2,798,800 while the median price of homes that sold is $1,350,000."
Joan mcbride is running against rodney tom. Although he is running as a d, he is in fact nit. Joan mcbride is the true d candidate and endorsed by the democrats of wa.
Here is her website.
> and realtors or out of political retribution,"
The buyer almost always pays the recording fees, so this is not much of a favor to the bankers or realtors - this is just him being a full-on dick.
Point two: How fucked up is our state that important programs are funded by fucking fees (that can be rescinded at any time) and not by real taxes?
that, or they know the odds are good that desperate people will be more likely to hit seattle liberals in the head with bricks, rather than suburban or rural conservatives.
Same goes for hobos and pigeons.
Any low rent state or city would be a better option.
Funding these programs, many of which spend exorbitant amounts per person, is simply foolish.
haven't they done that already?
When you're pissing off DON FUCKING BENTON with an end-run around to the right, you're really off the charts. I didn't even think that was possible.
On the Rodney Tom tip, why don't Dems do what Republicans do when their people veer too far from the farm which is to run an opposition candidate from their party who is much more responsive to the base. But the dems are too weak, chicken sh*t and bought and paid for to do that.......Or maybe the people in that burb that he reps like him just fine for the reactionary that he is?
How cold and dark does your heart have to be to deliberately cut essential aid for the neediest, without the slightest justification, just to score a political point? How hateful and shriveled does your soul have to be? Why is it that Republicans can't win statewide anymore? Where does their nasty reputation come from? This is one of the worst political stories from this state I've ever heard. If we could measure it with a meter, it would probably have set some sort of record.
For the love of god, somebody with some chops please run against Rodney Tom. There's zero excuse why he should still be there. These people are an actual menace to society. Forget the crazy, drunken hoboes. Be afraid of what Senate Republicans are doing to you. Because of Senate Republicans, you'll encounter even more crazy, drunken hoboes than before. This is a law-and-order, public-safety issue! Isn't that what Republicans were so supposedly good at?
I just wrote to Rodney Tom's office calling him out for this weaselly maneuver. Not that I think he listens, but it does make me feel a teensy bit better. Time to donate to his opponent and get Rodney "Fuckface" Tom out of office.
Know what I don't want to pay for? Yep. Other peoples housing.
Grow the hell up liberals. Nobody owes you shelter. Nobody owes you food or medical care. These are things adults (look it up kids, it's a real interesting word!) buy FOR THEMSELVES.
Don't you ever come in here again and pretend to be a Christian you crazy Dickensian caricature.
You are awful.
Because our idiotic legislature has allowed illegal foreclosures to continue unfettered for the last SEVEN YEARS.
In fact, what these idiotic legislators aren't even talking about is: MERS (a banking scam corporate entity) has been stealing MILLIONS from our state through not recording assignments and transfers of interest in real property......effectively taking MILLIONS from our homeless funding.
And only NOW the legislators are talking about it? Olympia is the biggest god damn joke. They all need to be fired.
AND we have Michael Riehert Catholic Community Services Head, who gets MILLIONS in Tax Money to run the KC211 System, Send the homeless to SHARE, buddy Scott, until 6 weeks to get an intake appointment for Housing, LIHI is run by Franks Buddy Sharon Lee who's benefits and salary are close to $200,000.00 a year. and it is rumored that Frank Chopp who started Solid Ground has a consulting fee,
Washington CAN told me when I first started lobbying for the foreclosure victims: "We will not support you in this effort." Oh really? You don't want to stop the slide of victims into foreclosure?
NOW, everything makes sense. That fuckwad Frank Chopp and his bullshit Democrats. BTW, not saying that the bullshit Repugs are better. BOTH parties are so corrupt beyond belief.
I was on the phone for over 10 mins & now I am now angrier than before. Probably not the result that they intended.
He's trying to claim that there were major problems with the bill, but she should/would have said that on the senate floor or offered amendments. When I said it was bi-partisan he shot back with "That doesn't mean unanimous." Well fucking, DUH, I wanted t o say, but instead I said. Bi-partisan agreement on anything is a rare thing in the Senate today.
He's saying that they'll take it up again in two weeks, I'm sure by reducing the fee again because he was basically bitching about how much is in the fund now.
I will be watching to see what happens next and told him to look forward to my call. UGH!
Please call the WA Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 and tell your representatives you support housing for homeless people. Tell them to âEnsure that the homeless housing and assistance surcharge fees donât sunset. Please support ESHB 2368.â
"The median list price per square foot in Medina is $698, which is higher than the Seattle Metro average of $167. The median price of homes currently listed in Medina is $2,798,800 while the median price of homes that sold is $1,350,000."
Here is her website.